Uses of Interface

Packages that use DEREncodable

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1 that implement DEREncodable
 class ASN1Encodable
 class ASN1Null
          A NULL object.
 class ASN1OctetString
 class ASN1Sequence
 class ASN1Set
 class ASN1TaggedObject
          ASN.1 TaggedObject - in ASN.1 nottation this is any object proceeded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assume to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).
 class BERConstructedOctetString
 class BERConstructedSequence
          Deprecated. use BERSequence
 class BERNull
          A BER NULL object.
 class BERSequence
 class BERSet
 class BERTaggedObject
          BER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 nottation this is any object proceeded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assume to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).
 class DERApplicationSpecific
          Base class for an application specific object
 class DERBitString
 class DERBMPString
          DER BMPString object.
 class DERBoolean
 class DERConstructedSequence
          Deprecated. use DERSequence.
 class DERConstructedSet
          Deprecated. use DERSet
 class DEREnumerated
 class DERGeneralizedTime
          Generalized time object.
 class DERGeneralString
 class DERIA5String
          DER IA5String object - this is an ascii string.
 class DERInteger
 class DERNull
          A NULL object.
 class DERNumericString
          DER NumericString object - this is an ascii string of characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, }.
 class DERObject
 class DERObjectIdentifier
 class DEROctetString
 class DERPrintableString
          DER PrintableString object.
 class DERSequence
 class DERSet
          A DER encoded set object
 class DERT61String
          DER T61String (also the teletex string)
 class DERTaggedObject
          DER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 nottation this is any object proceeded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assume to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).
 class DERUniversalString
          DER UniversalString object.
 class DERUnknownTag
          We insert one of these when we find a tag we don't recognise.
 class DERUTCTime
          UTC time object.
 class DERUTF8String
          DER UTF8String object.
 class DERVisibleString
          DER VisibleString object.

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1 that return DEREncodable
 DEREncodable DEREncodableVector.get(int i)
 DEREncodable ASN1Sequence.getObjectAt(int index)
          return the object at the sequence postion indicated by index.
 DEREncodable ASN1Set.getObjectAt(int index)
          return the object at the set postion indicated by index.

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1 with parameters of type DEREncodable
 void DEREncodableVector.add(DEREncodable obj)
protected  void ASN1Sequence.addObject(DEREncodable obj)
protected  void ASN1Set.addObject(DEREncodable obj)
 void DERConstructedSequence.addObject(DEREncodable obj)
 void DERConstructedSet.addObject(DEREncodable obj)

Constructors in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1 with parameters of type DEREncodable
ASN1OctetString(DEREncodable obj)
ASN1TaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)
          Create a tagged object with the style given by the value of explicit.
ASN1TaggedObject(int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)
          Create a tagged object in the explicit style.
BERConstructedOctetString(DEREncodable obj)
BERSequence(DEREncodable obj)
          create a sequence containing one object
BERSet(DEREncodable obj)
          create a set containing one object
BERTaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)
BERTaggedObject(int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)
DERApplicationSpecific(int tag, DEREncodable object)
DERBitString(DEREncodable obj)
DERConstructedSet(DEREncodable obj)
DEROctetString(DEREncodable obj)
DERSequence(DEREncodable obj)
          create a sequence containing one object
DERSet(DEREncodable obj)
DERTaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)
DERTaggedObject(int tagNo, DEREncodable obj)

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.misc

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.misc that implement DEREncodable
 class NetscapeCertType
          The NetscapeCertType object.
 class NetscapeRevocationURL
 class VerisignCzagExtension

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.pkcs

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.pkcs that implement DEREncodable
 class CertificationRequest
          PKCS10 Certification request object.
 class CertificationRequestInfo
          PKCS10 CertificationRequestInfo object.
 class DHParameter
 class PrivateKeyInfo
 class RSAPrivateKeyStructure

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.sec

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.sec that implement DEREncodable
 class ECPrivateKeyStructure
          the elliptic curve private key object from SEC 1

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.util

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.util with parameters of type DEREncodable
static String DERDump.dumpAsString(DEREncodable obj)
          Deprecated. dump out a DER object as a formatted string

