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A GBeanMBean is a J2EE Management Managed Object, and is standard base for Geronimo services. GBean is a class or object that Geronimo the container can manage the lifecycle of. So, for example, when you deploy parts into a container you want to start them and stop them, and they have dependencies: Such as 'Bean A' can only start up when 'Bean B' is ready to go because 'Bean B' provides services that 'Bean A' needs. So, GBeans are Geronimo's way of packaging up things are that need to be managed, and can express dependencies. The GBeans architecture lies at the heart of Geronimo's power to enable developers to move or work with their existing J2EE assets, whether Open Source or commercial.
GBeans are designed to let you take things you have, put a GBean wrapper around them, and use that to bridge the JSR 77 lifecycle requirements which GBeans support). You can take anything lying around and get it to work with GBeans. In addition, the GBeans will let developers bring other existing Open Source Java projects into the Geronimo orbit.
This wraps one or more target POJOs and exposes the attributes and operations according to a supplied GBeanInfo instance. The GBeanMBean also supports caching of attribute values and invocation results which can reduce the number of calls to a target.
Grab the source code and search for the implementators of the GBeanLifecycle. It is a good way to find GBeans examples. It's been found that the jetty module and the GBeanTest class are quite helpful.
TODO: Add the fully qualified class names
public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo()
This method provides meta-data about the attributes, operations and references exposed or used by the GBean. It is standard practice (a Geronimo pattern) to initialize this meta-data in a static block initializer. The following block depicts such an approach:
public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO; static { GBeanInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new GBeanInfoBuilder("AxisGbean", AxisGbean.class); infoBuilder.addAttribute("name", String.class, true); infoBuilder.addAttribute("kernel", Kernel.class, false); infoBuilder.addOperation("echo", new Class[]{String.class}); infoBuilder.setConstructor(new String[] {"kernel","Name"}); GBEAN_INFO = infoBuilder.getBeanInfo(); }
Attributes and references MUST be compliant wit the following naming conventions: attributes MUST start with a lower case first character; and references must should start with an upper case first character. This simple naming convention should simplify the configuration of a GBean.
package example1; import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfo; import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfoBuilder; public class MyGBean { public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO; static { GBeanInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new GBeanInfoBuilder("MyGBean", MyGBean.class); GBEAN_INFO = infoBuilder.getBeanInfo(); } public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo() { return GBEAN_INFO; } }
Compile the class using the following command (TODO: create a maven task to compile a user's gbeans; simply find a better way).
$ javac -classpath <geronimo_home>/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-kernel-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar example1/MyGBean.java
TODO: Change what follows in this section (temporarily useful)
Create a jar with the gbean class and place it into <geronimo_home>/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/repository/example1.
$ jar -Mcvf mygbean.jar example1/*.class $ mkdir <geronimo_home>/assembly/target/repository $ cp mygbean.jar <geronimo_home>/assembly/target/repository
Deploying a GBean onto Geronimo requires to create a specialised Geronimo plan (aka configuration). It's similar to J2EE deployment descriptors as it also describes what it looks like and what references to other GBean it must have started before it starts up.
The plan has to conform to schema/geronimo-config.xsd (in the repo it's in modules/deployment/src/schema/geronimo-config.xsd)
Here is a part of the deployment descriptor for the gbeans already available in the binary distribution of Geronimo (it's modules/assembly/src/plan/j2ee-server-plan.xml in the repo). It looks really scary if this is your first time seeing one. Down below we have a simple one that we'll use for your GBean.
