Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos infoWarnings warningErrors error


PackageHtml9error Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile1error Error
Translation0error Error
JavadocMethod352error Error
JavadocType10error Error
JavadocVariable309error Error
JavadocStyle51error Error
ConstantName2error Error
LocalFinalVariableName0error Error
LocalVariableName0error Error
MemberName0error Error
MethodName13error Error
PackageName0error Error
ParameterName0error Error
StaticVariableName0error Error
TypeName0error Error
  • headerFile: "/Users/jason/ws/geronimo/javamail/geronimo-javamail_1.3.1_provider/target/checkstyle-header.txt"
48error Error
AvoidStarImport0error Error
IllegalImport0error Error
RedundantImport0error Error
UnusedImports0error Error
FileLength1error Error
  • max: "120"
3error Error
MethodLength1error Error
ParameterNumber0error Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0error Error
NoWhitespaceAfter15error Error
NoWhitespaceBefore1error Error
OperatorWrap0error Error
ParenPad0error Error
TypecastParenPad0error Error
TabCharacter0error Error
WhitespaceAfter0error Error
WhitespaceAround0error Error
ModifierOrder14error Error
RedundantModifier16error Error
AvoidNestedBlocks5error Error
EmptyBlock18error Error
LeftCurly0error Error
NeedBraces8error Error
RightCurly25error Error
AvoidInlineConditionals4error Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0error Error
EmptyStatement3error Error
EqualsHashCode0error Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
15error Error
IllegalInstantiation0error Error
InnerAssignment3error Error
MagicNumber23error Error
MissingSwitchDefault4error Error
RedundantThrows5error Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression2error Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0error Error
FinalClass0error Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor4error Error
InterfaceIsType1error Error
VisibilityModifier132error Error
ArrayTypeStyle1error Error
FinalParameters387error Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
377error Error
TodoComment0error Error
UpperEll0error Error





errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.34
errorLine has trailing spaces.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorParameter store should be final.53
errorParameter name should be final.53
errorParameter fullName should be final.53
errorLine has trailing spaces.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.66
errorParameter pattern should be final.70
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.70
errorLine has trailing spaces.95
errorLine has trailing spaces.98
errorParameter pattern should be final.101
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.101
errorLine has trailing spaces.120
errorLine has trailing spaces.123
errorParameter pattern should be final.126
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.126
errorLine has trailing spaces.152
errorLine has trailing spaces.155
errorParameter pattern should be final.158
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.158
errorLine has trailing spaces.185
errorLine has trailing spaces.188
errorParameter pattern should be final.191
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.191
errorLine has trailing spaces.211
errorLine has trailing spaces.214
errorParameter response should be final.217
errorLine has trailing spaces.225
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.229
errorLine has trailing spaces.237
errorLine has trailing spaces.240
errorParameter name should be final.244
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.244
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.256
errorVariable 'matchSections' must be private and have accessor methods.256
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.259
errorVariable 'matchAny' must be private and have accessor methods.259
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.262
errorVariable 'exactMatch' must be private and have accessor methods.262
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.265
errorVariable 'firstSection' must be private and have accessor methods.265
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.268
errorVariable 'lastSection' must be private and have accessor methods.268
errorLine has trailing spaces.272
errorParameter pattern should be final.276
error'}' should be on the same line.317
errorLine has trailing spaces.334
errorLine has trailing spaces.337
errorParameter name should be final.340


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorVariable 'host' must be private and have accessor methods.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorVariable 'realm' must be private and have accessor methods.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorVariable 'digest' must be private and have accessor methods.56
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorVariable 'clientResponse' must be private and have accessor methods.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.62
errorVariable 'authenticationResponse' must be private and have accessor methods.62
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorVariable 'realms' must be private and have accessor methods.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorVariable 'nonce' must be private and have accessor methods.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorVariable 'stage' must be private and have accessor methods.71
errorLine has trailing spaces.75
errorParameter host should be final.85
errorParameter username should be final.85
errorParameter password should be final.85
errorParameter realm should be final.85
errorLine has trailing spaces.95
errorLine has trailing spaces.104
errorLine has trailing spaces.113
errorLine has trailing spaces.123
errorLine has trailing spaces.126
errorParameter challenge should be final.130
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.130
errorAvoid nested blocks.138
errorAvoid nested blocks.146
errorLine has trailing spaces.162
errorLine has trailing spaces.165
errorParameter challenge should be final.169
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.169
errorLine has trailing spaces.203
errorLine has trailing spaces.206
errorParameter challenge should be final.210
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.210
error'32' is a magic number.240
errorLine has trailing spaces.324
errorLine has trailing spaces.327
errorParameter challenge should be final.331
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.331
error'}' should be on the same line.346
error'}' should be on the same line.350
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.367
errorVariable 'challenge' must be private and have accessor methods.367
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.370
errorVariable 'length' must be private and have accessor methods.370
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.373
errorVariable 'position' must be private and have accessor methods.373
errorLine has trailing spaces.377
errorParameter challenge should be final.381
errorLine has trailing spaces.389
errorLine has trailing spaces.399
errorLine has trailing spaces.425
error'}' should be on the same line.448
errorLine has trailing spaces.468
error'32' is a magic number.510
error'127' is a magic number.510
errorLine has trailing spaces.534
errorLine has trailing spaces.547
errorLine has trailing spaces.565
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.569
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.612
errorVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.612
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.614
errorVariable 'value' must be private and have accessor methods.614
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.616
errorParameter name should be final.616
errorParameter value should be final.616


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorParameter session should be final.28
errorExpected @param tag for 'session'.28
errorParameter name should be final.28
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.28
error'465' is a magic number.29


