Package org.apache.geronimo.deployment.cli

Interface Summary
DeployCommand An abstraction of various CLI deployer commands.

Class Summary
AbstractCommand Base class for CLI deployer commands.
CommandDeploy The CLI deployer logic to deploy (distribute plus start).
CommandDistribute The CLI deployer logic to distribute.
CommandInstallCAR The CLI deployer logic to start.
CommandListConfigurations The CLI deployer logic to start.
CommandListModules The CLI deployer logic to list modules.
CommandListTargets The CLI deployer logic to list targets.
CommandLogin The CLI deployer logic to start.
CommandRedeploy The CLI deployer logic to redeploy.
CommandRestart The CLI deployer logic to restart.
CommandStart The CLI deployer logic to start.
CommandStop The CLI deployer logic to stop.
CommandUndeploy the CLI deployer logic to undeploy.
DeployTool The main class for the CLI deployer.
DeployUtils Various helpers for deployment.
InputPrompt Prompts a user for input; optionally masking.
ServerConnection Supports online connections to the server, via JSR-88, valid only when the server is online.

Exception Summary
DeploymentSyntaxException Something was wrong with the user's syntax (as opposed to the command failed for some other reason).

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