Class JettyWebAppTypeImpl

  extended by org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
      extended by org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
          extended by org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.impl.JettyWebAppTypeImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, JettyWebAppType, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreUser, org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource

public class JettyWebAppTypeImpl
extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
implements JettyWebAppType

An XML web-appType(@ This is a complex type.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.JettyWebAppType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.JettyWebAppType
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
Constructor Summary
JettyWebAppTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
Method Summary
 void addHost(String host)
          Appends the value as the last "host" element
 GerAbstractNamingEntryType addNewAbstractNamingEntry()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "abstract-naming-entry" element
 GerAbstractClusteringType addNewClustering()
          Appends and returns a new empty "clustering" element
 GerEjbLocalRefType addNewEjbLocalRef()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ejb-local-ref" element
 GerEjbRefType addNewEjbRef()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ejb-ref" element
 EnvironmentType addNewEnvironment()
          Appends and returns a new empty "environment" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString addNewHost()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "host" element
 GerMessageDestinationType addNewMessageDestination()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "message-destination" element
 org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence addNewPersistence()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "persistence" element
 GerResourceEnvRefType addNewResourceEnvRef()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "resource-env-ref" element
 GerResourceRefType addNewResourceRef()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "resource-ref" element
 GerAbstractSecurityType addNewSecurity()
          Appends and returns a new empty "security" element
 AbstractServiceType addNewService()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "service" element
 GerServiceRefType addNewServiceRef()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "service-ref" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString addNewVirtualHost()
          Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "virtual-host" element
 GerGbeanLocatorType addNewWebContainer()
          Appends and returns a new empty "web-container" element
 void addVirtualHost(String virtualHost)
          Appends the value as the last "virtual-host" element
 GerAbstractNamingEntryType[] getAbstractNamingEntryArray()
          Gets array of all "abstract-naming-entry" elements
 GerAbstractNamingEntryType getAbstractNamingEntryArray(int i)
          Gets ith "abstract-naming-entry" element
 GerAbstractClusteringType getClustering()
          Gets the "clustering" element
 boolean getCompactPath()
          Gets the "compact-path" element
 String getContextRoot()
          Gets the "context-root" element
 GerEjbLocalRefType[] getEjbLocalRefArray()
          Gets array of all "ejb-local-ref" elements
 GerEjbLocalRefType getEjbLocalRefArray(int i)
          Gets ith "ejb-local-ref" element
 GerEjbRefType[] getEjbRefArray()
          Gets array of all "ejb-ref" elements
 GerEjbRefType getEjbRefArray(int i)
          Gets ith "ejb-ref" element
 EnvironmentType getEnvironment()
          Gets the "environment" element
 String[] getHostArray()
          Gets array of all "host" elements
 String getHostArray(int i)
          Gets ith "host" element
 GerMessageDestinationType[] getMessageDestinationArray()
          Gets array of all "message-destination" elements
 GerMessageDestinationType getMessageDestinationArray(int i)
          Gets ith "message-destination" element
 org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence[] getPersistenceArray()
          Gets array of all "persistence" elements
 org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence getPersistenceArray(int i)
          Gets ith "persistence" element
 GerResourceEnvRefType[] getResourceEnvRefArray()
          Gets array of all "resource-env-ref" elements
 GerResourceEnvRefType getResourceEnvRefArray(int i)
          Gets ith "resource-env-ref" element
 GerResourceRefType[] getResourceRefArray()
          Gets array of all "resource-ref" elements
 GerResourceRefType getResourceRefArray(int i)
          Gets ith "resource-ref" element
 GerAbstractSecurityType getSecurity()
          Gets the "security" element
