Basic Usage

Start Selenium Server (Integrated)

For integration tests that need a Selenium server, use the pre-integration-test phase to start it up in the background to allow the integration-test phase to be executed with the server running.

NOTE: Currently there is no stop-server, the forked JVM will exit when Maven does.

This will by default create files under ${pom.basedir}/target/selenium, including:

  • server.log (if enabled)
  • user-extensions.js (if enabled)

Start Selenium Server (Standalone)

To start Selenium on the command line, which is very useful while developing tests, simply execute the start-server goal.

This will start the server and block until the server has been stopped, either from the process being killed, or more normally, until CTRL-C is used to exit Maven.

This is the preferred mechanism to start the server standalone, as it will setup user-extensions.js.

mvn selenium:start-server

Logging Output

To capture the logs from Selenium to a file, enable logOutput. This will create a server.log that captures all of the output.



Sometimes it is useful to startup Selenium with its debug output enabled.

mvn selenium:start-server -Ddebug=true