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorParameter status should be final.35
errorParameter line should be final.35
errorParameter data should be final.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorParameter baseRes should be final.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorParameter baseRes should be final.43


errorFile length is 2,349 lines (max allowed is 2,000).1
errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.75
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.80
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.87
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.96
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.98
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.100
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.102
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.104
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.108
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.110
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.112
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.116
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.118
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.120
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.122
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.124
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.126
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.128
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.130
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.132
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.134
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.136
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.138
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.140
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.142
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.144
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.146
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.149
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.151
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.153
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.155
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.157
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.159
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.161
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.163
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.165
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.167
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.169
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.171
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.173
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.175
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.177
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.179
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.181
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.183
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.185
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.187
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.189
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.191
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.193
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.195
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.197
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.200
errorVariable 'protocol' must be private and have accessor methods.200
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.203
errorVariable 'host' must be private and have accessor methods.203
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.207
errorVariable 'defaultPort' must be private and have accessor methods.207
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.210
errorVariable 'port' must be private and have accessor methods.210
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.214
errorVariable 'socket' must be private and have accessor methods.214
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.217
errorVariable 'localHost' must be private and have accessor methods.217
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.222
errorVariable 'inputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.222
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.225
errorVariable 'outputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.225
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.228
errorVariable 'serverAuthenticationMechanisms' must be private and have accessor methods.228
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.231
errorVariable 'serverExtensionArgs' must be private and have accessor methods.231
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.234
errorVariable 'reportSuccess' must be private and have accessor methods.234
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.237
errorVariable 'serverTLS' must be private and have accessor methods.237
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.240
errorVariable 'useTLS' must be private and have accessor methods.240
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.243
errorVariable 'sslConnection' must be private and have accessor methods.243
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.246
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.246
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.249
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.249
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.254
errorVariable 'realm' must be private and have accessor methods.254
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.257
errorVariable 'lastServerResponse' must be private and have accessor methods.257
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.260
errorVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.260
errorParameter session should be final.271
errorParameter name should be final.271
errorParameter session should be final.295
errorParameter name should be final.295
errorParameter protocol should be final.295
errorParameter defaultPort should be final.295
errorParameter sslConnection should be final.295
errorParameter socket should be final.318
error'socket' hides a field.318
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.318
errorUnused @param tag for 'user'.332
errorParameter host should be final.342
error'host' hides a field.342
errorParameter port should be final.342
error'port' hides a field.342
errorParameter username should be final.342
error'username' hides a field.342
errorExpected @param tag for 'username'.342
errorParameter password should be final.342
error'password' hides a field.342
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.343
errorMethod length is 295 lines (max allowed is 150).416
errorParameter message should be final.416
errorParameter addresses should be final.416
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.416
errorswitch without "default" clause.494
errorswitch without "default" clause.569
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.718
errorParameter stats should be final.745
errorParameter reportSuccess should be final.745
error'reportSuccess' hides a field.745
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.773
errorParameter addresses should be final.800
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.800
errorParameter host should be final.834
error'host' hides a field.834
errorParameter port should be final.834
error'port' hides a field.834
errorParameter username should be final.834
error'username' hides a field.834
errorExpected @param tag for 'username'.834
errorParameter password should be final.834
error'password' hides a field.834
errorExpected @param tag for 'password'.834
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.834
error'}' should be on the same line.851
errorEmpty statement.861
errorParameter name should be final.875
errorParameter name should be final.892
errorParameter name should be final.908
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.908
errorParameter name should be final.928
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.928
errorParameter name should be final.948
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.948
errorMust have at least one statement.954
errorParameter name should be final.973
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.973
errorParameter name should be final.988
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.988
errorParameter name should be final.1003
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.1003
errorParameter name should be final.1018
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.1018
errorParameter name should be final.1033
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.1033
errorMust have at least one statement.1047
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.1055
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.1060
error'}' should be on the same line.1090
errorAvoid inline conditionals.1097
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.1116
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1116
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1119
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1123
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1126
error'}' should be on the same line.1138
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.1172
error'}' should be on the same line.1203
errorAvoid inline conditionals.1219
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1238
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.1242
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1242
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1246
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1249
error'}' should be on the same line.1263
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1297
error'host' hides a field.1314
error'port' hides a field.1315
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1332
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1335
error'{' is followed by whitespace.1346
errorEmpty statement.1356
errorExpected an @return tag.1373
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1373
errorParameter msg should be final.1383
errorExpected @param tag for 'msg'.1383
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1383
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.1437
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1440
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.1453
errorParameter addr should be final.1464
errorParameter dsn should be final.1464
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1464
errorExpected an @return tag.1526
errorParameter message should be final.1526
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1526
error'}' should be on the same line.1551
errorswitch without "default" clause.1578
errorParameter data should be final.1670
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1670
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.1675
errorParameter data should be final.1678
errorExpected @param tag for 'data'.1678
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1678
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1699
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1708
errorParameter delayMillis should be final.1738
errorExpected @param tag for 'delayMillis'.1738
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1738
errorInner assignments should be avoided.1756
errorExpression can be simplified.1756
errorExpression can be simplified.1756
errorMust have at least one statement.1779
errorParameter mail should be final.1796
errorExpected an @return tag.1808
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1808
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1856
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1891
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.1911
errorMust have at least one statement.1916
errorParameter report should be final.1952
errorParameter start should be final.1971
errorParameter name should be final.1996
errorParameter localHost should be final.2006
errorParameter extension should be final.2017
error'}' should be on the same line.2047
error'}' should be on the same line.2051
errorParameter name should be final.2070
errorParameter name should be final.2087
errorParameter mechanism should be final.2101
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.2111
error'}' should be on the same line.2160
error'}' should be on the same line.2193
error'}' should be on the same line.2209
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.2222
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2227
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.2227
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2229
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.2229
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2231
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.2231
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2233
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.2233
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2236
errorVariable 'status' must be private and have accessor methods.2236
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2239
errorVariable 'address' must be private and have accessor methods.2239
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2242
errorVariable 'cmd' must be private and have accessor methods.2242
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.2245
errorVariable 'reply' must be private and have accessor methods.2245
errorParameter s should be final.2259
errorParameter a should be final.2259
errorParameter c should be final.2259
errorParameter r should be final.2259
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.2285
errorParameter reportSuccess should be final.2314
error'reportSuccess' hides a field.2314
errorUnused @param tag for 'value'.2329
errorParameter message should be final.2332
errorExpected @param tag for 'message'.2332
errorParameter message should be final.2344
errorParameter e should be final.2344