 String getSecurityRealmName()
          Gets the "security-realm-name" element
 AbstractServiceType[] getServiceArray()
          Gets array of all "service" elements
 AbstractServiceType getServiceArray(int i)
          Gets ith "service" element
 GerServiceRefType[] getServiceRefArray()
          Gets array of all "service-ref" elements
 GerServiceRefType getServiceRefArray(int i)
          Gets ith "service-ref" element
 String getSessionManager()
          Gets the "session-manager" element
 String[] getVirtualHostArray()
          Gets array of all "virtual-host" elements
 String getVirtualHostArray(int i)
          Gets ith "virtual-host" element
 GerGbeanLocatorType getWebContainer()
          Gets the "web-container" element
 String getWorkDir()
          Gets the "work-dir" element
 void insertHost(int i, String host)
          Inserts the value as the ith "host" element
 GerAbstractNamingEntryType insertNewAbstractNamingEntry(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "abstract-naming-entry" element
 GerEjbLocalRefType insertNewEjbLocalRef(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ejb-local-ref" element
 GerEjbRefType insertNewEjbRef(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ejb-ref" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString insertNewHost(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "host" element
 GerMessageDestinationType insertNewMessageDestination(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "message-destination" element
 org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence insertNewPersistence(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "persistence" element
 GerResourceEnvRefType insertNewResourceEnvRef(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "resource-env-ref" element
 GerResourceRefType insertNewResourceRef(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "resource-ref" element
 AbstractServiceType insertNewService(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "service" element
 GerServiceRefType insertNewServiceRef(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "service-ref" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString insertNewVirtualHost(int i)
          Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "virtual-host" element
 void insertVirtualHost(int i, String virtualHost)
          Inserts the value as the ith "virtual-host" element
 boolean isSetClustering()
          True if has "clustering" element
 boolean isSetCompactPath()
          True if has "compact-path" element
 boolean isSetContextRoot()
          True if has "context-root" element
 boolean isSetEnvironment()
          True if has "environment" element
 boolean isSetSecurity()
          True if has "security" element
 boolean isSetSecurityRealmName()
          True if has "security-realm-name" element
 boolean isSetSessionManager()
          True if has "session-manager" element
 boolean isSetWebContainer()
          True if has "web-container" element
 boolean isSetWorkDir()
          True if has "work-dir" element
 void removeAbstractNamingEntry(int i)
          Removes the ith "abstract-naming-entry" element
 void removeEjbLocalRef(int i)
          Removes the ith "ejb-local-ref" element
 void removeEjbRef(int i)
          Removes the ith "ejb-ref" element
 void removeHost(int i)
          Removes the ith "host" element
 void removeMessageDestination(int i)
          Removes the ith "message-destination" element
 void removePersistence(int i)
          Removes the ith "persistence" element
 void removeResourceEnvRef(int i)
          Removes the ith "resource-env-ref" element
 void removeResourceRef(int i)
          Removes the ith "resource-ref" element
 void removeService(int i)
          Removes the ith "service" element
 void removeServiceRef(int i)
          Removes the ith "service-ref" element
 void removeVirtualHost(int i)
          Removes the ith "virtual-host" element
 void setAbstractNamingEntryArray(GerAbstractNamingEntryType[] abstractNamingEntryArray)
          Sets array of all "abstract-naming-entry" element
 void setAbstractNamingEntryArray(int i, GerAbstractNamingEntryType abstractNamingEntry)
          Sets ith "abstract-naming-entry" element
 void setClustering(GerAbstractClusteringType clustering)
          Sets the "clustering" element
 void setCompactPath(boolean compactPath)
          Sets the "compact-path" element
 void setContextRoot(String contextRoot)
          Sets the "context-root" element
 void setEjbLocalRefArray(GerEjbLocalRefType[] ejbLocalRefArray)
          Sets array of all "ejb-local-ref" element
 void setEjbLocalRefArray(int i, GerEjbLocalRefType ejbLocalRef)
          Sets ith "ejb-local-ref" element
 void setEjbRefArray(GerEjbRefType[] ejbRefArray)
          Sets array of all "ejb-ref" element
