Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| test | 0.131 |
| testLoad | 0.015 |
| testListGBeans | 0.016 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.037 |
| testGetGBean | 0.012 |
| testInvoke | 0.061 |
| testEndpoint | 0.044 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.035 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.183 |
| testProxyClass | 0.048 |
| testLoad | 0.012 |
| testListGBeans | 0.012 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.072 |
| testGetGBean | 0.011 |
| testInvoke | 0.014 |
| testEndpoint | 0.02 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.064 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.146 |
| testProxyClass | 0.036 |
| testLoad | 0.132 |
| testStart | 0.039 |
| testRestart | 0.048 |
| testRestartException | 0.05 |
| testReload | 0.072 |
| testReloadException | 0.076 |
| testReloadFallback | 0.127 |
| testReloadNewerConfiguration | 0.089 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| test | 0.131 |
| testLoad | 0.015 |
| testListGBeans | 0.016 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.037 |
| testGetGBean | 0.012 |
| testInvoke | 0.061 |
| testEndpoint | 0.044 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.035 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.183 |
| testProxyClass | 0.048 |
| testLoad | 0.012 |
| testListGBeans | 0.012 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.072 |
| testGetGBean | 0.011 |
| testInvoke | 0.014 |
| testEndpoint | 0.02 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.064 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.146 |
| testProxyClass | 0.036 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| test | 0.131 |
| testLoad | 0.015 |
| testListGBeans | 0.016 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.037 |
| testGetGBean | 0.012 |
| testInvoke | 0.061 |
| testEndpoint | 0.044 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.035 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.183 |
| testProxyClass | 0.048 |
| testLoad | 0.012 |
| testListGBeans | 0.012 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.072 |
| testGetGBean | 0.011 |
| testInvoke | 0.014 |
| testEndpoint | 0.02 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.064 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.146 |
| testProxyClass | 0.036 |
| testLoad | 0.132 |
| testStart | 0.039 |
| testRestart | 0.048 |
| testRestartException | 0.05 |
| testReload | 0.072 |
| testReloadException | 0.076 |
| testReloadFallback | 0.127 |
| testReloadNewerConfiguration | 0.089 |
| test | 0.334 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| test | 0.131 |
| testLoad | 0.015 |
| testListGBeans | 0.016 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.037 |
| testGetGBean | 0.012 |
| testInvoke | 0.061 |
| testEndpoint | 0.044 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.035 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.183 |
| testProxyClass | 0.048 |
| testLoad | 0.012 |
| testListGBeans | 0.012 |
| testLifeCycle | 0.072 |
| testGetGBean | 0.011 |
| testInvoke | 0.014 |
| testEndpoint | 0.02 |
| testNoProxyEndpoint | 0.064 |
| testProxiesInterfaces | 0.146 |
| testProxyClass | 0.036 |
| testLoad | 0.132 |
| testStart | 0.039 |
| testRestart | 0.048 |
| testRestartException | 0.05 |
| testReload | 0.072 |
| testReloadException | 0.076 |
| testReloadFallback | 0.127 |
| testReloadNewerConfiguration | 0.089 |
| test | 0.334 |
| testGBeanAttributStringClassMethodInvokerMethodInvoker | 0.013 |
| testGBeanAttributeInfoClass | 0.016 |
| testGetValue | 0.01 |
| testSetValue | 0.014 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| test | 0.131 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |
| testTestJars | 0.034 |
| testGetName | 0.022 |
| testGetParents | 0.023 |
| testLoadClass | 0.027 |
| testInverseClassLoading | 0.036 |
| testHiddenClasses | 0.036 |
| testNonOverridableClasses | 0.032 |
| testLoadNonExistantClass | 0.027 |
| testGetResourceAsStream | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResourceAsStream | 0.022 |
| testGetResource | 0.022 |
| testGetNonExistantResource | 0.065 |
| testGetResources | 0.023 |
| testGetNonExistantResources | 0.021 |
| testGetName | 0.001 |
| testGetGBeanInfo | 0.001 |
| testGetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAttributeSet | 0 |
| testGetPersistentAttributes | 0 |
| testGetConstructor | 0.001 |
| testGetOperationsSet | 0 |
| testGetReferencesSet | 0 |
| testToString | 0.001 |
| testSelectHighestFromRepo | 0.001 |
| testAlreadyLoaded | 0 |
| testMultipleSelected | 0 |
| testParentLoaded | 0.01 |
| testGetLoadeArtifacts | 0 |
| testMultipleVersions | 0 |
| testDupe | 0 |
| testGBeanDependency | 0.029 |
| testResourceEnumeration | 0.02 |
| testDirectoryResource | 0.008 |
| testJarResource | 0.012 |
| testAddURL | 0.008 |
| testConcurrentAddURL | 0.007 |
| testDirectoryDestroy | 0.008 |
| testJarDestroy | 0.009 |
| testUrlCopy | 0.009 |
| testUrlAccess | 0.016 |
| testBackwardCompatibility | 0.003 |
| testCurrentSerialization | 0.004 |
| testStopChild | 0.007 |
| testStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testPinRightStopLeft | 0.001 |
| testAddRightChildStopLeft | 0.002 |
| testLoadClass_Null | 0.003 |
| testLoadClass_Simple | 0 |
| testLoadClass_Primitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMPrimitives | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMClassSyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_VMArraySyntax | 0.001 |
| testLoadClass_UserFriendlySyntax | 0.002 |
| testgetClassName | 0.001 |
| testGetAllTypes | 0.032 |
| testReduceInterfaces | 0.008 |
| testPut | 0.003 |
| testContains | 0 |
| testGet | 0 |
| testRemove | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIdentitySemantic | 0.001 |
| testWeakSemantic | 1.04 |
| testCreate | 0.237 |
| testConfigLifecycle | 0.594 |
| testConfigStartStopRestart | 0.338 |
| testAddToConfig | 0.219 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClass | 0.001 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassString | 0 |
| testGBeanInfoFactoryClassGBeanInfo | 0.003 |
| testAddInterfaceClass | 0.001 |
| testDocumentBuilderDefault | 0.008 |
| testDocumentBuilderOverride | 0.002 |
| testSaxparserDefault | 0.044 |
| testSAXParserOverride | 0.001 |
| testTransformerDefault | 0.002 |
| testTransformerOverride | 0.003 |
| testValues | 0 |
| testLessThanMin | 0 |
| testGreaterThanMax | 0 |
| testName | 0 |
| testEventTypeValue | 0 |