
Interface Summary
GerCredentialStoreDocument A document containing one credential-store(@ element.
GerDefaultSubjectDocument A document containing one default-subject(@ element.
GerDescriptionType An XML descriptionType(@
GerDistinguishedNameType An XML distinguishedNameType(@
GerLoginDomainPrincipalType An XML loginDomainPrincipalType(@
GerNamedUsernamePasswordCredentialType An XML named-username-password-credentialType(@
GerPrincipalType An XML principalType(@
GerRealmPrincipalType An XML realmPrincipalType(@
GerRoleMappingsType An XML role-mappingsType(@
GerRoleType An XML roleType(@
GerSecurityDocument A document containing one security(@ element.
GerSecurityType An XML securityType(@
GerSubjectInfoType An XML subject-infoType(@

Class Summary
GerCredentialStoreDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerDefaultSubjectDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerDescriptionType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerDistinguishedNameType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerLoginDomainPrincipalType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerNamedUsernamePasswordCredentialType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerPrincipalType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerRealmPrincipalType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerRoleMappingsType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerRoleType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerSecurityDocument.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerSecurityType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
GerSubjectInfoType.Factory A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.

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