001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013     * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015     * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016     * specific language governing permissions and limitations
017     * under the License.
018     */
020    package javax.mail;
022    import java.net.InetAddress;
023    import java.net.UnknownHostException;
024    import java.util.List;   
025    import java.util.Vector;
027    import javax.mail.event.ConnectionEvent;
028    import javax.mail.event.ConnectionListener;
029    import javax.mail.event.MailEvent;
031    /**
032     * @version $Rev: 597092 $ $Date: 2007-11-21 09:02:38 -0500 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007) $
033     */
034    public abstract class Service {
035        /**
036         * The session from which this service was created.
037         */
038        protected Session session;
039        /**
040         * The URLName of this service
041         */
042        protected URLName url;
043        /**
044         * Debug flag for this service, set from the Session's debug flag.
045         */
046        protected boolean debug;
048        private boolean connected;
049        private final Vector connectionListeners = new Vector(2);
050        // the EventQueue spins off a new thread, so we only create this 
051        // if we have actual listeners to dispatch an event to. 
052        private EventQueue queue = null;
053        // when returning the URL, we need to ensure that the password and file information is 
054        // stripped out. 
055        private URLName exposedUrl; 
057        /**
058         * Construct a new Service.
059         * @param session the session from which this service was created
060         * @param url the URLName of this service
061         */
062        protected Service(Session session, URLName url) {
063            this.session = session;
064            this.url = url;
065            this.debug = session.getDebug();
066        }
068        /**
069         * A generic connect method that takes no parameters allowing subclasses
070         * to implement an appropriate authentication scheme.
071         * The default implementation calls <code>connect(null, null, null)</code>
072         * @throws AuthenticationFailedException if authentication fails
073         * @throws MessagingException for other failures
074         */
075        public void connect() throws MessagingException {
076            connect(null, null, null);
077        }
079        /**
080         * Connect to the specified host using a simple username/password authenticaion scheme
081         * and the default port.
082         * The default implementation calls <code>connect(host, -1, user, password)</code>
083         *
084         * @param host the host to connect to
085         * @param user the user name
086         * @param password the user's password
087         * @throws AuthenticationFailedException if authentication fails
088         * @throws MessagingException for other failures
089         */
090        public void connect(String host, String user, String password) throws MessagingException {
091            connect(host, -1, user, password);
092        }
094        /**
095         * Connect to the specified host using a simple username/password authenticaion scheme
096         * and the default host and port.
097         * The default implementation calls <code>connect(host, -1, user, password)</code>
098         *
099         * @param user the user name
100         * @param password the user's password
101         * @throws AuthenticationFailedException if authentication fails
102         * @throws MessagingException for other failures
103         */
104        public void connect(String user, String password) throws MessagingException {
105            connect(null, -1, user, password);
106        }
108        /**
109         * Connect to the specified host at the specified port using a simple username/password authenticaion scheme.
110         *
111         * If this Service is already connected, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
112         *
113         * @param host the host to connect to
114         * @param port the port to connect to; pass -1 to use the default for the protocol
115         * @param user the user name
116         * @param password the user's password
117         * @throws AuthenticationFailedException if authentication fails
118         * @throws MessagingException for other failures
119         * @throws IllegalStateException if this service is already connected
120         */
121        public void connect(String host, int port, String user, String password) throws MessagingException {
123            if (isConnected()) {
124                throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected");
125            }
127            // before we try to connect, we need to derive values for some parameters that may not have
128            // been explicitly specified.  For example, the normal connect() method leaves us to derive all
129            // of these from other sources.  Some of the values are derived from our URLName value, others
130            // from session parameters.  We need to go through all of these to develop a set of values we
131            // can connect with.
133            // this is the protocol we're connecting with.  We use this largely to derive configured values from
134            // session properties.
135            String protocol = null;
137            // if we're working with the URL form, then we can retrieve the protocol from the URL.
138            if (url != null) {
139                protocol = url.getProtocol();
140            }
142            // if the port is -1, see if we have an override from url. 
143            if (port == -1) {
144                if (protocol != null) {
145                    port = url.getPort();
146                }
147            }
149            // now try to derive values for any of the arguments we've been given as defaults
150            if (host == null) {
151                // first choice is from the url, if we have
152                if (url != null) {
153                    host = url.getHost();
154                    // it is possible that this could return null (rare).  If it does, try to get a
155                    // value from a protocol specific session variable.
