001    /**
002     *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     *  limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.geronimo.mail;
019    import java.util.Properties;
021    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
022    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
024    import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfo;
025    import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfoBuilder;
027    /**
028     * A GBean that provides for the configuration of a JavaMail IMAP message store
029     * protocol.
030     * <p/>
031     * IMAP store properties that are common to all IMAP stores are
032     * provided via member variables of this class.  Values that are set in the
033     * individual member variables will override any of the corresponding values
034     * that have been set in the properties set.
035     *
036     * @version $Rev: 706640 $ $Date: 2008-10-21 14:44:05 +0000 (Tue, 21 Oct 2008) $
037     * @see MailGBean
038     */
039    public class IMAPStoreGBean extends ProtocolGBean {
041        // the IMAP configuration property names
042        static public final String IMAP_PORT = "mail.imap.port";
043        static public final String IMAP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "mail.imap.connectiontimeout";
044        static public final String IMAP_TIMEOUT = "mail.imap.timeout";
045        static public final String IMAP_FACTORY_CLASS = "mail.imap.socketFactory.class";
046        static public final String IMAP_FACTORY_FALLBACK = "mail.imap.socketFactory.fallback";
047        static public final String IMAP_FACTORY_PORT = "mail.imap.socketFactory.port";
048        static public final String IMAP_LOCALHOST = "mail.imap.localhost";
049        static public final String IMAP_LOCALADDRESS = "mail.imap.localaddress";
050        static public final String IMAP_LOCALPORT = "mail.imap.localport";
051        static public final String IMAP_PARTIAL_FETCH = "mail.imap.partialfetch";
052        static public final String IMAP_FETCH_SIZE = "mail.imap.fetchsize";
053        static public final String IMAP_STATUS_TIMEOUT = "mail.imap.statuscachetimeout";
054        static public final String IMAP_APPEND_SIZE = "mail.imap.appendbuffersize";
055        static public final String IMAP_POOL_SIZE = "mail.imap.connectionpoolsize";
056        static public final String IMAP_POOL_TIMEOUT = "mail.imap.connectionpooltimeout";
057        static public final String IMAP_SEPARATE_STORE_CONNECTION = "mail.imap.separatestoreconnection";
058        static public final String IMAP_READONLY_SELECT = "mail.imap.allreadonlyselect";
059        static public final String IMAP_LOGIN_DISABLE = "mail.imap.auth.login.disable";
060        static public final String IMAP_PLAIN_DISABLE = "mail.imap.auth.plain.disable";
061        static public final String IMAP_STARTTLS_ENABLE = "mail.imap.auth.starttls.enable";
062        static public final String IMAP_SASL_ENABLE = "mail.imap.sasl.enable";
063        static public final String IMAP_SASL_MECHANISMS = "mail.imap.sasl.mechanisms";
064        static public final String IMAP_SASL_AUTHORIZATIONID = "mail.imap.sasl.authorizationid";
067        // the GBEAN property names
068        static public final String GBEAN_PARTIAL_FETCH = "partialFetch";
069        static public final String GBEAN_FETCH_SIZE = "fetchSize";
070        static public final String GBEAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT = "statusCacheTimeout";
071        static public final String GBEAN_APPEND_SIZE = "appendBufferSize";
072        static public final String GBEAN_POOL_SIZE = "connectionPoolSize";
073        static public final String GBEAN_POOL_TIMEOUT = "connectionPoolTimeout";
074        static public final String GBEAN_SEPARATE_STORE_CONNECTION = "separateStoreConnection";
075        static public final String GBEAN_READONLY_SELECT = "allowReadOnlySelect";
076        static public final String GBEAN_LOGIN_DISABLE = "authLoginDisable";
077        static public final String GBEAN_PLAIN_DISABLE = "authPlainDisable";
078        static public final String GBEAN_STARTTLS_ENABLE = "startTLSEnable";
079        static public final String GBEAN_SASL_ENABLE = "saslEnable";
080        static public final String GBEAN_SASL_MECHANISMS = "saslMechanisms";
081        static public final String GBEAN_SASL_AUTHORIZATIONID = "saslAuthorizationId";
083        private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IMAPStoreGBean.class);
085        private Integer port;
086        private Boolean partialFetch;
087        private Integer fetchSize;
088        private Integer connectionTimeout;
089        private Integer timeout;
090        private Integer statusCacheTimeout;
091        private Integer appendBufferSize;
092        private Integer connectionPoolSize;
093        private Integer connectionPoolTimeout;
094        private Boolean separateStoreConnection;
095        private Boolean allowReadOnlySelect;
096        private Boolean authLoginDisable;
097        private Boolean authPlainDisable;
098        private Boolean startTLSEnable;
099        private String localaddress;
100        private Integer localport;