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorVariable 'allow8bitMIME' must be private and have accessor methods.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorVariable 'envelopeFrom' must be private and have accessor methods.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54
errorVariable 'mailExtension' must be private and have accessor methods.54
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorVariable 'notifyOptions' must be private and have accessor methods.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorVariable 'returnOption' must be private and have accessor methods.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorVariable 'sendPartial' must be private and have accessor methods.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66
errorVariable 'submitter' must be private and have accessor methods.66
errorLine has trailing spaces.70
errorParameter session should be final.74
errorLine has trailing spaces.83
errorParameter session should be final.87
errorParameter source should be final.87
errorExpected @param tag for 'source'.87
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.87
errorLine has trailing spaces.95
errorParameter source should be final.99
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.99
errorLine has trailing spaces.105
errorParameter a should be final.109
errorLine has trailing spaces.115
errorLine has trailing spaces.124
errorParameter from should be final.128
errorLine has trailing spaces.134
errorLine has trailing spaces.143
errorParameter e should be final.147
errorLine has trailing spaces.153
errorLine has trailing spaces.162
errorParameter options should be final.166
errorLine has trailing spaces.172
errorLine has trailing spaces.181
errorParameter option should be final.185
errorLine has trailing spaces.191
errorLine has trailing spaces.200
errorParameter a should be final.204
errorLine has trailing spaces.210
errorLine has trailing spaces.219
errorParameter s should be final.223
errorLine has trailing spaces.229


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.26
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorParameter folder should be final.35
errorParameter msgnum should be final.35
errorParameter session should be final.35
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.35


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorParameter session should be final.53
errorParameter host should be final.53
errorParameter port should be final.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.85
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.99
errorParameter cmd should be final.99
errorAvoid nested blocks.122
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.134
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.142
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.150


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.34
errorLine has trailing spaces.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorVariable 'firstArticle' must be private and have accessor methods.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorVariable 'lastArticle' must be private and have accessor methods.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorVariable 'articles' must be private and have accessor methods.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorVariable 'groupInfo' must be private and have accessor methods.56
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorParameter parent should be final.71
errorParameter store should be final.71
errorParameter name should be final.71
errorParameter groupInfo should be final.71
errorInner assignments should be avoided.77
errorLine has trailing spaces.83
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.86
errorMust have at least one statement.113
errorMust have at least one statement.123
errorMust have at least one statement.133
errorLine has trailing spaces.143
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.147
errorLine has trailing spaces.163
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.169
errorLine has trailing spaces.179
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.182
errorLine has trailing spaces.192
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.195
errorLine has trailing spaces.204
errorExpected an @return tag.207
errorParameter msgNum should be final.207
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgNum'.207
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.207
errorLine has trailing spaces.249
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.252
errorMust have at least one statement.282
errorMust have at least one statement.292
errorLine has trailing spaces.305
errorParameter msgs should be final.309
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgs'.309
errorParameter fp should be final.309
errorExpected @param tag for 'fp'.309
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.309
error'}' should be on the same line.326
errorLine has trailing spaces.338
errorLine has trailing spaces.348
errorParameter flag should be final.352
errorLine has trailing spaces.358
errorLine has trailing spaces.361
errorParameter article should be final.365
errorLine has trailing spaces.371
errorParameter article should be final.377
errorParameter flag should be final.377


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorVariable 'addr' must be private and have accessor methods.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorVariable 'cmd' must be private and have accessor methods.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'rc' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.35
errorParameter addr should be final.45
errorParameter cmd should be final.45
errorParameter rc should be final.45
errorParameter err should be final.45
errorLine has trailing spaces.54
errorLine has trailing spaces.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.72


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.27
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.73
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.76
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.81
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.83
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.85
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.87
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.90
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.95
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.99
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.101
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.103
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.105
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.107
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.109
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.117
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.120
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.123
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.126
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.128
errorParameter s should be final.128
error'3' is a magic number.137
error'3' is a magic number.144
error'4' is a magic number.149
error'4' is a magic number.150
errorLine has trailing spaces.161
errorLine has trailing spaces.164
errorParameter in should be final.167
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.167
errorLine has trailing spaces.193
errorLine has trailing spaces.202
errorLine has trailing spaces.211
errorLine has trailing spaces.220
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.227
errorExpected an @return tag.230
error'400' is a magic number.232
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.235


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorVariable 'addr' must be private and have accessor methods.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorVariable 'cmd' must be private and have accessor methods.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'rc' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.35
errorParameter addr should be final.45
errorParameter cmd should be final.45
errorParameter rc should be final.45
errorParameter err should be final.45
errorLine has trailing spaces.54
errorLine has trailing spaces.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.72