 void setEjbRefArray(int i, GerEjbRefType ejbRef)
          Sets ith "ejb-ref" element
 void setEnvironment(EnvironmentType environment)
          Sets the "environment" element
 void setHostArray(int i, String host)
          Sets ith "host" element
 void setHostArray(String[] hostArray)
          Sets array of all "host" element
 void setMessageDestinationArray(GerMessageDestinationType[] messageDestinationArray)
          Sets array of all "message-destination" element
 void setMessageDestinationArray(int i, GerMessageDestinationType messageDestination)
          Sets ith "message-destination" element
 void setPersistenceArray(int i, org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence persistence)
          Sets ith "persistence" element
 void setPersistenceArray(org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence[] persistenceArray)
          Sets array of all "persistence" element
 void setResourceEnvRefArray(GerResourceEnvRefType[] resourceEnvRefArray)
          Sets array of all "resource-env-ref" element
 void setResourceEnvRefArray(int i, GerResourceEnvRefType resourceEnvRef)
          Sets ith "resource-env-ref" element
 void setResourceRefArray(GerResourceRefType[] resourceRefArray)
          Sets array of all "resource-ref" element
 void setResourceRefArray(int i, GerResourceRefType resourceRef)
          Sets ith "resource-ref" element
 void setSecurity(GerAbstractSecurityType security)
          Sets the "security" element
 void setSecurityRealmName(String securityRealmName)
          Sets the "security-realm-name" element
 void setServiceArray(AbstractServiceType[] serviceArray)
          Sets array of all "service" element
 void setServiceArray(int i, AbstractServiceType service)
          Sets ith "service" element
 void setServiceRefArray(GerServiceRefType[] serviceRefArray)
          Sets array of all "service-ref" element
 void setServiceRefArray(int i, GerServiceRefType serviceRef)
          Sets ith "service-ref" element
 void setSessionManager(String sessionManager)
          Sets the "session-manager" element
 void setVirtualHostArray(int i, String virtualHost)
          Sets ith "virtual-host" element
 void setVirtualHostArray(String[] virtualHostArray)
          Sets array of all "virtual-host" element
 void setWebContainer(GerGbeanLocatorType webContainer)
          Sets the "web-container" element
 void setWorkDir(String workDir)
          Sets the "work-dir" element
 int sizeOfAbstractNamingEntryArray()
          Returns number of "abstract-naming-entry" element
 int sizeOfEjbLocalRefArray()
          Returns number of "ejb-local-ref" element
 int sizeOfEjbRefArray()
          Returns number of "ejb-ref" element
 int sizeOfHostArray()
          Returns number of "host" element
 int sizeOfMessageDestinationArray()
          Returns number of "message-destination" element
 int sizeOfPersistenceArray()
          Returns number of "persistence" element
 int sizeOfResourceEnvRefArray()
          Returns number of "resource-env-ref" element
 int sizeOfResourceRefArray()
          Returns number of "resource-ref" element
 int sizeOfServiceArray()
          Returns number of "service" element
 int sizeOfServiceRefArray()
          Returns number of "service-ref" element
 int sizeOfVirtualHostArray()
          Returns number of "virtual-host" element
 void unsetClustering()
          Unsets the "clustering" element
 void unsetCompactPath()
          Unsets the "compact-path" element
 void unsetContextRoot()
          Unsets the "context-root" element
 void unsetEnvironment()
          Unsets the "environment" element
 void unsetSecurity()
          Unsets the "security" element
 void unsetSecurityRealmName()
          Unsets the "security-realm-name" element
 void unsetSessionManager()
          Unsets the "session-manager" element
 void unsetWebContainer()
          Unsets the "web-container" element
 void unsetWorkDir()
          Unsets the "work-dir" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBoolean xgetCompactPath()
          Gets (as xml) the "compact-path" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetContextRoot()
          Gets (as xml) the "context-root" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] xgetHostArray()
          Gets (as xml) array of all "host" elements
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetHostArray(int i)
          Gets (as xml) ith "host" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetSecurityRealmName()
          Gets (as xml) the "security-realm-name" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetSessionManager()
          Gets (as xml) the "session-manager" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] xgetVirtualHostArray()
          Gets (as xml) array of all "virtual-host" elements
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetVirtualHostArray(int i)