101        private Boolean saslEnable;
102        private String saslMechanisms;
103        private String saslAuthorizationId;
104        private String socketFactoryClass;
105        private Boolean socketFactoryFallback;
106        private Integer socketFactoryPort;
109        /**
110         * Construct an instance of IMAPStoreGBean
111         * <p/>
112         * Values that are set in the individual member variables will override any of
113         * the corresponding values that have been set in the properties set.
114         *
115         * @param objectName              the object name of the protocol
116         * @param properties              the set of default properties for the protocol
117         * @param host                    the host the protocol connects to
118         * @param user                    the default name for the protocol
119         * @param port                    the IMAP server port
120         * @param partialFetch            whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used
121         * @param fetchSize               the partial fetch size in bytes
122         * @param connectionTimeout       the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds
123         * @param timeout                 the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds
124         * @param statusCacheTimeout      the timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response
125         * @param appendBufferSize        the maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending to an IMAP folder
126         * @param connectionPoolSize      the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool
127         * @param connectionPoolTimeout   the timeout value in milliseconds for connection pool connections
128         * @param separateStoreConnection the flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store connection for store commands
129         * @param allowReadOnlySelect     the flag to indicate whether SELECT commands are read-only
130         * @param authLoginDisable        the flag that prevents use of the non-standard AUTHENTICATE LOGIN command, instead using the plain LOGIN command
131         * @param authPlainDisable        the flag that prevents use of the AUTHENTICATE PLAIN command
132         * @param startTLSEnable          the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands
133         * @param localaddress            the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the IMAP socket
134         * @param localport               the local port number to bind to when creating the IMAP socket
135         * @param saslEnable              the flag that enables an attempt to use the javax.security.sasl package to choose an authentication mechanism for login
136         * @param saslMechanisms          a space or comma separated list of SASL mechanism names to try to use
137         * @param saslAuthorizationId     the authorization ID to use in the SASL authentication
138         * @param socketFactoryClass      the class that will be used to create IMAP sockets
139         * @param socketFactoryFallback   whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
140         *                                socket factory class cannot be created
141         * @param socketFactoryPort       whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
142         *                                socket factory class cannot be created
143         */
144        public IMAPStoreGBean(String objectName, Properties properties, String host, String user,
145                              Integer port,
146                              Boolean partialFetch,
147                              Integer fetchSize,
148                              Integer connectionTimeout,
149                              Integer timeout,
150                              Integer statusCacheTimeout,
151                              Integer appendBufferSize,
152                              Integer connectionPoolSize,
153                              Integer connectionPoolTimeout,
154                              Boolean separateStoreConnection,
155                              Boolean allowReadOnlySelect,
156                              Boolean authLoginDisable,
157                              Boolean authPlainDisable,
158                              Boolean startTLSEnable,
159                              String localaddress,
160                              Integer localport,
161                              Boolean saslEnable,
162                              String saslMechanisms,
163                              String saslAuthorizationId,
164                              String socketFactoryClass,
165                              Boolean socketFactoryFallback,
166                              Integer socketFactoryPort) {
167            super(objectName, "imap", properties, host, user);
169            setPort(port);
170            setPartialFetch(partialFetch);
171            setFetchSize(fetchSize);
172            setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeout);
173            setTimeout(timeout);