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorParameter msg should be final.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter msg should be final.34
errorParameter t should be final.34


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.38
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorLine has trailing spaces.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorParameter store should be final.68
errorParameter url should be final.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.72
errorParameter store should be final.72
errorParameter session should be final.72
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.82
errorExpected an @return tag.91
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.91
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.95
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.100
errorParameter pattern should be final.100
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.104
errorExpected an @return tag.107
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.107
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.115
errorParameter type should be final.115
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.119
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.123
errorParameter name should be final.123
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.127
errorParameter recurse should be final.127
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.131
errorParameter f should be final.131
errorParameter mode should be final.138
error'mode' hides a field.138
errorExpected @param tag for 'mode'.138
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.138
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.166
errorParameter expunge should be final.166
errorInner assignments should be avoided.175
errorMust have at least one statement.190
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.215
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.219
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.230
errorLine has trailing spaces.237
errorExpected an @return tag.240
errorParameter msgNum should be final.240
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgNum'.240
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.240
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.261
errorParameter msgs should be final.261
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.266
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.270
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.270
errorLine has trailing spaces.279
errorParameter msgs should be final.283
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgs'.283
errorParameter fp should be final.283
errorExpected @param tag for 'fp'.283
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.283
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.312
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.313
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.313
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.319
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.320
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.320
errorLine has trailing spaces.329
errorLine has trailing spaces.333
errorParameter type should be final.336
errorExpected @param tag for 'type'.336
errorParameter m should be final.336
errorExpected @param tag for 'm'.336


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorName 'protocol' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorVariable 'connection' must be private and have accessor methods.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.68
errorParameter session should be final.74
errorParameter name should be final.74
errorLine has trailing spaces.85
errorUnused @param tag for 'user'.90
errorLine has trailing spaces.95
errorParameter host should be final.100
errorParameter port should be final.100
errorParameter username should be final.100
errorExpected @param tag for 'username'.100
errorParameter password should be final.100
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.101
errorLine has trailing spaces.142
errorLine has trailing spaces.147
errorParameter message should be final.150
errorParameter addresses should be final.150
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.150
errorLine has trailing spaces.262
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.265
errorLine has trailing spaces.274
errorUnused @param tag for 'value'.275
errorParameter message should be final.278
errorExpected @param tag for 'message'.278
errorLine has trailing spaces.284
errorParameter message should be final.290
errorParameter e should be final.290
errorLine has trailing spaces.298
errorLine has trailing spaces.301
errorParameter name should be final.305
errorLine has trailing spaces.316
errorLine has trailing spaces.321
errorParameter name should be final.325
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.325
errorLine has trailing spaces.337
errorLine has trailing spaces.342
errorParameter name should be final.345
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.345
errorLine has trailing spaces.357
errorLine has trailing spaces.362
errorParameter name should be final.365
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.365


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorParameter s should be final.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorParameter s should be final.35
errorParameter t should be final.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorParameter t should be final.39


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorVariable 'complete' must be private and have accessor methods.37
errorLine has trailing spaces.41
errorParameter username should be final.47
errorParameter password should be final.47
errorLine has trailing spaces.55
errorLine has trailing spaces.64
errorLine has trailing spaces.73
errorLine has trailing spaces.83
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorParameter challenge should be final.90
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.90
errorLine has trailing spaces.116
errorLine has trailing spaces.121
errorParameter key should be final.125
errorParameter input should be final.125
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.125
error'64' is a magic number.137
error'64' is a magic number.144
error'64' is a magic number.145
error'64' is a magic number.152
error'0x36' is a magic number.153
error'0x5c' is a magic number.154


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.29
errorExpected an @return tag.33
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.33
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.35
errorLine has trailing spaces.37
errorExpected an @return tag.39
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.39


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.22
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorLine has trailing spaces.28
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.33
errorExpected an @return tag.40
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.46
errorLine has trailing spaces.49
errorExpected an @return tag.52
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.52
errorExpected an @return tag.60
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.60


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorVariable 'debug' must be private and have accessor methods.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorVariable 'traceStream' must be private and have accessor methods.35
errorLine has trailing spaces.39
errorParameter in should be final.47
errorParameter traceStream should be final.47
errorParameter debug should be final.47
errorExpected @param tag for 'debug'.47
errorParameter encode should be final.47
errorLine has trailing spaces.59
errorParameter d should be final.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.73
errorParameter b should be final.87
errorArray brackets at illegal position.87
errorParameter off should be final.87
errorParameter len should be final.87
errorLine has trailing spaces.105


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'source' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.36
errorParameter source should be final.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.46
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.50
errorLine has trailing spaces.56
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.60


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorVariable 'newsrc' must be private and have accessor methods.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'subscribed' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorVariable 'ranges' must be private and have accessor methods.34
errorLine has trailing spaces.39
errorLine has trailing spaces.45
errorParameter newsrc should be final.48
errorParameter line should be final.48
errorLine has trailing spaces.76
errorParameter newsrc should be final.86
errorParameter name should be final.86
errorParameter newsrcRanges should be final.86
errorParameter subscribed should be final.86
errorLine has trailing spaces.95
errorLine has trailing spaces.104
errorLine has trailing spaces.113
errorParameter flag should be final.117
errorLine has trailing spaces.132
errorLine has trailing spaces.135
errorParameter article should be final.138
errorLine has trailing spaces.144
errorParameter article should be final.148
errorLine has trailing spaces.157
errorParameter article should be final.161
errorLine has trailing spaces.170
errorLine has trailing spaces.173
errorParameter out should be final.176
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.176
errorAvoid inline conditionals.178


