
Build a Geronimo Configuration using the local Maven infrastructure.

NOTE: Calling pom.xml must have defined a ${geronimoVersion} property.

Parameters for the goal:

Parameter Type Expression Default Value Description
archive (Optional) MavenArchiveConfiguration - - The maven archive configuration to use. See the Javadocs for MavenArchiveConfiguration.
artifactFactory (Discovered) ArtifactFactory - - No description.
basedir File ${basedir} - The basedir of the project.
classesDirectory File ${} - Directory containing the classes/resources.
classpath (Optional) List - - A list of {@link ClasspathElement} objects which will be used to construct the Class-Path entry of the manifest. This is needed to allow per-element prefixes to be added, which the standard Maven archiver does not provide.
classpathPrefix (Optional) String - - The default prefix to be applied to all elements of the classpath which do not provide a prefix.
deafultDeploymentConfig String org.apache.geronimo.configs/geronimo-gbean-deployer/${geronimoVersion}/car - ???
deployerName String org.apache.geronimo.configs/geronimo-gbean-deployer/${geronimoVersion}/car?j2eeType=Deployer,name=Deployer - ???
deploymentConfigs (Optional) ArrayList - - ???
explicitResolutionProperties (Optional) File ${}/ - The location where the properties mapping will be generated.
factory (Discovered) ArtifactFactory - - Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
finalName String ${} - Name of the generated archive.
jarArchiver (Discovered) JarArchiver - - The Jar archiver.
local ArtifactRepository ${localRepository} - Location of the local repository.
module (Optional) ArtifactItem - - ???
moduleFile (Optional) File - - ???
outputDirectory File ${} - Directory containing the generated archive.
planFile File ${}/plan/plan.xml - ???
project MavenProject ${project} - The maven project.
projectHelper (Discovered) MavenProjectHelper - - The maven project's helper.
remoteRepos List ${project.remoteArtifactRepositories} - List of Remote Repositories used by the resolver.
repository File ${settings.localRepository} - ???
resolver (Discovered) ArtifactResolver - - Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
targetRepository File ${}/repository - ???