174            setStatusCacheTimeout(statusCacheTimeout);
175            setAppendBufferSize(appendBufferSize);
176            setConnectionPoolSize(connectionPoolSize);
177            setConnectionPoolTimeout(connectionPoolTimeout);
178            setSeparateStoreConnection(separateStoreConnection);
179            setAllowReadOnlySelect(allowReadOnlySelect);
180            setAuthLoginDisable(authLoginDisable);
181            setAuthPlainDisable(authPlainDisable);
182            setStartTLSEnable(startTLSEnable);
183            setLocaladdress(localaddress);
184            setLocalport(localport);
185            setSaslEnable(saslEnable);
186            setSaslMechanisms(saslMechanisms);
187            setSaslAuthorizationId(saslAuthorizationId);
188            setSocketFactoryClass(socketFactoryClass);
189            setSocketFactoryFallback(socketFactoryFallback);
190            setSocketFactoryPort(socketFactoryPort);
191        }
193        /**
194         * Returns the IMAP server port to connect to, if the connect() method
195         * doesn't explicitly specify one.
196         */
197        public Integer getPort() {
198            return port;
199        }
201        /**
202         * Sets the IMAP server port to connect to, if the connect() method
203         * doesn't explicitly specify one.
204         * <p/>
205         * Defaults to 143.
206         * <p/>
207         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
208         * that has been set in the properties.
209         *
210         * @param port the IMAP server port to connect to, if the connect() method
211         *             doesn't explicitly specify one
212         */
213        public void setPort(Integer port) {
214            this.port = port;
215        }
217        /**
218         * Returns whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used.
219         * <p/>
220         * Controls whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used.
221         * Defaults to true.
222         */
223        public Boolean getPartialFetch() {
224            return partialFetch;
225        }
227        /**
228         * Sets whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used.
229         * <p/>
230         * Controls whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used.
231         * Defaults to true.
232         * <p/>
233         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
234         * that has been set in the properties.
235         *
236         * @param partialFetch whether the IMAP partial-fetch capability should be used
237         */
238        public void setPartialFetch(Boolean partialFetch) {
239            this.partialFetch = partialFetch;
240        }
242        /**
243         * Returns the partial fetch size in bytes.
244         * <p/>
245         * Defaults to 16K.
246         */
247        public Integer getFetchSize() {
248            return fetchSize;
249        }
251        /**
252         * Sets the partial fetch size in bytes
253         * <p/>
254         * Defaults to 16K.
255         * <p/>
256         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
257         * that has been set in the properties.
258         *
259         * @param fetchSize the partial fetch size in bytes
260         */
261        public void setFetchSize(Integer fetchSize) {
262            this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
263        }
265        /**
266         * Returns the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
267         */
268        public Integer getConnectionTimeout() {
269            return connectionTimeout;
270        }
272        /**
273         * Sets the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
274         * <p/>
275         * Default is infinite timeout.
276         * <p/>
277         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
278         * that has been set in the properties.
279         *
280         * @param connectionTimeout the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
281         */
282        public void setConnectionTimeout(Integer connectionTimeout) {
283            this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
284        }
286        /**
287         * Returns the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
288         */
289        public Integer getTimeout() {
290            return timeout;
291        }
293        /**
294         * Sets the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
295         * <p/>
296         * Default is infinite timeout.
297         * <p/>
298         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
299         * that has been set in the properties.
300         *
301         * @param timeout the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds
302         */
303        public void setTimeout(Integer timeout) {
304            this.timeout = timeout;
305        }
307        /**
308         * Returns the timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response.
309         * <p/>
310         * Timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response.
311         * Default is 1000 (1 second). Zero disables cache.
