Home > Documentation > Sample applications > Creating a new sample |
To facilitate the creation of sample applications for Geronimo in a more consistent way we use mvn archetype to first create a sample template. mvn is part of the apache maven project. Downloading and configuring maven is prerequisite for creating your own sample. As maven needs a fully functional internet link, take care of its proxy configuration which you can set in maven_home/conf/setting.xml
To create your own sample using this template follow these steps:
in the comand below to the name of your sample.
mvn -Pcreate -DsampleName=mySample -DsampleVersion=myVersionNumber
You now add/delete child mvn modules under samples/mySample to suit your requirement.
mvn clean
. Then zip the mySample directory. The zip now contains the samples source, the javadocs, source xref and the wiki page doc.
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