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Running Geronimo on Harmony

This article describes the ways and known issues to run Geronimo v2.1 using Apache Harmony as a JVM.

This article has the following structure:

General note

This article was written using the following environment:

Geronimo v2.1 Jetty full J2EE version (geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-2.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.zip)
Harmony snapshot r617157 (Jan 31 2008), Windows/ia32/msvc 1310, debug build
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, 32-bit, English

In geronimo-tomcat6, the behavior is slightly different, which we already elaborated in the later paragraph.

Unresolved issues

Here's the brief summary of all the unresolved issues that require attention:

  • HARMONY-5523Geronimo Console displays memory usage information incorrectly (investigated, not critical).
  • Application fails to terminate properly – pressing Ctrl-C starts shutdown process that is never finished (uninvestigated).

Geronimo configuration

It's recommended that you backup your var/config/config.xml file before editing it – you may need the original file if you want to run your Geronimo installation on Sun Java or if you make a mistake while editing and damage the file beyond repair.

Configure the server to use Harmony RMI Registry provider for JNDI

Harmony places JNDI providers in org.apache.harmony.jndi package tree, not in com.sun.jndi like Sun Java does, so you have to point Geronimo into the right direction to locate and properly access the RMI Registry provider.

For that, edit var/config/config.xml file, adjust NamingProperties GBean configuration as follows:

xmlsolid <gbean name="NamingProperties"> <attribute name="namingFactoryUrlPkgs">org.apache.harmony.jndi.provider</attribute> <attribute name="namingProviderUrl">rmi://${ServerHostname}:${NamingPort + PortOffset}</attribute> </gbean>

Use TLS instead of SSL

Harmony doesn't have SSL implementation (see HARMONY-5191), so the following statements have to be added to var/config/config.xml file to instruct Geronimo to use TLS instead of SSL:

xmlsolid <module name="org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-corba-yoko/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car"> <gbean name="CORBASSLConfig"> <attribute name="protocol">TLS</attribute> </gbean> <gbean name="NameServer"> ...

Change default keystore type

Geronimo uses a JKS keystore that Harmony doesn't support, see GERONIMO-3757 for details. So you have to generate another keystore, of PKCS12, BKS (default for Harmony), or another type Harmony has support for, and to instruct Geronimo to use it.

To convert the existing Geronimo JKS keystore to PKCS12 type, you could use a simple Java program like JKStoPKCS12.java. The program needs to be run on Sun Java, as it supports both JKS and PKCS12 keystores. If you need a BKS keystore, you'd need to convert your PKCS12 keystore again, with PKCS12toBKS.java running on Harmony – as Sun Java doesn't support BKS and Harmony doesn't support JKS.

Alternatively, you could use the pregenerated PKCS12 or BKS keystore attached to this article: geronimo.pkcs12, geronimo.bks.

To instruct Geronimo to use alternate keystore, copy your keystore file to var/security/keystores/ directory and add the following to var/config/config.xml file:

xmlsolid <module name="org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car"> <gbean name="geronimo-default"> <attribute name="keystorePath">var/security/keystores/geronimo.pkcs12</attribute> <attribute name="keystoreType">PKCS12</attribute> </gbean> </module>

Alternatively, you may just overwrite you keystore file over the var/security/keystores/geronimo-default, then you may omit the keystorePath tag in the config. However, this is not recommended, as you may need the original keystore if you need to run your Geronimo installation on Sun Java. If you decide to overwrite, don't forget to backup your original keystore. Just in case you have no backup and need the original keystore, you may use the one attached to this article, just in case: geronimo.jks.

Change keystore type in TomcatWebSSLConnector

If you intend to use geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5-2.1-SNAPSHOT-bin as the application server, edit var/config/config.xml file and adjust TomcatWebSSLConnector GBean configuration to set the path for keystore in attribute KeystoreFile and keystore type in attribute KeystoreType as followed :

<gbean name="TomcatWebSSLConnector"> <attribute name="host">${ServerHostname}</attribute> <attribute name="port">${HTTPSPort + PortOffset}</attribute> <attribute name="maxHttpHeaderSize">8192</attribute> <attribute name="maxThreads">150</attribute> <attribute name="minSpareThreads">25</attribute> <attribute name="maxSpareThreads">75</attribute> <attribute name="enableLookups">false</attribute> <attribute name="acceptCount">100</attribute> <attribute name="disableUploadTimeout">false</attribute> <attribute name="clientAuth">false</attribute> <attribute name="algorithm">Default</attribute> <attribute name="sslProtocol">TLS</attribute> <attribute name="keystoreFile">var/security/keystores/geronimo.pkcs12</attribute> <attribute name="keystorePass">secret</attribute> <attribute name="keystoreType">PKCS12</attribute> </gbean>
Place the required jar files in <harmony-hdk>\jdk\jre\lib\ext

Copy the jar files yoko-rmi-spec-1.0.jar and yoko-spec-corba-1.0.jar present in geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5-2.1\lib\endorsed into <harmony-hdk>\jdk\jre\lib\ext folder.

Customize the server startup

You may either edit the Geronimo startup scripts or run the server from the command line, but in either case you should consider the following adjustments:

1. Harmony doesn't accept the -javaagent option (HARMONY-5462), so you have to omit it. Or, you may remove bin/jpa.jar file from Geronimo distribution – this way the -javaagent option would be omitted by the Geronimo startup script.

2. Geronimo v2.1 needs access to Internet for applications like SPECjAppServer2004 to be deployed – it tries to fetch XML schemas from http://java.sun.com site. So if you're going to deploy applications like that, and you're behind a firewall, you should add the appropriate -Dhttp.proxyHost= and -Dhttp.proxyPort= options to the Geronimo command line. This problem is caused by OPENEJB-700 bug and should disappear after that bug is fixed and the fix is propagated to a new version of Geronimo.

3. SPECjAppServer2004 and other applications may require additional specification of JNDI naming conventions for EJB, like this: -Dopenejb.jndiname.failoncollision=true -Dopenejb.jndiname.format={ejbName}

4. Harmony generally needs more memory. So make sure to add the corresponding -Xms and -Xmx options.

Your final startup line may look like this:


java -Xms256M -Xmx512M -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -Dopenejb.jndiname.failoncollision=true -Dopenejb.jndiname.format={ejbName} -Dhttp.proxyHost=your.proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -jar bin/server.jar

Configure Deployer to use Harmony RMI Registry provider for JNDI

The Geronimo Deployer doesn't use the var/config/config.xml file (see above), so the JNDI configuration needs to be supplied through the system properties, like this:


java -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.apache.harmony.jndi.provider -jar bin/deployer.jar ...

Harmony configuration


You should use DRLVM (Harmony VM) to run Geronimo.

Harmony also supports IBM J9 VM, but Geronimo doesn't work with it, as Geronimo relies on java.util.concurrent package that requires a proper implementation of sun.misc.Unsafe class that is missing in IBM J9 VM.