          Gets (as xml) ith "virtual-host" element
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetWorkDir()
          Gets (as xml) the "work-dir" element
 void xsetCompactPath(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBoolean compactPath)
          Sets (as xml) the "compact-path" element
 void xsetContextRoot(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString contextRoot)
          Sets (as xml) the "context-root" element
 void xsetHostArray(int i, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString host)
          Sets (as xml) ith "host" element
 void xsetHostArray(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] hostArray)
          Sets (as xml) array of all "host" element
 void xsetSecurityRealmName(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString securityRealmName)
          Sets (as xml) the "security-realm-name" element
 void xsetSessionManager(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString sessionManager)
          Sets (as xml) the "session-manager" element
 void xsetVirtualHostArray(int i, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString virtualHost)
          Sets (as xml) ith "virtual-host" element
 void xsetVirtualHostArray(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] virtualHostArray)
          Sets (as xml) array of all "virtual-host" element
 void xsetWorkDir(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString workDir)
          Sets (as xml) the "work-dir" element
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, compute_text, equal_to, get_default_attribute_text, get_default_element_text, get_elementflags, is_child_element_order_sensitive, new_visitor, schemaType, set_nil, set_String, set_text, unionArraySetterHelper, unionArraySetterHelper, update_from_complex_content, value_hash_code
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
_isComplexContent, _isComplexType, _validateOnSet, attach_store, bigDecimalValue, bigIntegerValue, booleanValue, build_nil, build_text, byteArrayValue, byteValue, calendarValue, changeType, check_dated, check_orphaned, compare_to, compareTo, compareValue, copy, create_attribute_user, create_element_user, dateValue, disconnect_store, documentProperties, doubleValue, dump, elementFlags, enumValue, equals, execQuery, execQuery, floatValue, gDateValue, gDurationValue, get_attribute_field, get_attribute_type, get_attributeflags, get_default_attribute_value, get_element_ending_delimiters, get_element_type, get_schema_type, get_store, get_wscanon_rule, get_wscanon_text, getBigDecimalValue, getBigIntegerValue, getBooleanValue, getByteArrayValue, getByteValue, getCalendarValue, getDateValue, getDomNode, getDoubleValue, getEnumValue, getFloatValue, getGDateValue, getGDurationValue, getIntValue, getListValue, getLongValue, getObjectValue, getQNameValue, getShortValue, getStringValue, getXmlLocale, has_store, hashCode, init_flags, initComplexType, instanceType, intValue, invalidate_element_order, invalidate_nilvalue, invalidate_value, is_defaultable_ws, is_orphaned, isDefault, isDefaultable, isFixed, isImmutable, isInstanceOf, isNil, isNillable, java_value, listValue, longValue, monitor, newCursor, newCursorForce, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLInputStream, newXMLInputStream, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, objectSet, objectValue, qNameValue, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set_b64, set_BigDecimal, set_BigInteger, set_boolean, set_byte, set_ByteArray, set_Calendar, set_char, set_ComplexXml, set_Date, set_double, set_enum, set_float, set_GDate, set_GDuration, set_hex, set_int, set_list, set_long, set_newValue, set_notation, set_QName, set_short, set_xmlanysimple, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, setBigDecimalValue, setBigIntegerValue, setBooleanValue, setByteArrayValue, setByteValue, setCalendarValue, setDateValue, setDoubleValue, setEnumValue, setFloatValue, setGDateValue, setGDurationValue, setImmutable, setIntValue, setListValue, setLongValue, setNil, setObjectValue, setQNameValue, setShortValue, setStringValue, setValidateOnSet, shortValue, stringValue, substitute, toString, uses_invalidate_value, validate_now, validate_simpleval, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode, writeReplace, xgetListValue, xlistValue, xmlText, xmlText
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
changeType, compareTo, compareValue, copy, execQuery, execQuery, isImmutable, isNil, schemaType, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set, setNil, substitute, toString, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource
documentProperties, dump, getDomNode, monitor, newCursor, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLInputStream, newXMLInputStream, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, xmlText, xmlText

