Class MavenAttributeStore

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MavenAttributeStore
extends Object
implements ManageableAttributeStore


Field Summary
static GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.ManageableAttributeStore
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addGBean(Artifact configurationName, GBeanData gbeanData, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Adds a GBean to the configuration.
 Collection applyOverrides(Artifact configurationName, Collection<GBeanData> datas, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Given a configuration name and a set of GBeanDatas, apply all the saved overrides to that set of GBeans before the caller attempts to load them.
static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo()
 void save()
          Saves the current values to persistent storage.
 void setReferencePatterns(Artifact configurationName, AbstractName gbean, GReferenceInfo reference, ReferencePatterns patterns)
          Sets the pattern for a GBean reference.
 void setShouldLoad(Artifact configurationName, AbstractName gbean, boolean load)
          Sets whether a particular GBean should be loaded for this configuration.
 void setValue(Artifact configurationName, AbstractName gbean, GAttributeInfo attribute, Object value, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Sets the stored value for a particular attribute.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO
Constructor Detail


public MavenAttributeStore()
Method Detail


public Collection applyOverrides(Artifact configurationName,
                                 Collection<GBeanData> datas,
                                 ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Given a configuration name and a set of GBeanDatas, apply all the saved overrides to that set of GBeans before the caller attempts to load them.

Specified by:
applyOverrides in interface ManageableAttributeStore
configurationName - The configuration in question
datas - The initial GBeanData's for all the GBeans in the configuration
The modified GBeanData's


public void setValue(Artifact configurationName,
                     AbstractName gbean,
                     GAttributeInfo attribute,
                     Object value,
                     ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Sets the stored value for a particular attribute. The attribute is identified by the configuration name, GBean ObjectName, and attribute information. Note: it is not possible to store a meaningful value of "null"; that would be treated the same as if no value was stored. Generally, whenever the value for a manageable attribute is changed, this method should be called so that value isn't reversed the next time the GBean is started.

Specified by:
setValue in interface ManageableAttributeStore
configurationName - The name of the configuration holding the GBean in question
gbean - The ObjectName of the GBean in question
attribute - The attribute in question
value - The value to save, or null if no value should be saved
classLoader - The configuration's classLoader


public void setReferencePatterns(Artifact configurationName,
                                 AbstractName gbean,
                                 GReferenceInfo reference,
                                 ReferencePatterns patterns)
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Sets the pattern for a GBean reference. The reference is identified by the configuration name, GBean ObjectName, and reference information. To "null-out" the reference use setReferencePatterns(configurationName, gbean, reference, Collections.EMPTY_SET).

Specified by:
setReferencePatterns in interface ManageableAttributeStore
configurationName - the name of the configuration holding the GBean in question
gbean - the ObjectName of the GBean
reference - the attribute information


public void setShouldLoad(Artifact configurationName,
                          AbstractName gbean,
                          boolean load)
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Sets whether a particular GBean should be loaded for this configuration. The GBean must already exist in the configuration, this just toggles the flag for whether to stop it from loading when the configuration is loaded.

Specified by:
setShouldLoad in interface ManageableAttributeStore
configurationName - The configuration that the GBean belongs to
gbean - The GBean in question
load - True if the GBean should load with the configuration


public void addGBean(Artifact configurationName,
                     GBeanData gbeanData,
                     ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Adds a GBean to the configuration.

Specified by:
addGBean in interface ManageableAttributeStore
configurationName - the configuration that the GBean belongs to
gbeanData - the GBean to add
classLoader - The configuration classLoader


public void save()
          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ManageableAttributeStore
Saves the current values to persistent storage. This should be called when the server is shut down or more often, to make sure that any changes will be reflected the next time the server starts and the store is consulted.

Specified by:
save in interface ManageableAttributeStore


public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo()

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