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GShell Commands Structure

Build-in commands like set, clean, help, quit and so on are defined in gshell-builtin project
Geronimo commands like start-server,stop-server adn deploy commands like start-module are defined in geronimo-commands project.
Jaxws commands  are defined in  geronimo-jaxws-builder project.
Remote commands are defined in gshell-remote-client project.

GShell Startup progress 

1 org.codehaus.plexus.ClassLoader load every jar defined in etc/gsh-classworlds.conf
2 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.plugin.CommandDiscoverer load the commands.xml in gshell-builtin.jar/META-INF/gshell
3 All the commands register in org.apache.geronimo.gshell.registry..CommandRegistry.
4 The same process for geronimo-commands and jaws-commands
5 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.layout.loader.XMLLayoutLoader load the layout.xml in etc/layout.xml
6 GShell start up DefaultLayoutManager.
7 GShell start up org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandLineBuilder and DefaultCommandExecutor
8 Gshell read argument from console and read history from Document and Setting/[username]/.gshell/gshell.history
9 Finish initialization and waiting


Command.xml shows reflection between command id and command implementation

Layout.xml shows reflection between command line string and command id

GShell process command line progress

1 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.console.JLineConsole get a command line from console
2 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandLineBuilder parse the command line and check if it has a syntax error
3 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.layout.DefaultLayoutManager find corresponding command id and give to org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandExecutor .
4org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandExecutor  call  A certain command execute the doExecute() method.
5 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.clp.CommandLineProcessor process the arguements.

Define your own command

1 Define command class

In geronimo/framework/modules/geronimo-commands projects, you can define your own command class in src folder.
Note all the command classes  are defined in groovy.

Compile source codes and put the target jar file in the same directory in binary server file.

2 Modify configuration file

Modify file layout.xml in [server dir]/etc

3 restart gshell

You can find test command in help list and use test to see print line.

Details in Geronimo-commands(Client)

Geronimo command part:

Basically, Geronimo stop and wait for server commands connect to remote/local server via jmx connections and get a MBeanServerConnection.Through MBeanServerConnection command get Kernel as Mbean and call invoke() method to shutdown or getAttribute.

Deploy command part

Geronimo-deploy-tool-> ServerConnection->GeronimoDeploymentManager

Details in geronimo-jmx-remoting(Server)

Build JMX Server progress

Key codes

in JMXConnector in geronimo-jmx-remoting project