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.26
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorLine has trailing spaces.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorParameter folder should be final.36
errorParameter msgnum should be final.36
errorParameter session should be final.36
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.36


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorLine has trailing spaces.48
errorLine has trailing spaces.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.62
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.74
errorParameter folder should be final.74
errorParameter msgnum should be final.74
errorParameter session should be final.74
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.74
errorExpected an @return tag.83
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.83
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorParameter newFlags should be final.97
errorParameter set should be final.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorParameter in should be final.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorParameter stream should be final.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.140
errorLine has trailing spaces.163
errorLine has trailing spaces.167
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.169
errorLine has trailing spaces.183
errorExpected an @return tag.188
errorParameter name should be final.188
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.188
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.188
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.189
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.194
errorParameter name should be final.194
errorParameter delimiter should be final.194
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.195
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.200
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.201
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.206
errorParameter names should be final.206
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.207
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.212
errorParameter names should be final.212
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.213
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.218
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.219
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.224
errorParameter names should be final.224
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.225
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.230
errorParameter names should be final.230
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.231
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.239
errorParameter name should be final.239
errorParameter value should be final.239
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.243
errorParameter name should be final.243
errorParameter value should be final.243
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.247
errorParameter name should be final.247
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.251
errorParameter line should be final.251
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.255
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.258


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorVariable 'start' must be private and have accessor methods.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorVariable 'end' must be private and have accessor methods.32
errorLine has trailing spaces.36
errorParameter spot should be final.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.46
errorParameter start should be final.53
errorParameter end should be final.53
errorLine has trailing spaces.62
errorLine has trailing spaces.65
error'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.68
errorParameter range should be final.68
errorMust have at least one statement.92
errorLine has trailing spaces.100
errorLine has trailing spaces.109
errorParameter start should be final.113
errorLine has trailing spaces.119
errorLine has trailing spaces.128
errorParameter end should be final.132
errorLine has trailing spaces.138
errorLine has trailing spaces.141
errorParameter target should be final.145
errorLine has trailing spaces.151
errorLine has trailing spaces.154
errorParameter other should be final.158
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.162
errorLine has trailing spaces.164
errorLine has trailing spaces.167
errorParameter other should be final.171
errorLine has trailing spaces.177
errorLine has trailing spaces.180
errorParameter other should be final.183
errorLine has trailing spaces.189
errorLine has trailing spaces.192
errorParameter article should be final.195
errorLine has trailing spaces.201
errorLine has trailing spaces.204
errorParameter article should be final.207
errorLine has trailing spaces.213
errorLine has trailing spaces.216
errorParameter other should be final.219
errorLine has trailing spaces.225
errorLine has trailing spaces.228
errorParameter article should be final.231
errorLine has trailing spaces.237
errorLine has trailing spaces.240
errorParameter other should be final.243
errorLine has trailing spaces.251
errorParameter other should be final.255
errorLine has trailing spaces.269
errorIncomplete HTML tag found: * The split location. Location must be in the range start <271
errorLine has trailing spaces.273
errorParameter location should be final.276
errorLine has trailing spaces.287
errorLine has trailing spaces.290
errorParameter out should be final.293
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.293
errorLine has trailing spaces.306


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorVariable 'groups' must be private and have accessor methods.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorVariable 'dirty' must be private and have accessor methods.39
errorMust have at least one statement.74
errorMust have at least one statement.82
errorLine has trailing spaces.91
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.94
errorLine has trailing spaces.111
error'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.115
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.115
errorLine has trailing spaces.121
error'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.125
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.125
errorLine has trailing spaces.131
errorLine has trailing spaces.134
errorParameter name should be final.137
errorMust have at least one statement.166
errorLine has trailing spaces.174


