
Interface Summary
CertificateRequestStore Management interface for dealing with a specific CertificateRequestStore
CertificateStore Management interface for dealing with a specific Certificate Store
CertificationAuthority Management interface for dealing with a specific CertificationAuthority.
EJBConnector Management interface for network connectors used to communicate with an EJB container.
J2EEApplication Represents the JSR-77 type with the same name
J2EEDomain Geronimo extension of the standard J2EEDomain class.
J2EEServer Geronimo-specific extensions to the standard J2EE server management interface.
JCAAdminObject Management interface for admin objects
JCAResource Geronimo override of the JCAResource management interface.
JCAResourceAdapter Represents the JSR-77 type with the same name
JMSBroker Represents a JMS broker
JMSConnector Represents a JMS connector
JMSManager Main entry point for managing a particular JMS implementation.
JVM Geronimo extensions to the standard JSR-77 JVM type.
KeystoreInstance Management interface for dealing with a specific Keystore
KeystoreManager Management interface for working with keystores.
Log A general log manager.
NetworkConnector Base management interface for a network connector used to handle some protocol in order to talk to some part of the Geronimo server.
NetworkContainer Basic operations for a network container.
NetworkManager Base management interface for a network technology with associated containers and connectors.
SecureConnector Common configuration settings for connectors that use SSL/TLS to conduct secure communications with clients.
SecurityRealm A security realm in the server.
WebAccessLog A web container access log manager.
WebConnector The common configuration settings for a web container network connector -- that is, the protocol and network settings used to connect to the web container (with a variety of tuning arguments as well).
WebContainer The common configuration settings for a web container (currently, Tomcat or Jetty).
WebManager Specialization of NetworkManager for web containers.
WebModule Geronimo extension to the standard JSR-77 WebModule type.

Class Summary

Exception Summary
CertificateStoreException Exception indicating that a CertificateStore operation was unsuccessful.
CertificationAuthorityException Exception indicating that a CertificationAuthority operation was unsuccessful.
KeyIsLocked Exception indicating that the private key you tried to do something with is locked.
KeyNotFoundException Exception indicating that the private key you tried to retrieve does not exist.
KeystoreException Exception indicating that a problem occured accessing the keystore.
KeystoreIsLocked Exception indicating that the keystore you tried to do something with is locked.

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