HomeDocumentation > User's guide > Administration > Administrative Tasks > Configuring security > Properties File Realm

Properties File Realm

This realm type allows you to configure Web applications to authenticate users against it.

To create a new security realm, click Add new security realm from the Security Realms portlet.

Enter the name of security realm and select Properties File Realm from the Realm type: dropdown menu. Click Next and follow the instructions.

Note: the PropertiesFileLoginModule supports digest and encoding options.

  • digest option: The value specified for digest is the Message Digest algorithm to be used on the user supplied password before comparing it to the stored password.
    Examples of digest values are MD5 and SHA1. If digest is not specified, the passwords are treated as clear-text.
  • encoding option:It is used only when digest option is specified. The encoding option might be either hex or base64 (case insensitive). If encoding is not specified, hex encoding will be used.

When you create a new properties file realm through the administrative console, the key values you supply are in the configuration options field, which is the location and filenames of the user and group property files, such as:


By default, the security realm used by the server to authenticate administrative users for console and deployer access, is the geronimo-admin properties file realm. It can be created through the following configuration:

The following example illustrates a deployment plan for this default geronimo-admin realm.

Once the security realm has been created, you can click the usage link to view samples of how to use the new realm in your applications.