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorParameter status should be final.40
errorParameter firstLine should be final.40
errorParameter data should be final.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.54
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.73
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.75
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.77
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.79
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.81
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.83
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.85
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.87
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.89
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.91
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.95
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.99
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.101
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.103
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.105
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.108
errorVariable 'protocol' must be private and have accessor methods.108
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorVariable 'host' must be private and have accessor methods.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorVariable 'port' must be private and have accessor methods.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.118
errorVariable 'socket' must be private and have accessor methods.118
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.123
errorVariable 'inputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.123
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.126
errorVariable 'in' must be private and have accessor methods.126
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.129
errorVariable 'outputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.129
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.132
errorVariable 'postingAllowed' must be private and have accessor methods.132
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.135
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.135
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.138
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.138
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.143
errorVariable 'realm' must be private and have accessor methods.143
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.146
errorVariable 'lastServerResponse' must be private and have accessor methods.146
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.149
errorVariable 'session' must be private and have accessor methods.149
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.152
errorVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.152
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.155
errorVariable 'debug' must be private and have accessor methods.155
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.158
errorVariable 'serverAuthenticationMechanisms' must be private and have accessor methods.158
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.161
errorVariable 'serverExtensionArgs' must be private and have accessor methods.161
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.164
errorVariable 'welcomeString' must be private and have accessor methods.164
errorLine has trailing spaces.168
errorParameter protocol should be final.185
errorExpected @param tag for 'protocol'.185
errorParameter session should be final.185
errorParameter host should be final.185
errorParameter port should be final.185
errorParameter username should be final.185
errorParameter password should be final.185
errorParameter debug should be final.186
errorLine has trailing spaces.201
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.204
errorLine has trailing spaces.224
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.227
errorLine has trailing spaces.245
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.248
error'}' should be on the same line.253
errorEmpty statement.264
errorMust have at least one statement.278
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.287
errorLine has trailing spaces.289
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.292
error'}' should be on the same line.322
errorAvoid inline conditionals.329
errorLine is longer than 120 characters.348
error'{' is followed by whitespace.348
error'{' is followed by whitespace.351
error'{' is followed by whitespace.355
error'{' is followed by whitespace.358
error'}' should be on the same line.370
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.402
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.424
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.427
errorLine has trailing spaces.442
errorLine has trailing spaces.445
errorParameter name should be final.448
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.448
errorLine has trailing spaces.455
errorUnused Javadoc tag.456
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.459
errorLine has trailing spaces.485
errorParameter extension should be final.490
error'}' should be on the same line.509
errorLine has trailing spaces.525
errorLine has trailing spaces.528
errorParameter name should be final.533
errorLine has trailing spaces.542
errorLine has trailing spaces.545
errorParameter name should be final.550
errorLine has trailing spaces.557
errorLine has trailing spaces.560
errorParameter mechanism should be final.564
errorParameter msg should be final.573
errorExpected @param tag for 'msg'.573
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.573
errorLine has trailing spaces.626
errorLine has trailing spaces.632
errorParameter command should be final.635
errorParameter success should be final.635
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.635
errorLine has trailing spaces.646
errorLine has trailing spaces.649
errorParameter data should be final.653
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.653
errorLine has trailing spaces.677
errorLine has trailing spaces.680
errorParameter data should be final.684
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.684
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.689
errorParameter data should be final.692
errorExpected @param tag for 'data'.692
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.692
errorLine has trailing spaces.708
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.711
errorLine has trailing spaces.718
errorLine has trailing spaces.732
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.735
errorLine has trailing spaces.755
errorLine has trailing spaces.768
errorParameter name should be final.772
errorParameter request should be final.779
errorExpected @param tag for 'request'.779
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.779
errorLine has trailing spaces.799
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.802
errorLine has trailing spaces.818
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.822
errorLine has trailing spaces.828
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.833
error'}' should be on the same line.870
error'}' should be on the same line.896
error'}' should be on the same line.915
errorLine has trailing spaces.931
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.934
errorLine has trailing spaces.953
errorUnused @param tag for 'value'.954
errorParameter message should be final.957
errorExpected @param tag for 'message'.957
errorLine has trailing spaces.963
errorParameter message should be final.969
errorParameter e should be final.969
errorLine has trailing spaces.977
errorLine has trailing spaces.987
errorLine has trailing spaces.996
errorLine has trailing spaces.1005
errorLine has trailing spaces.1008
errorParameter name should be final.1012
errorLine has trailing spaces.1023
errorLine has trailing spaces.1028
errorParameter name should be final.1032
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.1032
errorLine has trailing spaces.1044
errorLine has trailing spaces.1049
errorParameter name should be final.1052
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.1052
errorLine has trailing spaces.1064
errorLine has trailing spaces.1069
errorParameter name should be final.1072
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.1072


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
error';' is preceded with whitespace.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.40
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorParameter session should be final.46
errorParameter reader should be final.46
errorParameter isMultiLineResponse should be final.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.84
errorParameter line should be final.84
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.88
errorExpected an @return tag.91
errorParameter session should be final.91
errorExpected @param tag for 'session'.91
errorParameter reader should be final.91
errorExpected @param tag for 'reader'.91
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.91


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorVariable 'lines' must be private and have accessor methods.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorVariable 'nextLine' must be private and have accessor methods.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorVariable 'buffer' must be private and have accessor methods.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorVariable 'offset' must be private and have accessor methods.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorVariable 'atLineBreak' must be private and have accessor methods.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorParameter lines should be final.44
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.90
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.93


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorParameter baseRes should be final.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.81
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.85
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.89
errorLine has trailing spaces.91
errorExpected an @return tag.93


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.38
errorLine has trailing spaces.43
errorLine has trailing spaces.46
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.50
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.50
errorLine has trailing spaces.57
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.64
errorLine has trailing spaces.69
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.74
errorLine has trailing spaces.78
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.83


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorName 'getCOMMAND_USER' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorName 'getCOMMAND_PASS' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54
errorName 'getCOMMAND_QUIT' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.54
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66
errorName 'getCOMMAND_NOOP' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.66
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorName 'getCOMMAND_STAT' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.90
errorName 'getCOMMAND_LIST' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.90
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.94
errorName 'getCOMMAND_LIST' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.94
errorLine has trailing spaces.107
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.118
errorName 'getCOMMAND_RETR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.118
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.130
errorName 'getCOMMAND_DELE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.130
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.142
errorName 'getCOMMAND_REST' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.142
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.154
errorName 'getCOMMAND_TOP' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.154
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.166
errorName 'getCOMMAND_UIDL' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.166
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.170
errorName 'getCOMMAND_UIDL' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.170


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorVariable 'stage' must be private and have accessor methods.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorParameter username should be final.50
errorParameter password should be final.50
errorLine has trailing spaces.58
errorLine has trailing spaces.67
errorLine has trailing spaces.76
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorLine has trailing spaces.89
errorParameter challenge should be final.93
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.93
errorswitch without "default" clause.96
errorAvoid nested blocks.101
errorAvoid nested blocks.119


errorFile does not end with a newline.0
errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.27
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.29
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.31
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.33
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.35
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.37
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.39
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.39


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter s should be final.38
error'3' is a magic number.47
error'3' is a magic number.55
error'4' is a magic number.60
error'3' is a magic number.62
error'4' is a magic number.65
errorLine has trailing spaces.76
errorLine has trailing spaces.85
errorLine has trailing spaces.94
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.101
errorExpected an @return tag.104
error'400' is a magic number.106
errorLine has trailing spaces.112
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.120