312         */
313        public Integer getStatusCacheTimeout() {
314            return statusCacheTimeout;
315        }
317        /**
318         * Sets the timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response
319         * <p/>
320         * Timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response.
321         * Default is 1000 (1 second). Zero disables cache.
322         * <p/>
323         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
324         * that has been set in the properties.
325         *
326         * @param statusCacheTimeout the timeout value in milliseconds for cache of STATUS command response
327         */
328        public void setStatusCacheTimeout(Integer statusCacheTimeout) {
329            this.statusCacheTimeout = statusCacheTimeout;
330        }
332        /**
333         * Returns the maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending
334         * to an IMAP folder.
335         * <p/>
336         * Maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending to an IMAP
337         * folder. If not set, or set to -1, there is no maximum and all messages
338         * are buffered. If set to 0, no messages are buffered. If set to (e.g.)
339         * 8192, messages of 8K bytes or less are buffered, larger messages are not
340         * buffered. Buffering saves cpu time at the expense of short term memory
341         * usage. If you commonly append very large messages to IMAP mailboxes you
342         * might want to set this to a moderate value (1M or less).
343         */
344        public Integer getAppendBufferSize() {
345            return appendBufferSize;
346        }
348        /**
349         * Sets the maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending
350         * to an IMAP folder.
351         * <p/>
352         * Maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending to an IMAP
353         * folder. If not set, or set to -1, there is no maximum and all messages
354         * are buffered. If set to 0, no messages are buffered. If set to (e.g.)
355         * 8192, messages of 8K bytes or less are buffered, larger messages are not
356         * buffered. Buffering saves cpu time at the expense of short term memory
357         * usage. If you commonly append very large messages to IMAP mailboxes you
358         * might want to set this to a moderate value (1M or less).
359         * <p/>
360         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
361         * that has been set in the properties.
362         *
363         * @param appendBufferSize the maximum size of a message to buffer in memory when appending
364         *                         to an IMAP folder
365         */
366        public void setAppendBufferSize(Integer appendBufferSize) {
367            this.appendBufferSize = appendBufferSize;
368        }
370        /**
371         * Returns the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool.
372         * <p/>
373         * Default is 1.
374         */
375        public Integer getConnectionPoolSize() {
376            return connectionPoolSize;
377        }
379        /**
380         * Sets the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool.
381         * <p/>
382         * Default is 1.
383         * <p/>
384         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
385         * that has been set in the properties.
386         *
387         * @param connectionPoolSize the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool
388         */
389        public void setConnectionPoolSize(Integer connectionPoolSize) {
390            this.connectionPoolSize = connectionPoolSize;
391        }
393        /**
394         * Returns the timeout value in milliseconds for connection pool connections.
395         * <p/>
396         * Default is 45000 (45 seconds).
397         */
398        public Integer getConnectionPoolTimeout() {
399            return connectionPoolTimeout;
400        }
402        /**
403         * Sets the timeout value in milliseconds for connection pool connections
404         * <p/>
405         * Default is 45000 (45 seconds).
406         * <p/>
407         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
408         * that has been set in the properties.
409         *
410         * @param connectionPoolTimeout the timeout value in milliseconds for connection pool connections
411         */
412        public void setConnectionPoolTimeout(Integer connectionPoolTimeout) {
413            this.connectionPoolTimeout = connectionPoolTimeout;
414        }
416        /**
417         * Returns the flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store
418         * connection for store commands.
419         * <p/>
420         * Flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store connection
421         * for store commands. Default is false.
422         */
423        public Boolean getSeparateStoreConnection() {
424            return separateStoreConnection;
425        }
427        /**
428         * Sets the flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store
429         * connection for store commands
430         * <p/>
431         * Flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store connection
432         * for store commands. Default is false.
433         * <p/>
434         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
435         * that has been set in the properties.
436         *
437         * @param separateStoreConnection the flag to indicate whether to use a dedicated store
438         *                                connection for store commands
439         */
440        public void setSeparateStoreConnection(Boolean separateStoreConnection) {
441            this.separateStoreConnection = separateStoreConnection;
442        }
444        /**
445         * Returns the flag to indicate whether SELECT commands are read-only.