156                    if (host == null) {
157                            if (protocol != null) {
158                                    host = session.getProperty("mail." + protocol + ".host");
159                            }
160                    }
161                }
162                // this may still be null...get the global mail property
163                if (host == null) {
164                    host = session.getProperty("mail.host");
165                }
166            }
168            // ok, go after userid information next.
169            if (user == null) {
170                // first choice is from the url, if we have
171                if (url != null) {
172                    user = url.getUsername();
173                    // make sure we get the password from the url, if we can.
174                    if (password == null) {
175                        password = url.getPassword();
176                    }
177                    // user still null?  We have several levels of properties to try yet
178                    if (user == null) {
179                            if (protocol != null) {
180                                    user = session.getProperty("mail." + protocol + ".user");
181                            }
182                    }
183                }
185                // this may still be null...get the global mail property
186                if (user == null) {
187                    user = session.getProperty("mail.user");
188                }
190                // finally, we try getting the system defined user name
191                try {
192                    user = System.getProperty("user.name");
193                } catch (SecurityException e) {
194                    // we ignore this, and just us a null username.
195                }
196            }
197            // if we have an explicitly given user name, we need to see if this matches the url one and
198            // grab the password from there.
199            else {
200                if (url != null && user.equals(url.getUsername())) {
201                    password = url.getPassword();
202                }
203            }
205            // we need to update the URLName associated with this connection once we have all of the information,
206            // which means we also need to propogate the file portion of the URLName if we have this form when
207            // we start.
208            String file = null;
209            if (url != null) {
210                file = url.getFile();
211            }
213            // see if we have cached security information to use.  If this is not cached, we'll save it
214            // after we successfully connect.
215            boolean cachePassword = false;
218            // still have a null password to this point, and using a url form?
219            if (password == null && url != null) {
220                // construct a new URL, filling in any pieces that may have been explicitly specified.
221                setURLName(new URLName(protocol, host, port, file, user, password));
222                // now see if we have a saved password from a previous request.
223                PasswordAuthentication cachedPassword = session.getPasswordAuthentication(getURLName());
225                // if we found a saved one, see if we need to get any the pieces from here.
226                if (cachedPassword != null) {
227                    // not even a resolved userid?  Then use both bits.
228                    if (user == null) {
229                        user = cachedPassword.getUserName();
230                        password = cachedPassword.getPassword();
231                    }
232                    // our user name must match the cached name to be valid.
233                    else if (user.equals(cachedPassword.getUserName())) {
234                        password = cachedPassword.getPassword();
235                    }
236                }
237                else
238                {
239                    // nothing found in the cache, so we need to save this if we can connect successfully.
240                    cachePassword = true;
241                }
242            }
244            // we've done our best up to this point to obtain all of the information needed to make the
245            // connection.  Now we pass this off to the protocol handler to see if it works.  If we get a
246            // connection failure, we may need to prompt for a password before continuing.
247            try {
248                connected = protocolConnect(host, port, user, password);
249            }
250            catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {
251            }
253            if (!connected) {
254                InetAddress ipAddress = null;
256                try {
257                    ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(host);
258                } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
259                }
261                // now ask the session to try prompting for a password.
262                PasswordAuthentication promptPassword = session.requestPasswordAuthentication(ipAddress, port, protocol, null, user);
264                // if we were able to obtain new information from the session, then try again using the
265                // provided information .
266                if (promptPassword != null) {
267                    user = promptPassword.getUserName();
268                    password = promptPassword.getPassword();
269                }
271                connected = protocolConnect(host, port, user, password);
272            }
275            // if we're still not connected, then this is an exception.
276            if (!connected) {
277                throw new AuthenticationFailedException();
278            }
280            // the URL name needs to reflect the most recent information.
281            setURLName(new URLName(protocol, host, port, file, user, password));
283            // we need to update the global password cache with this information.
284            if (cachePassword) {
285                session.setPasswordAuthentication(getURLName(), new PasswordAuthentication(user, password));
286            }
288            // we're now connected....broadcast this to any interested parties.
