001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
018    package org.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builder;
020    import java.io.File;
021    import java.io.OutputStream;
022    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
023    import java.net.JarURLConnection;
024    import java.net.URI;
025    import java.net.URL;
026    import java.util.ArrayList;
028    import org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.ListableRepository;
029    import org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.Maven2Repository;
031    public class JAXWSToolsCLI {
033        enum Command { WSGEN, WSIMPORT };
035        private static final String USAGE_MSG =
036            "Usage: jaxws-tools <toolName> <tool options>\n\n" +
037            "where <toolName> is:\n" +
038            "  wsgen       - generate portable artifacts from class\n" +
039            "  wsimport    - generate portable artifacts from WSDL\n";
041        public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
042            if (args.length == 0) {
043                System.err.println(USAGE_MSG);
044                System.exit(1);
045            }
047            Command cmd = null;
048            if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("wsgen")) {
049                cmd = Command.WSGEN;
050            } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("wsimport")) {
051                cmd = Command.WSIMPORT;
052            } else {
053                System.err.println("Error: Unsupported toolName [" + args[0] + "].");
054                System.err.println();
055                System.err.println(USAGE_MSG);
056                System.exit(1);
057            }
059            String geroninoHome = getGeronimoHome();
060            String[] arguments = getCmdArguments(args); 
061            boolean rs = run(cmd, geroninoHome, arguments, System.out);       
062            System.exit( (rs) ? 0 : 1 );
063        }
065        static boolean run(Command cmd, String geronimoHome, String[] args, OutputStream out) throws Exception {                        
066            String repository = System.getProperty("Xorg.apache.geronimo.repository.boot.path", "repository");
067            Maven2Repository mavenRepository = new Maven2Repository((new File(geronimoHome, repository)).getCanonicalFile());
068            ArrayList<ListableRepository> repositories = new ArrayList<ListableRepository>(1);
069            repositories.add(mavenRepository);
071            JAXWSTools tools = new JAXWSTools();
072            tools.setUseSunSAAJ();
073            tools.setOverrideContextClassLoader(true);
075            File [] jars;
076            try {
077                jars = tools.getClasspath(repositories);
078            } catch (Exception e) {
079                //if we cannot find SUN's SAAJ impl, try Axis2's. 
080                tools.setUseAxis2SAAJ();
081                jars = tools.getClasspath(repositories);
082            }
084            URL[] jarUrls = JAXWSTools.toURL(jars);
086            String javaClassPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
087            System.setProperty("java.class.path", JAXWSTools.toString(jars));  
089            try {
090                if (cmd.equals(Command.WSGEN)) {
091                    return tools.invokeWsgen(jarUrls, out, args);
092                } else if (cmd.equals(Command.WSIMPORT)) {
093                    return tools.invokeWsimport(jarUrls, out, args);
094                } else {
095                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command: " + cmd);
096                }
097            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
098                Throwable exception = e.getTargetException();
099                if (exception instanceof Exception) {
100                    throw (Exception)exception;
101                } else {
102                    throw e;
103                }
104            } finally {
105                System.setProperty("java.class.path", javaClassPath);
106            }
107        }
109        private static String[] getCmdArguments(String[] args) {
110            String [] cmdArgs = new String[args.length - 1];
111            System.arraycopy(args, 1, cmdArgs, 0, args.length - 1);
112            return cmdArgs;
113        }
115        private static String getGeronimoHome() {
116            String geronimoHome = System.getProperty("org.apache.geronimo.home.dir");
117            if (geronimoHome != null) {
118                return geronimoHome;
119            }
121            // guess from the location of the jar
122            URL url = JAXWSToolsCLI.class.getClassLoader().getResource("META-INF/startup-jar");
123            if (url != null) {
124                try {
125                    JarURLConnection jarConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
126                    url = jarConnection.getJarFileURL();
128                    URI baseURI = new URI(url.toString()).resolve("..");
129                    File dir = new File(baseURI);                
130                    return dir.getAbsolutePath();
131                } catch (Exception ignored) {
132                    // ignore
133                }
134            }
136            // cannot determine the directory, return parent directory
137            return "..";        
138        }
140    }