446         * <p/>
447         * If false, attempts to open a folder read/write will fail if the SELECT
448         * command succeeds but indicates that the folder is READ-ONLY. This
449         * sometimes indicates that the folder contents can'tbe changed, but the
450         * flags are per-user and can be changed, such as might be the case for
451         * public shared folders. If true, such open attempts will succeed, allowing
452         * the flags to be changed. The getMode method on the Folder object will
453         * return Folder.READ_ONLY in this case even though the open method specified
454         * Folder.READ_WRITE. Default is false.
455         */
456        public Boolean getAllowReadOnlySelect() {
457            return allowReadOnlySelect;
458        }
460        /**
461         * Sets the flag to indicate whether SELECT commands are read-only.
462         * <p/>
463         * If false, attempts to open a folder read/write will fail if the SELECT
464         * command succeeds but indicates that the folder is READ-ONLY. This
465         * sometimes indicates that the folder contents can'tbe changed, but the
466         * flags are per-user and can be changed, such as might be the case for
467         * public shared folders. If true, such open attempts will succeed, allowing
468         * the flags to be changed. The getMode method on the Folder object will
469         * return Folder.READ_ONLY in this case even though the open method specified
470         * Folder.READ_WRITE. Default is false.
471         * <p/>
472         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
473         * that has been set in the properties.
474         *
475         * @param allowReadOnlySelect the flag to indicate whether SELECT commands are read-only
476         */
477        public void setAllowReadOnlySelect(Boolean allowReadOnlySelect) {
478            this.allowReadOnlySelect = allowReadOnlySelect;
479        }
481        /**
482         * Returns the flag that prevents use of the non-standard AUTHENTICATE LOGIN
483         * command, instead using the plain LOGIN command.
484         * <p/>
485         * Default is false.
486         */
487        public Boolean getAuthLoginDisable() {
488            return authLoginDisable;
489        }
491        /**
492         * Sets the flag that prevents use of the non-standard AUTHENTICATE LOGIN
493         * command, instead using the plain LOGIN command.
494         * <p/>
495         * Default is false.
496         * <p/>
497         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
498         * that has been set in the properties.
499         *
500         * @param authLoginDisable the flag that prevents use of the non-standard AUTHENTICATE LOGIN
501         *                         command, instead using the plain LOGIN command
502         */
503        public void setAuthLoginDisable(Boolean authLoginDisable) {
504            this.authLoginDisable = authLoginDisable;
505        }
507        /**
508         * Returns the flag that prevents use of the AUTHENTICATE PLAIN command.
509         * <p/>
510         * Default is false.
511         */
512        public Boolean getAuthPlainDisable() {
513            return authPlainDisable;
514        }
516        /**
517         * Sets the flag that prevents use of the AUTHENTICATE PLAIN command.
518         * <p/>
519         * Default is false.
520         * <p/>
521         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
522         * that has been set in the properties.
523         *
524         * @param authPlainDisable the flag that prevents use of the AUTHENTICATE PLAIN command
525         */
526        public void setAuthPlainDisable(Boolean authPlainDisable) {
527            this.authPlainDisable = authPlainDisable;
528        }
530        /**
531         * Returns the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
532         * supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
533         * connection before issuing any login commands.
534         * <p/>
535         * If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the
536         * server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before
537         * issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must
538         * configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate.
539         * This feature only works on J2SE 1.4 and newer systems. Default is false.
540         */
541        public Boolean getStartTLSEnable() {
542            return startTLSEnable;
543        }
545        /**
546         * Sets the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
547         * supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
548         * connection before issuing any login commands.
549         * <p/>
550         * If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the
551         * server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before
552         * issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must
553         * configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate.
554         * This feature only works on J2SE 1.4 and newer systems. Default is false.