Constructor Detail


public JettyWebAppTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
Method Detail


public EnvironmentType getEnvironment()
Gets the "environment" element

Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetEnvironment()
True if has "environment" element

Specified by:
isSetEnvironment in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setEnvironment(EnvironmentType environment)
Sets the "environment" element

Specified by:
setEnvironment in interface JettyWebAppType


public EnvironmentType addNewEnvironment()
Appends and returns a new empty "environment" element

Specified by:
addNewEnvironment in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetEnvironment()
Unsets the "environment" element

Specified by:
unsetEnvironment in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getContextRoot()
Gets the "context-root" element

Specified by:
getContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetContextRoot()
Gets (as xml) the "context-root" element

Specified by:
xgetContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetContextRoot()
True if has "context-root" element

Specified by:
isSetContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setContextRoot(String contextRoot)
Sets the "context-root" element

Specified by:
setContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetContextRoot(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString contextRoot)
Sets (as xml) the "context-root" element

Specified by:
xsetContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetContextRoot()
Unsets the "context-root" element

Specified by:
unsetContextRoot in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getWorkDir()
Gets the "work-dir" element

Specified by:
getWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetWorkDir()
Gets (as xml) the "work-dir" element

Specified by:
xgetWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetWorkDir()
True if has "work-dir" element

Specified by:
isSetWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setWorkDir(String workDir)
Sets the "work-dir" element

Specified by:
setWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetWorkDir(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString workDir)
Sets (as xml) the "work-dir" element

Specified by:
xsetWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetWorkDir()
Unsets the "work-dir" element

Specified by:
unsetWorkDir in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractClusteringType getClustering()
Gets the "clustering" element

Specified by:
getClustering in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetClustering()
True if has "clustering" element

Specified by:
isSetClustering in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setClustering(GerAbstractClusteringType clustering)
Sets the "clustering" element

Specified by:
setClustering in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractClusteringType addNewClustering()
Appends and returns a new empty "clustering" element

Specified by:
addNewClustering in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetClustering()
Unsets the "clustering" element

Specified by:
unsetClustering in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerGbeanLocatorType getWebContainer()
Gets the "web-container" element

Specified by:
getWebContainer in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetWebContainer()
True if has "web-container" element

Specified by:
isSetWebContainer in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setWebContainer(GerGbeanLocatorType webContainer)
Sets the "web-container" element

Specified by:
setWebContainer in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerGbeanLocatorType addNewWebContainer()
Appends and returns a new empty "web-container" element

Specified by:
addNewWebContainer in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetWebContainer()
Unsets the "web-container" element

Specified by:
unsetWebContainer in interface JettyWebAppType


public String[] getHostArray()
Gets array of all "host" elements

Specified by:
getHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getHostArray(int i)
Gets ith "host" element

Specified by:
getHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] xgetHostArray()
Gets (as xml) array of all "host" elements

Specified by:
xgetHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetHostArray(int i)
Gets (as xml) ith "host" element

Specified by:
xgetHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfHostArray()
Returns number of "host" element

Specified by:
sizeOfHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setHostArray(String[] hostArray)
Sets array of all "host" element

Specified by:
setHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setHostArray(int i,
                         String host)
Sets ith "host" element

Specified by:
setHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetHostArray(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] hostArray)
Sets (as xml) array of all "host" element

Specified by:
xsetHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetHostArray(int i,
                          org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString host)
Sets (as xml) ith "host" element

Specified by:
xsetHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void insertHost(int i,
                       String host)
Inserts the value as the ith "host" element

