Package org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.j2ee

Interface Summary
GerAbstractClusteringType An XML abstract-clusteringType(@
GerAbstractSecurityType An XML abstract-securityType(@
GerApplicationDocument A document containing one application(@ element.
GerApplicationType An XML applicationType(@
GerClusteringDocument A document containing one clustering(@ element.
GerExtModuleType An XML ext-moduleType(@
GerModuleType An XML moduleType(@
GerPathType An XML pathType(@
GerSecurityDocument A document containing one security(@ element.
GerString An XML string(@

Class Summary
GerAbstractClusteringType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerAbstractSecurityType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerApplicationDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerApplicationType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerClusteringDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerExtModuleType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerModuleType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerPathType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerSecurityDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerString.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.

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