555         * <p/>
556         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
557         * that has been set in the properties.
558         *
559         * @param startTLSEnable the flag that enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if
560         *                       supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
561         *                       connection before issuing any login commands
562         */
563        public void setStartTLSEnable(Boolean startTLSEnable) {
564            this.startTLSEnable = startTLSEnable;
565        }
567        /**
568         * Returns the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the IMAP socket.
569         */
570        public String getLocaladdress() {
571            return localaddress;
572        }
574        /**
575         * Sets the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the IMAP socket.
576         * <p/>
577         * Local address (host name) to bind to when creating the IMAP socket.
578         * Defaults to the address picked by the Socket class. Should not normally
579         * need to be set, but useful with multi-homed hosts where it's important
580         * to pick a particular local address to bind to.
581         * <p/>
582         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
583         * that has been set in the properties.
584         *
585         * @param localaddress the local address (host name) to bind to when creating the IMAP socket
586         */
587        public void setLocaladdress(String localaddress) {
588            this.localaddress = localaddress;
589        }
591        /**
592         * Returns the local port number to bind to when creating the IMAP socket.
593         */
594        public Integer getLocalport() {
595            return localport;
596        }
598        /**
599         * Sets the local port number to bind to when creating the IMAP socket.
600         * <p/>
601         * Local port number to bind to when creating the IMAP socket. Defaults to
602         * the port number picked by the Socket class.
603         * <p/>
604         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
605         * that has been set in the properties.
606         *
607         * @param localport the local port number to bind to when creating the IMAP socket
608         */
609        public void setLocalport(Integer localport) {
610            this.localport = localport;
611        }
613        /**
614         * Returns the flag that enables an attempt to use the javax.security.sasl
615         * package to choose an authentication mechanism for login.
616         * <p/>
617         * Defaults to false.
618         */
619        public Boolean getSaslEnable() {
620            return saslEnable;
621        }
623        /**
624         * Sets the flag that enables an attempt to use the javax.security.sasl
625         * package to choose an authentication mechanism for login.
626         * <p/>
627         * Defaults to false.
628         * <p/>
629         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
630         * that has been set in the properties.
631         *
632         * @param saslEnable the flag that enables an attempt to use the javax.security.sasl
633         *                   package to choose an authentication mechanism for login
634         */
635        public void setSaslEnable(Boolean saslEnable) {
636            this.saslEnable = saslEnable;
637        }
639        /**
640         * Returns a space or comma separated list of SASL mechanism names to try to use.
641         */
642        public String getSaslMechanisms() {
643            return saslMechanisms;
644        }
646        /**
647         * Sets a space or comma separated list of SASL mechanism names to try to use.
648         * <p/>
649         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
650         * that has been set in the properties.
651         *
652         * @param saslMechanisms a space or comma separated list of SASL mechanism names to try to use
653         */
654        public void setSaslMechanisms(String saslMechanisms) {
655            this.saslMechanisms = saslMechanisms;
656        }
658        /**
659         * Returns the authorization ID to use in the SASL authentication.
660         * <p/>
661         * If not set, the authetication ID (user name) is used.
662         */
663        public String getSaslAuthorizationId() {
664            return saslAuthorizationId;
665        }
667        /**
668         * Sets the authorization ID to use in the SASL authentication.
669         * <p/>
670         * If not set, the authetication ID (user name) is used.
671         * <p/>
672         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
673         * that has been set in the properties.
674         *
675         * @param saslAuthorizationId the authorization ID to use in the SASL authentication
676         */
677        public void setSaslAuthorizationId(String saslAuthorizationId) {
678            this.saslAuthorizationId = saslAuthorizationId;
679        }
681        /**
682         * Returns the class that will be used to create IMAP sockets.
683         * <p/>
684         * If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the
685         * javax.net.SocketFactory interface. This class will be used to create IMAP
686         * sockets.
687         */
688        public String getSocketFactoryClass() {
689            return socketFactoryClass;
690        }
692        /**
693         * Sets the class that will be used to create SMTP sockets.
