Package org.apache.geronimo.commands

Class Summary
AntBuilder Custom Ant builder to setup the desired output formatting.
AssembleServerCommand Extract a bunch of plugins into a server.
BaseJavaCommand Support for commands which spin off a Java process.
ConnectCommand Stops a running Geronimo server instance.
DeployModuleCommand Deploy module.
DisconnectCommand Stops a running Geronimo server instance.
DistributeModuleCommand Distribute module.
GeronimoBranding Provides the branding for Geronimo usage of GShell.
InstallLibraryCommand Installs a library file into repository.
InstallPluginCommand Install a plugin.
ListConfigurationsCommand install plugins.
ListModulesCommand List modules.
ListTargetsCommand List targets.
ProcessLauncher Helper to execute a process and perform some verification logic to determine if the process is up or not.
RedeployModuleCommand Redeploy module.
RestartModuleCommand Restart module.
ServerProxy Helper to communicate with a remote server via JMX.
StartClientCommand Starts Geronimo application client.
StartModuleCommand Start module.
StartServerCommand Starts a new Geronimo server instance.
StopModuleCommand Stop module.
StopServerCommand Stops a running Geronimo server instance.
UndeployModuleCommand Undeploy module.
WaitForServerCommand Wait for a Geronimo server to start.

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