Specified by:
insertHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public void addHost(String host)
Appends the value as the last "host" element

Specified by:
addHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString insertNewHost(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "host" element

Specified by:
insertNewHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString addNewHost()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "host" element

Specified by:
addNewHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeHost(int i)
Removes the ith "host" element

Specified by:
removeHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public String[] getVirtualHostArray()
Gets array of all "virtual-host" elements

Specified by:
getVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getVirtualHostArray(int i)
Gets ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
getVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] xgetVirtualHostArray()
Gets (as xml) array of all "virtual-host" elements

Specified by:
xgetVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetVirtualHostArray(int i)
Gets (as xml) ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
xgetVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfVirtualHostArray()
Returns number of "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
sizeOfVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setVirtualHostArray(String[] virtualHostArray)
Sets array of all "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
setVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setVirtualHostArray(int i,
                                String virtualHost)
Sets ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
setVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetVirtualHostArray(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString[] virtualHostArray)
Sets (as xml) array of all "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
xsetVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetVirtualHostArray(int i,
                                 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString virtualHost)
Sets (as xml) ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
xsetVirtualHostArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void insertVirtualHost(int i,
                              String virtualHost)
Inserts the value as the ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
insertVirtualHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public void addVirtualHost(String virtualHost)
Appends the value as the last "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
addVirtualHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString insertNewVirtualHost(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
insertNewVirtualHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString addNewVirtualHost()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
addNewVirtualHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeVirtualHost(int i)
Removes the ith "virtual-host" element

Specified by:
removeVirtualHost in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getSessionManager()
Gets the "session-manager" element

Specified by:
getSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetSessionManager()
Gets (as xml) the "session-manager" element

Specified by:
xgetSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetSessionManager()
True if has "session-manager" element

Specified by:
isSetSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setSessionManager(String sessionManager)
Sets the "session-manager" element

Specified by:
setSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetSessionManager(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString sessionManager)
Sets (as xml) the "session-manager" element

Specified by:
xsetSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetSessionManager()
Unsets the "session-manager" element

Specified by:
unsetSessionManager in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean getCompactPath()
Gets the "compact-path" element

Specified by:
getCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBoolean xgetCompactPath()
Gets (as xml) the "compact-path" element

Specified by:
xgetCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetCompactPath()
True if has "compact-path" element

Specified by:
isSetCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setCompactPath(boolean compactPath)
Sets the "compact-path" element

Specified by:
setCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetCompactPath(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBoolean compactPath)
Sets (as xml) the "compact-path" element

Specified by:
xsetCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetCompactPath()
Unsets the "compact-path" element

Specified by:
unsetCompactPath in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractNamingEntryType[] getAbstractNamingEntryArray()
Gets array of all "abstract-naming-entry" elements

Specified by:
getAbstractNamingEntryArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractNamingEntryType getAbstractNamingEntryArray(int i)
Gets ith "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
getAbstractNamingEntryArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfAbstractNamingEntryArray()
Returns number of "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
sizeOfAbstractNamingEntryArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setAbstractNamingEntryArray(GerAbstractNamingEntryType[] abstractNamingEntryArray)
Sets array of all "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
setAbstractNamingEntryArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setAbstractNamingEntryArray(int i,
                                        GerAbstractNamingEntryType abstractNamingEntry)
Sets ith "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
setAbstractNamingEntryArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractNamingEntryType insertNewAbstractNamingEntry(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
insertNewAbstractNamingEntry in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractNamingEntryType addNewAbstractNamingEntry()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
addNewAbstractNamingEntry in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeAbstractNamingEntry(int i)
Removes the ith "abstract-naming-entry" element

Specified by:
removeAbstractNamingEntry in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbRefType[] getEjbRefArray()
Gets array of all "ejb-ref" elements