694         * <p/>
695         * If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the
696         * javax.net.SocketFactory interface. This class will be used to create SMTP
697         * sockets.
698         * <p/>
699         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
700         * that has been set in the properties.
701         *
702         * @param socketFactoryClass the class that will be used to create SMTP sockets
703         */
704        public void setSocketFactoryClass(String socketFactoryClass) {
705            this.socketFactoryClass = socketFactoryClass;
706        }
708        /**
709         * Returns whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
710         * socket factory class cannot be created.
711         * <p/>
712         * If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified socket
713         * factory class will cause the socket to be created using the
714         * java.net.Socket class. Defaults to true.
715         */
716        public Boolean getSocketFactoryFallback() {
717            return socketFactoryFallback;
718        }
720        /**
721         * Sets whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
722         * socket factory class cannot be created.
723         * <p/>
724         * If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified socket
725         * factory class will cause the socket to be created using the
726         * java.net.Socket class. Defaults to true.
727         * <p/>
728         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
729         * that has been set in the properties.
730         *
731         * @param socketFactoryFallback whether java.net.Socket class will be created if the specified
732         *                              socket factory class cannot be created
733         */
734        public void setSocketFactoryFallback(Boolean socketFactoryFallback) {
735            this.socketFactoryFallback = socketFactoryFallback;
736        }
738        /**
739         * Returns the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory.
740         * <p/>
741         * Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
742         * factory. If not set, the default port will be used.
743         */
744        public Integer getSocketFactoryPort() {
745            return socketFactoryPort;
746        }
748        /**
749         * Sets the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory.
750         * <p/>
751         * Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
752         * factory. If not set, the default port will be used.
753         * <p/>
754         * Values that are set here will override any of the corresponding value
755         * that has been set in the properties.
756         *
757         * @param socketFactoryPort the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory
758         */
759        public void setSocketFactoryPort(Integer socketFactoryPort) {
760            this.socketFactoryPort = socketFactoryPort;
761        }
763        /**
764         * Add the overrides from the member variables to the properties file.
765         */
766        public void addOverrides(Properties props) {
767            super.addOverrides(props);
769            if (port != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_PORT, port.toString());
770            if (partialFetch != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_PARTIAL_FETCH, partialFetch.toString());
771            if (fetchSize != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_FETCH_SIZE, fetchSize.toString());
772            if (connectionTimeout != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, connectionTimeout.toString());
773            if (timeout != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_TIMEOUT, timeout.toString());
774            if (statusCacheTimeout != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_STATUS_TIMEOUT, statusCacheTimeout.toString());
775            if (appendBufferSize != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_APPEND_SIZE, appendBufferSize.toString());
776            if (connectionPoolSize != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_POOL_SIZE, connectionPoolSize.toString());
777            if (connectionPoolTimeout != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_POOL_TIMEOUT, connectionPoolTimeout.toString());
778            if (separateStoreConnection != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_SEPARATE_STORE_CONNECTION, separateStoreConnection.toString());
779            if (allowReadOnlySelect != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_READONLY_SELECT, allowReadOnlySelect.toString());
780            if (authLoginDisable != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_LOGIN_DISABLE, authLoginDisable.toString());
781            if (authPlainDisable != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_PLAIN_DISABLE, authPlainDisable.toString());
782            if (startTLSEnable != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_STARTTLS_ENABLE, startTLSEnable.toString());
783            if (localaddress != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_LOCALADDRESS, localaddress);
784            if (localport != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_LOCALPORT, localport.toString());
785            if (saslEnable != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_SASL_ENABLE, saslEnable.toString());
786            if (saslMechanisms != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_SASL_MECHANISMS, saslMechanisms);
787            if (saslAuthorizationId != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_SASL_AUTHORIZATIONID, saslAuthorizationId);