<gbean name="openejb:type=ContainerIndex" class="org.openejb.ContainerIndex"> <references name="EJBContainers"> <pattern>geronimo.server:j2eeType=StatelessSessionBean,*</pattern> <pattern>geronimo.server:j2eeType=StatefulSessionBean,*</pattern> <pattern>geronimo.server:j2eeType=EntityBean,*</pattern> </references> </gbean> <!-- EJB Protocol --> <gbean name="openejb:type=SocketService,name=EJB" class="org.openejb.server.SimpleSocketService"> <attribute name="serviceClassName" type="java.lang.String">org.openejb.server.ejbd.EjbServer</attribute> <attribute name="onlyFrom" type="java.net.InetAddress[]"></attribute> <reference name="ContainerIndex">openejb:type=ContainerIndex</reference> </gbean> <gbean name="openejb:type=ServiceDaemon,name=EJB" class="org.openejb.server.ServiceDaemon"> <attribute name="port" type="int">4201</attribute> <attribute name="inetAddress" type="java.net.InetAddress"></attribute> <reference name="SocketService">openejb:type=SocketService,name=EJB</reference> </gbean> <!-- JSR77 Management Objects --> <gbean name="geronimo.server:j2eeType=J2EEDomain,name=geronimo.server" class="org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.management.impl.J2EEDomainImpl"/> <gbean name="geronimo.server:j2eeType=J2EEServer,name=geronimo" class="org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.management.impl.J2EEServerImpl"> <reference name="ServerInfo">geronimo.system:role=ServerInfo</reference> </gbean> <gbean name="geronimo.server:j2eeType=JVM,J2EEServer=geronimo" class="org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.management.impl.JVMImpl"/> <!-- JMX Remoting --> <gbean name="geronimo.server:role=JMXService,name=localhost" class="org.apache.geronimo.jmxremoting.JMXConnector"> <attribute name="URL" type="java.lang.String">service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi:/JMXConnector</attribute> <attribute name="applicationConfigName" type="java.lang.String">JMX</attribute> </gbean>
See also BROKEN INTERWIKI LINK to wiki:Deployment#head-5cbd584046863bc7b753e57e8681a98a87f36f0f (label = Service configuration and deployment).
TODO: Describe what these elements mean (here or even better in xsd)
So that was scary. The next section describes the deployment plan necessary for your GBean. It's really not so bad...
Here's the plan of your first simple GBean - MyGBean. The gbean doesn't expose any attributes or have references to other GBean.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration xmlns="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment" configId="example1/MyGBean" > <dependency> <uri>mygbean.jar</uri> </dependency> <gbean name="geronimo.example:name=My first simple GBean" class="example1.MyGBean" /> </configuration>
There are two ways to deploy the GBean to your server, the so-called "offline" mode for when your server isn't running, and the "online" mode, when it is. Both are outlined below. Deploying the gbean requires to execute Geronimo Deployer. It boils down to executing an executable jar bin/deployer.jar.
When the Geronimo server isn't running, it's possible to add a GBean to it's configuration, and then start the GBean later when the server is running.
First, 'distribute' the GBean to the server :
java -jar bin/deployer.jar distribute mygbean-plan.xml
This will do all the necessary things to get the GBean to the server, but the GBean won't be running when the server starts.
Now, start the server :
java -jar bin/server.jar
And when that is complete, start your GBean :
java -jar bin/deployer.jar start example1/MyGBean Username: system Password: manager
You'll be prompted for the username and password in order to start the GBean, as shown above. Use the values shown above.
Note that unless you start the server "in the background", you'll need another command prompt to start your GBean.
After starting, you should see the following in your server log :
11:43:11,652 INFO [ConfigurationManagerImpl] Loaded Configuration geronimo.config:name="example1/MyGBean" 11:43:11,717 INFO [Configuration] Started configuration example1/MyGBean
When you already have a server running, you can distribute and start the GBean in one step :
java -jar bin/deployer.jar deploy mygbean-plan.xml Username: system Password: manager
And you'll see a slightly different message in the log.