Specified by:
getEjbRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbRefType getEjbRefArray(int i)
Gets ith "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
getEjbRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfEjbRefArray()
Returns number of "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
sizeOfEjbRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setEjbRefArray(GerEjbRefType[] ejbRefArray)
Sets array of all "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
setEjbRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setEjbRefArray(int i,
                           GerEjbRefType ejbRef)
Sets ith "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
setEjbRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbRefType insertNewEjbRef(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
insertNewEjbRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbRefType addNewEjbRef()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
addNewEjbRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeEjbRef(int i)
Removes the ith "ejb-ref" element

Specified by:
removeEjbRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbLocalRefType[] getEjbLocalRefArray()
Gets array of all "ejb-local-ref" elements

Specified by:
getEjbLocalRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbLocalRefType getEjbLocalRefArray(int i)
Gets ith "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
getEjbLocalRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfEjbLocalRefArray()
Returns number of "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
sizeOfEjbLocalRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setEjbLocalRefArray(GerEjbLocalRefType[] ejbLocalRefArray)
Sets array of all "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
setEjbLocalRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setEjbLocalRefArray(int i,
                                GerEjbLocalRefType ejbLocalRef)
Sets ith "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
setEjbLocalRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbLocalRefType insertNewEjbLocalRef(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
insertNewEjbLocalRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerEjbLocalRefType addNewEjbLocalRef()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
addNewEjbLocalRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeEjbLocalRef(int i)
Removes the ith "ejb-local-ref" element

Specified by:
removeEjbLocalRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerServiceRefType[] getServiceRefArray()
Gets array of all "service-ref" elements

Specified by:
getServiceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerServiceRefType getServiceRefArray(int i)
Gets ith "service-ref" element

Specified by:
getServiceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfServiceRefArray()
Returns number of "service-ref" element

Specified by:
sizeOfServiceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setServiceRefArray(GerServiceRefType[] serviceRefArray)
Sets array of all "service-ref" element

Specified by:
setServiceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setServiceRefArray(int i,
                               GerServiceRefType serviceRef)
Sets ith "service-ref" element

Specified by:
setServiceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerServiceRefType insertNewServiceRef(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "service-ref" element

Specified by:
insertNewServiceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerServiceRefType addNewServiceRef()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "service-ref" element

Specified by:
addNewServiceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeServiceRef(int i)
Removes the ith "service-ref" element

Specified by:
removeServiceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceRefType[] getResourceRefArray()
Gets array of all "resource-ref" elements

Specified by:
getResourceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceRefType getResourceRefArray(int i)
Gets ith "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
getResourceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfResourceRefArray()
Returns number of "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
sizeOfResourceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setResourceRefArray(GerResourceRefType[] resourceRefArray)
Sets array of all "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
setResourceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setResourceRefArray(int i,
                                GerResourceRefType resourceRef)
Sets ith "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
setResourceRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceRefType insertNewResourceRef(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
insertNewResourceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceRefType addNewResourceRef()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
addNewResourceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeResourceRef(int i)
Removes the ith "resource-ref" element

Specified by:
removeResourceRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceEnvRefType[] getResourceEnvRefArray()
Gets array of all "resource-env-ref" elements

Specified by:
getResourceEnvRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceEnvRefType getResourceEnvRefArray(int i)
Gets ith "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
getResourceEnvRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfResourceEnvRefArray()
Returns number of "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
sizeOfResourceEnvRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setResourceEnvRefArray(GerResourceEnvRefType[] resourceEnvRefArray)
Sets array of all "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
setResourceEnvRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setResourceEnvRefArray(int i,
                                   GerResourceEnvRefType resourceEnvRef)
Sets ith "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
setResourceEnvRefArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceEnvRefType insertNewResourceEnvRef(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
insertNewResourceEnvRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerResourceEnvRefType addNewResourceEnvRef()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
addNewResourceEnvRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeResourceEnvRef(int i)
Removes the ith "resource-env-ref" element

Specified by:
removeResourceEnvRef in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerMessageDestinationType[] getMessageDestinationArray()
Gets array of all "message-destination" elements