289            setConnected(connected);
290            notifyConnectionListeners(ConnectionEvent.OPENED);
291        }
293        /**
294         * Attempt the protocol-specific connection; subclasses should override this to establish
295         * a connection in the appropriate manner.
296         * 
297         * This method should return true if the connection was established.
298         * It may return false to cause the {@link #connect(String, int, String, String)} method to
299         * reattempt the connection after trying to obtain user and password information from the user.
300         * Alternatively it may throw a AuthenticatedFailedException to abandon the conection attempt.
301         * 
302         * @param host     The target host name of the service.
303         * @param port     The connection port for the service.
304         * @param user     The user name used for the connection.
305         * @param password The password used for the connection.
306         * 
307         * @return true if a connection was established, false if there was authentication 
308         *         error with the connection.
309         * @throws AuthenticationFailedException
310         *                if authentication fails
311         * @throws MessagingException
312         *                for other failures
313         */
314        protected boolean protocolConnect(String host, int port, String user, String password) throws MessagingException {
315            return false;
316        }
318        /**
319         * Check if this service is currently connected.
320         * The default implementation simply returns the value of a private boolean field;
321         * subclasses may wish to override this method to verify the physical connection.
322         *
323         * @return true if this service is connected
324         */
325        public boolean isConnected() {
326            return connected;
327        }
329        /**
330         * Notification to subclasses that the connection state has changed.
331         * This method is called by the connect() and close() methods to indicate state change;
332         * subclasses should also call this method if the connection is automatically closed
333         * for some reason.
334         *
335         * @param connected the connection state
336         */
337        protected void setConnected(boolean connected) {
338            this.connected = connected;
339        }
341        /**
342         * Close this service and terminate its physical connection.
343         * The default implementation simply calls setConnected(false) and then
344         * sends a CLOSED event to all registered ConnectionListeners.
345         * Subclasses overriding this method should still ensure it is closed; they should
346         * also ensure that it is called if the connection is closed automatically, for
347         * for example in a finalizer.
348         *
349         *@throws MessagingException if there were errors closing; the connection is still closed
350         */
351        public void close() throws MessagingException {
352            setConnected(false);
353            notifyConnectionListeners(ConnectionEvent.CLOSED);
354        }
356        /**
357         * Return a copy of the URLName representing this service with the password and file information removed.
358         *
359         * @return the URLName for this service
360         */
361        public URLName getURLName() {
362            // if we haven't composed the URL version we hand out, create it now.  But only if we really 
363            // have a URL. 
364            if (exposedUrl == null) {
365                if (url != null) {
366                    exposedUrl = new URLName(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), null, url.getUsername(), null);
367                }
368            }
369            return exposedUrl; 
370        }
372        /**
373         * Set the url field.
374         * @param url the new value
375         */
376        protected void setURLName(URLName url) {
377            this.url = url;
378        }
380        public void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener) {
381            connectionListeners.add(listener);
382        }
384        public void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener) {
385            connectionListeners.remove(listener);
386        }
388        protected void notifyConnectionListeners(int type) {
389            queueEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, type), connectionListeners);
390        }
392        public String toString() {
393            // NOTE:  We call getURLName() rather than use the URL directly 
394            // because the get method strips out the password information. 
395            URLName url = getURLName(); 
397            return url == null ? super.toString() : url.toString();
398        }
400        protected void queueEvent(MailEvent event, Vector listeners) {
401            // if there are no listeners to dispatch this to, don't put it on the queue. 
402            // This allows us to delay creating the queue (and its new thread) until 
403            // we 
404            if (listeners.isEmpty()) {
405                return; 
406            }
407            // first real event?  Time to get the queue kicked off. 
408            if (queue == null) {
409                queue = new EventQueue(); 
410            }
411            // tee it up and let it rip. 
412            queue.queueEvent(event, (List)listeners.clone()); 
413        }
415        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
416            // stop our event queue if we had to create one 
417            if (queue != null) {
418                queue.stop();
419            }
420            connectionListeners.clear();
421            super.finalize();
422        }
425        /**
426         * Package scope utility method to allow Message instances
427         * access to the Service's session.
428         *
429         * @return The Session the service is associated with.
430         */
431        Session getSession() {
432            return session;
433        }
434    }