Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressException

Uses of AddressException in javax.mail.internet

Methods in javax.mail.internet that throw AddressException
 InternetAddress[] InternetAddress.getGroup(boolean strict)
          Return the members of a group address.
static InternetAddress[] InternetAddress.parse(String addresses)
          Parse addresses out of the string with basic checking.
static NewsAddress[] NewsAddress.parse(String addresses)
          Parse a comma-spearated list of addresses.
static InternetAddress[] InternetAddress.parse(String addresses, boolean strict)
          Parse addresses out of the string.
static InternetAddress[] InternetAddress.parseHeader(String addresses, boolean strict)
          Parse addresses out of the string.
 void InternetAddress.validate()
          Validate the address portion of an internet address to ensure validity.

Constructors in javax.mail.internet that throw AddressException
InternetAddress(String address)
InternetAddress(String address, boolean strict)

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