11:44:25,340 INFO [LocalConfigStore:config-store] Installed configuration example1/MyGBean in location 19 11:44:25,432 INFO [ConfigurationManagerImpl] Loaded Configuration geronimo.config:name="example1/MyGBean" 11:44:25,446 INFO [Configuration] Started configuration example1/MyGBean
Once the deployment completes, start the following command from the Geronimo home directory:
java -jar bin/server.jar example1/MyGBean
You should see the following output on the console:
$ java -jar bin/server.jar example1/MyGBean 15:29:42,376 WARN [ToolsJarHack] Could not all find java compiler: lib\tools.jar file not found in C:\Program Files\Jav a\j2re1.4.2_05 or C:\Program Files\Java 15:29:42,386 INFO [Daemon] Server startup begun 15:29:43,230 INFO [Kernel] Starting boot 15:29:43,612 INFO [MBeanServerFactory] Created MBeanServer with ID: 17ce4e7:ff076f1f39:-8000:JLASKOWSKI:1 15:29:43,833 INFO [Kernel] Booted 15:29:43,963 INFO [ConfigurationManagerImpl] Loaded Configuration geronimo.config:name="org/apache/geronimo/System" 15:29:44,586 INFO [Configuration] Started configuration org/apache/geronimo/System 15:29:45,048 INFO [RMIRegistryService] Started RMI Registry on port 1099 15:29:45,139 INFO [ReadOnlyRepository] Repository root is file:/C:/projects/geronimo/trunk/modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/repository/ 15:29:45,229 INFO [ConfigurationManagerImpl] Loaded Configuration geronimo.config:name="MyGBean" 15:29:45,249 INFO [Configuration] Started configuration MyGBean 15:29:45,249 INFO [Daemon] Server startup completed
The line Loaded Configuration geronimo.config:name="MyGBean" indicates that your first GBean is really deployed and running! Hurray!
You may also want to see some information about the gbean in the Geronimo Debug Console. Start the server with the following command:
java -jar bin/server.jar org/apache/geronimo/DebugConsole example1/MyGBean
and open up http://localhost:8080/debug-tool/index.vm?ObjectNameFilter=*%3Aname%3D%22MyGBean%22&MBeanName=geronimo.config%3Aname%3D%22MyGBean%22 in your browser.
And here is how to run the gbean programatically:
Having created a GBean like this to start/stop/set values/invoke operations and GBean service use code like follows
name = new ObjectName("test:name=AxisGBean"); kernel = new Kernel("test.kernel", "test"); kernel.boot(); ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); ClassLoader myCl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], cl); GBeanMBean gbean = new GBeanMBean(AxisGbean.getGBeanInfo(), myCl); gbean.setAttribute("name", "Test"); kernel.loadGBean(name, gbean); Kernel.startGBean(name); System.out.println(kernel.getMBeanServer().getAttribute(name, "state")); System.out.println(kernel.getMBeanServer().invoke(name, "echo", new Object[]{"Hello"}, new String[]{String.class.getName()})); kernel.stopGBean(name); kernel.unloadGBean(name)
If you feel you can answer some of the questions please do so!
GBeans are exposed as MBeans via the JMX kernel. Hence, it is possible to control/query them as we would have control Â"standardÂ" MBeans.
For instance, to manage a given MBean remotely, it is possible to leverage the Java Management Extensions Remote API(JSR 160), which is supported by Geronimo.
More accurately, two services need to be up and running in order to enable the RMI Connector defined by JSR 160 on the server-side:
If the two above services are running, then the following snippet will get you an MBeanServerConnection:
Map environment = new HashMap(); String[] credentials = new String[]{<username>, <password>}; environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, credentials); JMXServiceURL address = new JMXServiceURL(<URI defined by the JMXConnector service>); JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(address, environment); MBeanServerConnection mbServerConnection = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
Note: username and password must be defined by the org.apache.geronimo.security.jaas.ConfigurationEntry having the name defined by the applicationConfigName attribute of the org.apache.geronimo.jmxremoting.JMXConnector service.
Having said that, if you do not want to write code, you can also use a JMX console supporting JSR 160.
First get a handle to the kernel by calling KernelRegistry.getSingleKernel() and then use the invoke methods in the Kernel interface. eg:
ObjectName obj = new ObjectName("geronimo.example:name=EchoServer"); Kernel kernel = KernelRegistry.getSingleKernel(); String outputs=(String)kernel.invoke(obj,"hello");
where hello() is a method on the GBean. This will work provided that the GBean is running in the same server instance where the J2EE application is deployed.
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