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Home > Index > JSR 77 Performance Monitoring (Stats Interfaces) |
No. | J2EEManagedObject | Stats Interface | Methods | Description | Affected Source | StatisticsProvider Class | Comments |
1 | EJB | EJBStats | CountStatistic getCreateCount() | Number of times the beans create method was called | OpenEJB |
| CountStatistic getRemoveCount() | Number of times the beans remove method was called |
2 | SessionBean | SessionBeanStats | RangeStatistic getMethodReadyCount() | Number of beans in the method-ready state | OpenEJB |
3 | StatelessSessionBean | StatelessSessionBeanStats | NONE | - | OpenEJB |
4 | StatefulSessionBean | StatefulSessionBeanStats | RangeStatistic getPassiveCount() | Number of beans that are in the passivated state | OpenEJB |
5 | MessageDrivenBean | MessageDrivenBeanStats | CountStatistic getMessageCount() | Number of messages received | OpenEJB |
6 | EntityBean | EntityBeanStats | RangeStatistic getReadyCount() | Number of bean instances in the ready state | OpenEJB |
| RangeStatistic getPooledCount() | Number of bean instances in the pooled state |
7 | Servlet | ServletStats | TimeStatistic getServiceTime() | Execution time of the servlets service method | Tomcat / Jetty |
8 | JCAResource | JCAStats | JCAConnectionStats[] getConnections() | * list of JCAConnectionStats that provide statistics about the nonpooled connections associated with the referencing JCA resource statistics | ? |
| JCAConnectionPoolStats[] getConnectionPools() | * list of JCAConnectionPoolStats that provide statistics about the connection pools associated with the referencing JCA resource statisticsZ |
9 | ? | JCAConnectionStats | OBJECT_NAME getConnectionFactory() | * JCAConnectionFactory OBJECT_NAME of the managed object that identifies the connector's connection factory for this connection | ? |
| OBJECT_NAME getManagedConnectionFactory() | * JCAManagedConnectionFactory OBJECT_NAME of the managed object that identifies the connector's managed connection factory for this connection |
| TimeStatistic getWaitTime() | Time spent waiting for a connection to be available |
| TimeStatistic getUseTime() | Time spent using a connection |
10 | ? | JCAConnectionPoolStats | CountStatistic getCloseCount() | Number of connections closed | ? |
| CountStatistic getCreateCount() | Number of connections created |
| BoundedRangeStatistic getFreePoolSize() | Number of free connections in the pool |
| BoundedRangeStatistic getPoolSize() | Size of the connection pool |
| RangeStatistic getWaitingThreadCount() | Number of threads waiting for a connection |
11 | JTAResource | JTAStats | CountStatistic getActiveCount() | Number of active transactions | ? |
| CountStatistic getCommittedCount() | Number of committed transactions |
| CountStatistic getRolledbackCount() | Number of rolled-back transactions |
12 | JDBCResource | JDBCStats | JDBCConnectionStats[] getConnections() | * list of JDBCConnectionStats that provide statistics about the nonpooled connections associated with the referencing JDBC resource statistics | Geronimo |
| JDBCConnectionPoolStats[] getConnectionPools() | * list of JDBCConnectionPoolStats that provide statistics about the connection pools associated with the referencing JDBC resource statistics |
13 | ? | JDBCConnectionStats | OBJECT_NAME getJdbcDataSource() | * name of the managed object that identifies the JDBC data source for this connection | Geronimo |
| TimeStatistic getWaitTime() | Time spent waiting for a connection to be available |
| TimeStatistic getUseTime() | Time spent using a connection |
14 | ? | JDBCConnectionPoolStats | CountStatistic getCreateCount() | Number of connections created | Geronimo |
| CountStatistic getCloseCount() | Number of connections closed |
| BoundedRangeStatistic getPoolSize() | Size of the connection pool |
| BoundedRangeStatistic getFreePoolSize() | Number of free connections in the pool |
| RangeStatistic getWaitingThreadCount() | Number of threads waiting for a connection |
15 | JMSResource | JMSStats | JMSConnectionStats[] getConnections() | * list of JMSConnectionStats that provide statistics about the connections associated with the referencing JMS resource | ActiveMQ |
16 | ? | JMSConnectionStats | JMSSessionStats[] getSessions() | * list of JMSSessionStats that provide statistics about the sessions associated with the referencing JMSConnectionStats | ActiveMQ |
| boolean isTransactional() | * transactional state of this JMS connection |
17 | ? | JMSSessionStats | JMSProducerStats[] getProducers() | * list of JMSProducerStats that provide statistics about the message producers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics | ActiveMQ |
| JMSConsumerStats[] getConsumers() | * list of JMSConsumerStats that provide statistics about the message consumers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics |
| CountStatistic getMessageCount() | Number of messages exchanged |
| CountStatistic getPendingMessageCount() | Number of pending messages |
| CountStatistic getExpiredMessageCount() | Number of expired messages |
| TimeStatistic getMessageWaitTime() | Time spent by a message before being delivered |