788            if (socketFactoryClass != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_FACTORY_CLASS, socketFactoryClass);
789            if (socketFactoryFallback != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_FACTORY_FALLBACK, socketFactoryFallback.toString());
790            if (socketFactoryPort != null) props.setProperty(IMAP_FACTORY_PORT, socketFactoryPort.toString());
791        }
793        public void doStart() throws Exception {
794            log.debug("Started " + getObjectName());
795        }
797        public void doStop() throws Exception {
798            log.debug("Stopped " + getObjectName());
799        }
801        public void doFail() {
802            log.warn("Failed " + getObjectName());
803        }
805        public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO;
807        static {
808            GBeanInfoBuilder infoFactory = GBeanInfoBuilder.createStatic(IMAPStoreGBean.class, ProtocolGBean.GBEAN_INFO);
810            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PORT, Integer.class, true);
811            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, Integer.class, true);
812            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_TIMEOUT, Integer.class, true);
813            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_LOCALADDRESS, String.class, true);
814            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_LOCALPORT, Integer.class, true);
815            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_CLASS, String.class, true);
816            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_FALLBACK, Boolean.class, true);
817            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FACTORY_PORT, Integer.class, true);
818            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PARTIAL_FETCH, Boolean.class, true);
819            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_FETCH_SIZE, Integer.class, true);
820            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT, Integer.class, true);
821            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_APPEND_SIZE, Integer.class, true);
822            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_POOL_SIZE, Integer.class, true);
823            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_POOL_TIMEOUT, Integer.class, true);
824            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SEPARATE_STORE_CONNECTION, Boolean.class, true);
825            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_READONLY_SELECT, Boolean.class, true);
826            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_LOGIN_DISABLE, Boolean.class, true);
827            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PLAIN_DISABLE, Boolean.class, true);
828            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_STARTTLS_ENABLE, Boolean.class, true);
829            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SASL_ENABLE, Boolean.class, true);
830            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SASL_MECHANISMS, String.class, true);
831            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_SASL_AUTHORIZATIONID, String.class, true);
833            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_OBJECTNAME, String.class, false);
834            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PROTOCOL, String.class, true);
835            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_PROPERTIES, Properties.class, true);
836            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_HOST, String.class, true);
837            infoFactory.addAttribute(GBEAN_USER, String.class, true);
838            infoFactory.addOperation(GBEAN_ADD_OVERRIDES, new Class[]{Properties.class});
840            infoFactory.setConstructor(new String[]{GBEAN_OBJECTNAME, GBEAN_PROPERTIES, GBEAN_HOST, GBEAN_USER,
841                                                    GBEAN_PORT,
842                                                    GBEAN_PARTIAL_FETCH,
843                                                    GBEAN_FETCH_SIZE,
844                                                    GBEAN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT,
845                                                    GBEAN_TIMEOUT,
846                                                    GBEAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT,
847                                                    GBEAN_APPEND_SIZE,
848                                                    GBEAN_POOL_SIZE,
849                                                    GBEAN_POOL_TIMEOUT,
850                                                    GBEAN_SEPARATE_STORE_CONNECTION,
851                                                    GBEAN_READONLY_SELECT,
852                                                    GBEAN_LOGIN_DISABLE,
853                                                    GBEAN_PLAIN_DISABLE,
854                                                    GBEAN_STARTTLS_ENABLE,
855                                                    GBEAN_LOCALADDRESS,
856                                                    GBEAN_LOCALPORT,
857                                                    GBEAN_SASL_ENABLE,
858                                                    GBEAN_SASL_MECHANISMS,
859                                                    GBEAN_SASL_AUTHORIZATIONID,
860                                                    GBEAN_FACTORY_CLASS,
861                                                    GBEAN_FACTORY_FALLBACK,
862                                                    GBEAN_FACTORY_PORT});
864            GBEAN_INFO = infoFactory.getBeanInfo();
865        }
867        public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo() {
868            return GBEAN_INFO;
869        }
870    }