
Installs CAR files into a target repository to support assembly.

Parameters for the goal:

Parameter Type Expression Default Value Description
artifact (Optional) String - - Configuration to be installed specified as groupId/artifactId/version/type if none specified, plugin will install all dependencies of type "car"
artifactFactory (Optional) (Discovered) ArtifactFactory - - No description.
artifactRepository ArtifactRepository ${localRepository} - No description.
artifactResolver (Optional) (Discovered) ArtifactResolver - - No description.
basedir File ${basedir} - The basedir of the project.
explicitResolutionProperties File ${}/ - The location where the properties mapping will be generated.
project MavenProject ${project} - The maven project.
projectHelper (Optional) (Discovered) MavenProjectHelper - - The maven project's helper.
sourceRepository ArtifactRepository ${localRepository} - Location of the source repository for the dependencies
targetRepository String - archive-tmp/repository The location of the target repository relative to targetRoot.
targetRoot (Optional) String ${} - Root file of the TargetRepository.