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.23
errorLine has trailing spaces.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorVariable 'out' must be private and have accessor methods.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorVariable 'lastWrite' must be private and have accessor methods.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorVariable 'atLineBreak' must be private and have accessor methods.43
errorLine has trailing spaces.47
errorParameter out should be final.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorParameter ch should be final.58
error'}' should be on the same line.66
error'}' should be on the same line.79


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.28
errorLine has trailing spaces.30
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.33
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.35
errorLine has trailing spaces.37
errorExpected an @return tag.44
errorParameter folder should be final.44
errorExpected @param tag for 'folder'.44
errorParameter session should be final.44
errorExpected @param tag for 'session'.44
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.44
errorExpected @param tag for 'pop3Con'.44
errorParameter msgNum should be final.44
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgNum'.44
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.48
errorUnclosed HTML tag found: <cpde>FetchProfile.ENVELOPE</code>49
errorExtra HTML tag found: </code>49
errorExpected an @return tag.51
errorParameter msg should be final.51
errorExpected @param tag for 'msg'.51
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.51
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.63
errorExpected an @return tag.66
errorParameter msg should be final.66
errorExpected @param tag for 'msg'.66
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.66
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.76
errorExpected an @return tag.79
errorParameter msg should be final.79
errorExpected @param tag for 'msg'.79
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.79


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.34
errorLine has trailing spaces.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorVariable 'connection' must be private and have accessor methods.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorVariable 'session' must be private and have accessor methods.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54
errorVariable 'fullName' must be private and have accessor methods.54
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorVariable 'parent' must be private and have accessor methods.58
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorVariable 'folderOpen' must be private and have accessor methods.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorVariable 'messageCount' must be private and have accessor methods.64
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorVariable 'permanentFlags' must be private and have accessor methods.67
errorLine has trailing spaces.71
errorParameter store should be final.75
errorLine has trailing spaces.89
errorLine has trailing spaces.99
errorExpected an @return tag.110
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.110
errorLine has trailing spaces.117
errorExpected an @return tag.121
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.121
errorLine has trailing spaces.131
errorLine has trailing spaces.134
errorParameter pattern should be final.138
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.138
errorLine has trailing spaces.145
errorLine has trailing spaces.148
errorParameter pattern should be final.151
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.151
errorExpected an @return tag.159
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.159
errorLine has trailing spaces.166
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.170
errorLine has trailing spaces.176
errorLine has trailing spaces.179
errorParameter type should be final.183
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.183
errorLine has trailing spaces.190
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.194
errorLine has trailing spaces.201
errorLine has trailing spaces.204
errorParameter name should be final.209
error'name' hides a field.209
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.209
errorLine has trailing spaces.215
errorLine has trailing spaces.218
errorParameter recurse should be final.222
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.222
errorLine has trailing spaces.228
errorLine has trailing spaces.231
errorExpected an @return tag.235
errorParameter f should be final.235
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.235
errorParameter mode should be final.242
errorExpected @param tag for 'mode'.242
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.242
errorLine has trailing spaces.266
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.269
errorLine has trailing spaces.275
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.278
errorLine has trailing spaces.284
errorLine has trailing spaces.287
errorParameter expunge should be final.290
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.290
errorLine has trailing spaces.303
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.310
errorLine has trailing spaces.312
errorLine has trailing spaces.322
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.326
errorLine has trailing spaces.333
errorExpected an @return tag.336
errorParameter msgNum should be final.336
errorExpected @param tag for 'msgNum'.336
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.336
errorLine has trailing spaces.344
errorLine has trailing spaces.347
errorParameter msgs should be final.350
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.350
errorLine has trailing spaces.358
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.362
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.371
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.372
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.372
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.378
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.379
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.379
errorLine has trailing spaces.388
errorLine has trailing spaces.392
errorParameter type should be final.395
errorExpected @param tag for 'type'.395
errorParameter m should be final.395
errorExpected @param tag for 'm'.395
errorLine has trailing spaces.402
errorLine has trailing spaces.411
errorLine has trailing spaces.414
errorParameter flag should be final.417
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.417
errorLine has trailing spaces.423
errorLine has trailing spaces.426
errorParameter article should be final.429
errorLine has trailing spaces.435
errorLine has trailing spaces.440
errorParameter article should be final.443
errorParameter flag should be final.443
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.443


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.26
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorParameter folder should be final.35
errorParameter msgnum should be final.35
errorParameter session should be final.35
errorParameter pop3Con should be final.35


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.27
errorLine has trailing spaces.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter session should be final.38
errorParameter urlName should be final.38
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorExpected an @return tag.47
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.47
errorExpected an @return tag.54
errorParameter name should be final.54
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.54
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.54
errorExpected an @return tag.67
errorParameter url should be final.67
errorExpected @param tag for 'url'.67
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.67
errorExpected an @return tag.75
errorParameter host should be final.75
errorExpected @param tag for 'host'.75
errorParameter portNum should be final.75
errorExpected @param tag for 'portNum'.75
errorParameter user should be final.75
errorExpected @param tag for 'user'.75
errorParameter passwd should be final.75
errorExpected @param tag for 'passwd'.75
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.76
error'110' is a magic number.92
errorLine has trailing spaces.99
errorLine has trailing spaces.110
errorLine has trailing spaces.123
errorMust have at least one statement.127
errorLine has trailing spaces.139
errorLine has trailing spaces.152
errorMust have at least one statement.156
errorExpected an @return tag.172
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.186
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.199