Specified by:
getMessageDestinationArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerMessageDestinationType getMessageDestinationArray(int i)
Gets ith "message-destination" element

Specified by:
getMessageDestinationArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfMessageDestinationArray()
Returns number of "message-destination" element

Specified by:
sizeOfMessageDestinationArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setMessageDestinationArray(GerMessageDestinationType[] messageDestinationArray)
Sets array of all "message-destination" element

Specified by:
setMessageDestinationArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setMessageDestinationArray(int i,
                                       GerMessageDestinationType messageDestination)
Sets ith "message-destination" element

Specified by:
setMessageDestinationArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerMessageDestinationType insertNewMessageDestination(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "message-destination" element

Specified by:
insertNewMessageDestination in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerMessageDestinationType addNewMessageDestination()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "message-destination" element

Specified by:
addNewMessageDestination in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeMessageDestination(int i)
Removes the ith "message-destination" element

Specified by:
removeMessageDestination in interface JettyWebAppType


public String getSecurityRealmName()
Gets the "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
getSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetSecurityRealmName()
Gets (as xml) the "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
xgetSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetSecurityRealmName()
True if has "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
isSetSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setSecurityRealmName(String securityRealmName)
Sets the "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
setSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public void xsetSecurityRealmName(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString securityRealmName)
Sets (as xml) the "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
xsetSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetSecurityRealmName()
Unsets the "security-realm-name" element

Specified by:
unsetSecurityRealmName in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractSecurityType getSecurity()
Gets the "security" element

Specified by:
getSecurity in interface JettyWebAppType


public boolean isSetSecurity()
True if has "security" element

Specified by:
isSetSecurity in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setSecurity(GerAbstractSecurityType security)
Sets the "security" element

Specified by:
setSecurity in interface JettyWebAppType


public GerAbstractSecurityType addNewSecurity()
Appends and returns a new empty "security" element

Specified by:
addNewSecurity in interface JettyWebAppType


public void unsetSecurity()
Unsets the "security" element

Specified by:
unsetSecurity in interface JettyWebAppType


public AbstractServiceType[] getServiceArray()
Gets array of all "service" elements

Specified by:
getServiceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public AbstractServiceType getServiceArray(int i)
Gets ith "service" element

Specified by:
getServiceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfServiceArray()
Returns number of "service" element

Specified by:
sizeOfServiceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setServiceArray(AbstractServiceType[] serviceArray)
Sets array of all "service" element

Specified by:
setServiceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setServiceArray(int i,
                            AbstractServiceType service)
Sets ith "service" element

Specified by:
setServiceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public AbstractServiceType insertNewService(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "service" element

Specified by:
insertNewService in interface JettyWebAppType


public AbstractServiceType addNewService()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "service" element

Specified by:
addNewService in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removeService(int i)
Removes the ith "service" element

Specified by:
removeService in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence[] getPersistenceArray()
Gets array of all "persistence" elements

Specified by:
getPersistenceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence getPersistenceArray(int i)
Gets ith "persistence" element

Specified by:
getPersistenceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public int sizeOfPersistenceArray()
Returns number of "persistence" element

Specified by:
sizeOfPersistenceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setPersistenceArray(org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence[] persistenceArray)
Sets array of all "persistence" element

Specified by:
setPersistenceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public void setPersistenceArray(int i,
                                org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence persistence)
Sets ith "persistence" element

Specified by:
setPersistenceArray in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence insertNewPersistence(int i)
Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "persistence" element

Specified by:
insertNewPersistence in interface JettyWebAppType


public org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.persistence.PersistenceDocument.Persistence addNewPersistence()
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "persistence" element

Specified by:
addNewPersistence in interface JettyWebAppType


public void removePersistence(int i)
Removes the ith "persistence" element

Specified by:
removePersistence in interface JettyWebAppType

Copyright © 2003-2008 The Apache Geronimo development community. All Rights Reserved.