001    /**
002     *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     *  limitations under the License.
016     */
018    package org.apache.geronimo.security.realm.providers;
020    import java.util.Map;
021    import javax.security.auth.Subject;
022    import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback;
023    import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
024    import javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback;
025    import javax.security.auth.callback.PasswordCallback;
026    import javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException;
027    import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
028    import javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule;
031    /**
032     * GeronimoPasswordCredentialLoginModule stores the user name and password in a GeronimoPasswordCredential.
033     * This allows an application to  retrieve the subject through jacc or the geronimo specific ContextManager and
034     * find out what the password was.  I can't think of any other reason to use it right now.
035     *
036     * This login module does not check credentials so it should never be able to cause a login to succeed.
037     * Therefore the lifecycle methods must return false to indicate success or throw a LoginException to indicate failure.
038     *
039     * @version $Rev: 565912 $ $Date: 2007-08-14 17:03:11 -0400 (Tue, 14 Aug 2007) $
040     */
041    public class GeronimoPasswordCredentialLoginModule implements LoginModule {
043        private Subject subject;
044        private CallbackHandler callbackHandler;
046        private GeronimoPasswordCredential geronimoPasswordCredential;
048        public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
049                               Map sharedState, Map options) {
050            this.subject = subject;
051            this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler;
052        }
054        public boolean login() throws LoginException {
055            Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[2];
056            callbacks[0] = new NameCallback("name");
057            callbacks[1] = new PasswordCallback("password", false);
058            try {
059                callbackHandler.handle(callbacks);
060            } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
061                throw (LoginException) new LoginException("Could not determine username and password").initCause(e);
062            } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e) {
063                throw (LoginException) new LoginException("Unlikely UnsupportedCallbackException").initCause(e);
064            }
065            geronimoPasswordCredential = new GeronimoPasswordCredential(((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName(),
066                                                                        ((PasswordCallback) callbacks[1]).getPassword());
067            return false;
068        }
070        public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
071            subject.getPrivateCredentials().add(geronimoPasswordCredential);
072            return false;
073        }
075        public boolean abort() throws LoginException {
076            geronimoPasswordCredential = null;
077            return false;
078        }
080        public boolean logout() throws LoginException {
081            geronimoPasswordCredential = null;
082            return false;
083        }
084    }