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.x509

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.x509 that implement DEREncodable
 class AccessDescription
          The AccessDescription object.
 class AlgorithmIdentifier
 class AttCertIssuer
 class AttCertValidityPeriod
 class Attribute
 class AttributeCertificate
 class AttributeCertificateInfo
 class AuthorityInformationAccess
          The AuthorityInformationAccess object.
 class BasicConstraints
 class CertificateList
          PKIX RFC-2459 The X.509 v2 CRL syntax is as follows.
 class CertificatePolicies
 class CertPolicyId
          CertPolicyId, used in the CertificatePolicies and PolicyMappings X509V3 Extensions.
 class CRLDistPoint
 class CRLNumber
          The CRLNumber object.
 class CRLReason
          The CRLReason enumeration.
 class DigestInfo
          The DigestInfo object.
 class DisplayText
          DisplayText class, used in CertificatePolicies X509 V3 extensions (in policy qualifiers).
 class DistributionPoint
          The DistributionPoint object.
 class DistributionPointName
          The DistributionPointName object.
 class DSAParameter
 class ExtendedKeyUsage
          The extendedKeyUsage object.
 class GeneralName
          The GeneralName object.
 class GeneralNames
 class GeneralSubtree
 class Holder
          The Holder object.
 class IetfAttrSyntax
          Implementation of IetfAttrSyntax as specified by RFC3281.
 class IssuerSerial
 class IssuingDistributionPoint
          IssuingDistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE { distributionPoint [0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL, onlyContainsUserCerts [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlyContainsCACerts [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlySomeReasons [3] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL, indirectCRL [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlyContainsAttributeCerts [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }
 class KeyPurposeId
          The KeyPurposeId object.
 class KeyUsage
          The KeyUsage object.
 class NameConstraints
 class NoticeReference
          NoticeReference class, used in CertificatePolicies X509 V3 extensions (in policy qualifiers).
 class ObjectDigestInfo
 class PolicyInformation
 class PolicyMappings
          PolicyMappings V3 extension, described in RFC3280.
 class PolicyQualifierId
          PolicyQualifierId, used in the CertificatePolicies X509V3 extension.
 class PolicyQualifierInfo
          Policy qualifiers, used in the X509V3 CertificatePolicies extension.
 class ReasonFlags
          The ReasonFlags object.
 class RSAPublicKeyStructure
 class SubjectPublicKeyInfo
          The object that contains the public key stored in a certficate.
 class TBSCertificateStructure
          The TBSCertificate object.
 class TBSCertList
          PKIX RFC-2459 - TBSCertList object.
 class TBSCertList.CRLEntry
 class Time
 class UserNotice
          UserNotice class, used in CertificatePolicies X509 extensions (in policy qualifiers).
 class V2Form
 class X509CertificateStructure
          an X509Certificate structure.
 class X509Extensions
 class X509Name
           RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { type OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value ANY }

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.x509 that return DEREncodable
 DEREncodable GeneralName.getName()
 DEREncodable AlgorithmIdentifier.getParameters()

Constructors in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.asn1.x509 with parameters of type DEREncodable
AlgorithmIdentifier(DERObjectIdentifier objectId, DEREncodable parameters)
DistributionPointName(int type, DEREncodable name)
PolicyQualifierInfo(DERObjectIdentifier policyQualifierId, DEREncodable qualifier)
          Creates a new PolicyQualifierInfo instance.
SubjectPublicKeyInfo(AlgorithmIdentifier algId, DEREncodable publicKey)

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce

Classes in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce that implement DEREncodable
 class PKCS10CertificationRequest
          A class for verifying and creating PKCS10 Certification requests.
 class X509Principal

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.interfaces

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.interfaces that return DEREncodable
 DEREncodable PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier.getBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid)

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.interfaces with parameters of type DEREncodable
 void PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier.setBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid, DEREncodable attribute)

Uses of DEREncodable in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.provider

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.provider that return DEREncodable
 DEREncodable JCEDHPrivateKey.getBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid)
 DEREncodable JCERSAPrivateKey.getBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid)
 DEREncodable JDKDSAPrivateKey.getBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid)
 DEREncodable X509CertificateObject.getBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid)

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.crypto.jce.provider with parameters of type DEREncodable
 void JCEDHPrivateKey.setBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid, DEREncodable attribute)
 void JCERSAPrivateKey.setBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid, DEREncodable attribute)
 void JDKDSAPrivateKey.setBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid, DEREncodable attribute)
 void X509CertificateObject.setBagAttribute(DERObjectIdentifier oid, DEREncodable attribute)

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