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorVariable 'complete' must be private and have accessor methods.33
errorLine has trailing spaces.37
errorParameter username should be final.43
errorParameter password should be final.43
errorLine has trailing spaces.51
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorLine has trailing spaces.69
errorLine has trailing spaces.79
errorLine has trailing spaces.82
errorParameter challenge should be final.86
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.86


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorLine has trailing spaces.38
errorLine has trailing spaces.42
errorLine has trailing spaces.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorVariable 'messageID' must be private and have accessor methods.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorVariable 'session' must be private and have accessor methods.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorVariable 'store' must be private and have accessor methods.58
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorVariable 'connection' must be private and have accessor methods.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorVariable 'headersLoaded' must be private and have accessor methods.64
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorVariable 'contentLoaded' must be private and have accessor methods.67
errorLine has trailing spaces.71
errorLine has trailing spaces.80
errorParameter folder should be final.83
errorParameter store should be final.83
errorParameter msgnum should be final.83
errorParameter messageID should be final.83
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.83
errorLine has trailing spaces.105
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.109
errorLine has trailing spaces.119
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.123
errorMust have at least one statement.133
errorExpected an @return tag.144
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.144
errorExpected an @return tag.156
errorParameter name should be final.156
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.156
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.156
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.161
errorParameter name should be final.161
errorParameter delimiter should be final.161
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.166
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.171
errorParameter names should be final.171
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.176
errorParameter names should be final.176
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.181
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.186
errorParameter names should be final.186
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.191
errorParameter names should be final.191
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.199
errorParameter name should be final.199
errorParameter value should be final.199
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.203
errorParameter name should be final.203
errorParameter value should be final.203
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.207
errorParameter name should be final.207
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.211
errorParameter line should be final.211
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.215
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.218
errorLine has trailing spaces.224
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.227
errorLine has trailing spaces.249
errorLine has trailing spaces.252
errorParameter in should be final.255
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.255
errorLine has trailing spaces.263
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.266
errorLine has trailing spaces.288
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.291
errorLine has trailing spaces.317
errorLine has trailing spaces.320
errorParameter in should be final.323
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.323
error'4096' is a magic number.327
errorLine has trailing spaces.348
errorLine has trailing spaces.358
errorLine has trailing spaces.363
errorParameter flag should be final.366
errorParameter newvalue should be final.366
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.366


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorVariable 'cmd' must be private and have accessor methods.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorVariable 'rc' must be private and have accessor methods.28
errorLine has trailing spaces.32
errorParameter cmd should be final.48
errorParameter rc should be final.48
errorParameter err should be final.48
errorParameter ex should be final.48
errorParameter vs should be final.48
errorParameter vus should be final.49
errorParameter inv should be final.49
errorLine has trailing spaces.57
errorLine has trailing spaces.66


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.36
errorLine has trailing spaces.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorName 'protocol' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorVariable 'connection' must be private and have accessor methods.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorVariable 'newsrc' must be private and have accessor methods.58
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorVariable 'root' must be private and have accessor methods.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.64
errorLine has trailing spaces.69
errorParameter session should be final.76
errorParameter urlName should be final.76
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorExpected an @return tag.89
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.89
errorExpected an @return tag.100
errorParameter name should be final.100
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.100
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.100
errorLine has trailing spaces.105
errorExpected an @return tag.108
errorParameter url should be final.108
errorExpected @param tag for 'url'.108
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.108
errorExpected an @return tag.116
errorParameter host should be final.116
errorExpected @param tag for 'host'.116
errorParameter port should be final.116
errorExpected @param tag for 'port'.116
errorParameter username should be final.116
errorExpected @param tag for 'username'.116
errorParameter password should be final.116
errorExpected @param tag for 'password'.116
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.117
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MessagingException'.187
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.196
errorLine has trailing spaces.204
errorUnused @param tag for 'value'.205
errorParameter message should be final.208
errorExpected @param tag for 'message'.208
errorLine has trailing spaces.214
errorParameter message should be final.220
errorParameter e should be final.220
errorLine has trailing spaces.228
errorLine has trailing spaces.237
errorLine has trailing spaces.246
errorLine has trailing spaces.257
errorLine has trailing spaces.260
errorParameter name should be final.263
errorLine has trailing spaces.269
errorLine has trailing spaces.272
errorParameter name should be final.276
errorLine has trailing spaces.287
errorLine has trailing spaces.292
errorParameter name should be final.296
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.296
errorLine has trailing spaces.308
errorLine has trailing spaces.313
errorParameter name should be final.316
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.316
errorLine has trailing spaces.328
errorLine has trailing spaces.333
errorParameter name should be final.336
errorParameter defaultValue should be final.336


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.24
errorLine has trailing spaces.27
errorLine has trailing spaces.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorParameter baseRes should be final.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63


errorMissing a header - not enough lines in file.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'debug' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorVariable 'traceStream' must be private and have accessor methods.34
errorParameter out should be final.46
errorParameter traceStream should be final.46
errorParameter debug should be final.46
errorExpected @param tag for 'debug'.46
errorParameter encode should be final.46
errorParameter d should be final.62
errorParameter b should be final.81


errorLine does not match expected header line of ''.1
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorVariable 'dirty' must be private and have accessor methods.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorVariable 'ranges' must be private and have accessor methods.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.37
errorParameter line should be final.41
errorLine has trailing spaces.67
errorParameter newRange should be final.71
errorLine has trailing spaces.113
errorLine has trailing spaces.116
errorParameter article should be final.120
errorLine has trailing spaces.136
errorParameter article should be final.140
errorLine has trailing spaces.147
errorParameter article should be final.151
errorLine has trailing spaces.195
errorLine has trailing spaces.198
errorParameter out should be final.201
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.201
errorLine has trailing spaces.219