Uses of Class

Packages that use MultiPageAbstractHandler

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.console with parameters of type MultiPageAbstractHandler
protected  void MultiPagePortlet.addHelper(MultiPageAbstractHandler handler, javax.portlet.PortletConfig config)

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.apache.jk

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.apache.jk
 class AJPHandler
 class BaseApacheHandler
          The base class for all handlers for this portlet
 class ConfigHandler
          Handler for the basic configuration screen
 class IndexHandler
          Handler for the front screen for this portlet
 class ResultsHandler
          Handler for the screen where you select the webapps to expose through Apache
 class WebAppHandler
          Handler for the screen where you select the webapps to expose through Apache

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in
 class BaseCAHandler
          The base class for all handlers for CA portlet
 class CADetailsHandler
          Handler for the CA details screen.
 class CertReqDetailsHandler
          Handler for CSR details screen.
 class ConfirmCAHandler
          Handler for the CA confirmation screen.
 class ConfirmCertReqHandler
          Handler for the Confirm Certificate Request screen.
 class ConfirmClientCertHandler
          Handler for Confirm Client Certificate Issue screen.
 class IntroHandler
          Handler for the CA home screen.
 class ListRequestsIssueHandler
          Handler for "Requests to be fulfilled" screen.
 class ListRequestsVerifyHandler
          Handler for "Requests to be verified" screen.
 class ProcessCSRHandler
          Handler for process CSR screen.
 class SetupCAHandler
          Handler for Setup CA screen to get CA details from user.
 class UnlockCAHandler
          Handler for unlock CA screen.
 class ViewCertificateHandler
          Handler for view certificate screen.

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in
 class AddRepositoryHandler
          Handler for the import export main screen.
 class BaseImportExportHandler
          The base class for all handlers for this portlet
 class DownloadCARHandler
          Handler for the initial download screen.
 class DownloadStatusHandler
          Handler for the initial download screen.
 class ExportConfigHandler
          Handler for the screen where you configure plugin data before exporting
 class ExportHandler
          Handler for the import export main screen.
 class ListHandler
          Handler for the import export list screen.
 class UpdateListHandler
          Handler to update the list of available plugin repositories
 class ViewPluginDownloadHandler
          Handler for the screen that shows you plugin details before you go on and install it.

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.jmsmanager.wizard

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.jmsmanager.wizard
 class AbstractHandler
          Base class for portlet helpers
 class ConfigureRAInstanceHandler
          Handler for the screen that configures a resource adapter instance.
 class CreateConnectionFactoryHandler
          Handler for the screen that creates a new connection factory
 class CreateDestinationHandler
          Handler for the screen that creates a new connection factory
 class DeployHandler
          Can deploy a JMS resource into the server.
 class ListScreenHandler
          A handles for the front page that lists available resources.
 class ReviewHandler
          HAndles the screen where you review your progress so far
 class SelectConnectionFactoryTypeHandler
          Handler for the screen that creates a new connection factory
 class SelectDestinationTypeHandler
          Handler for the screen that creates a new connection factory
 class SelectProviderHandler
          Handler for the screen where you select a JMS provider (because you didn't want one of the ones we know about).
 class ShowPlanHandler
          Handles the page that shows a deployment plan

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.keystores

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.keystores
 class BaseKeystoreHandler
          The base class for all handlers for this portlet
 class CertificateDetailsHandler
          Handler for displaying Trusted Certificate or Private Key Certificate details
 class ConfigureNewKeyHandler
          Handler for collecting the settings necessary to generate a new private key.
 class ConfirmCertificateHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore
 class ConfirmKeyHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore
 class CreateKeystoreHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore
 class DeleteEntryHandler
          Handler for deleting a trusted certificate or private key from keystore
 class EditKeystoreHandler
          Handler for entering a password to allow editing of a keystore
 class GenerateCSRHandler
          Handler for generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
 class ImportCAReplyHandler
          Handler for importing a certficate issued by a CA
 class LockEditKeystoreHandler
          Handler for preventing the editing of a keystore.
 class LockKeystoreHandler
          Handler for locking an unlocked keystore
 class UnlockKeyHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a key
 class UnlockKeystoreHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore
 class UploadCertificateHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore
 class ViewKeystoreHandler
          Handler for entering a password to unlock a keystore

Uses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.threads

Subclasses of MultiPageAbstractHandler in org.apache.geronimo.console.threads
 class AbstractThreadHandler
          Base class for portlet helpers
 class MonitorScreenHandler
          A handles for the page that gives statistics about a particular thread pool.

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