| CountStatistic getDurableSubscriptionCount() | Number of durable subscriptions |
18 | ? | JMSEndpointStats | CountStatistic getMessageCount() | Number of messages sent or received | ActiveMQ |
| CountStatistic getPendingMessageCount() | Number of pending messages |
| CountStatistic getExpiredMessageCount() | Number of messages that expired before delivery |
| TimeStatistic getMessageWaitTime() | Time spent by a message before being delivered |
19 | ? | JMSProducerStats | String getDestination() | * encapsulates the identity of a message destination | ActiveMQ |
20 | ? | JMSConsumerStats | String getOrigin() | * encapsulates the identity of a message origin | ActiveMQ |
21 | JavaMailResource | JavaMailStats | CountStatistic getSentMailCount() | Number of mail messages sent | Geronimo |
22 | URLResource | URLStats | NONE | - | Geronimo |
23 | JVM | JVMStats | CountStatistic getUpTime() | The length of time that the JVM has been running | Geronimo | org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.management.impl.JVMImpl | Implemented |
| BoundedRangeStatistic getHeapSize() | The memory usage of the JVM |
No. | J2EEManagedObject | Stats Interface | Methods | Description | Affected Source | StatisticsProvider Class | Comments |
1 | EJBModule | EJBModuleStats | CountStatistic getEntityBeanCount() | number of entity beans defined in this EJB Module | OpenEJB |
| CountStatistic getStatelessSessionBeanCount() | number of stateless session beans defined in this EJB Module |
| CountStatistic getStatefulSessionBeanCount() | number of stateful session beans defined in this EJB Module |
| CountStatistic getMessageDrivenBeanCount() | number of message driven beans defined in this EJB Module |
| CountStatistic getTotalBeanCount() | total number of beans defined in this EJB Module |
2 | ThreadPool | ThreadPoolStats | BoundedRangeStatistic getThreadsInUse() | min and max pool size, as well as the most, least, and current number of threads in use | Geronimo |
| CountStatistic getCountForConsumer(String consumer) | can be used to find out how many threads that consumer is consuming at the time these statistics were generated |
| String[] getThreadConsumers() | list of the known consumers of threads from this pool; this may not be all consumers |
3 |
| WebConnectorStats | TimeStatistic getRequestTime() | Time statistics (count, total, Max, Min) for requests (includes figures across all requests since statistics gathering started) | Tomcat |
| CountStatistic getErrorCount() | number of errors that have been returned since statistics gathering started |
| RangeStatistic getActiveRequestCount() | number of requests being processed concurrently (as well as the min and max since statistics gathering started) |
| RangeStatistic getOpenConnectionCount() | number of connections currently open (as well as the min and max since statistics gathering started) |
| RangeStatistic getSpareThreadCount() | number of threads currently available (as well as min and max since statistics gathering started |
4 |
| WebContainerStats | CountStatistic getTotalConnectionCount() | total number of connections thus far | Jetty |
| RangeStatistic getOpenConnectionCount() | number of connections currently open (as well as the min and max since statistics gathering started) |
| RangeStatistic getConnectionRequestCount() | number of requests handled by a particular connection (as well as the min and max since statistics gathering started) |
| TimeStatistic getConnectionDuration() | length of time that connections have been open (includes figures across all connections open at present) |
| CountStatistic getTotalErrorCount() | number of errors that have been returned since statistics gathering started |
| CountStatistic getTotalRequestCount() | number of requests that have been processed since statistics gathering started |
| RangeStatistic getActiveRequestCount() | number of requests being processed concurrently (as well as the min and max since statistics gathering started) |
| TimeStatistic getRequestDuration() | length of time taken to process a request (includes figures across all requests since statistics gathering started) |
| boolean isStatsOn() | current state of statistics collection (on or off) |
5 | WebModule | WebModuleStats | CountStatistic getProcessingTime() | cumulative processing times of requests by all servlets in this Context | Tomcat |
| CountStatistic getStartupTime() | time (in milliseconds) it took to start this context |
| CountStatistic getTldScanTime() | scan time of the TLD contents of all tag library descriptor files |
| TimeStatistic getSessionAliveTime() | time (in seconds) that an expired session had been alive (count, max, total) |
| CountStatistic getSessionCount() | total number of sessions created by this manager |
| CountStatistic getActiveSessionCount() | number of currently active sessions |
| CountStatistic getExpiredSessionCount() | number of sessions that have expired |
| CountStatistic getRejectedSessionCount() | number of sessions that were not created because the maximum number of active sessions was reached |
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