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Home > Documentation > Reference > Geronimo Architecture > Plugin and plugins group |
Apache Geronimo is now assembled completely out of plugins including the server configuration files, in this section we will explain the overview of plugin system and introduce concept of plugin groups betaken starting from v2.2.
A geronimo plugin consists of a classloader specification, optional classes, optional service or component configuration, and information about how to install it in Geroninimo. The classloader specification and service configuration is specified in a Geronimo plan (and possibly other plans such as a javaee spec DD or annotations). The information about how to install the plugin is provided in the META-INF/geronimo-plugin.xml
file. This file includes details such as the category and description, dependency information showing what else needs to be installed with this plugin, information about files to be unpacked on installation, and configuration information showing how and when the plugin will be started. Before looking at the more complicated aspects of the plugins lets look at a simple example of geronimo-plugin.xml
. Here is an example for the jetty web container:
First we see fairly obvious cataloging information:
Each geronimo-plugin.xml
can specify information for many versions of the "same" plugin, so the plugin-artifact element specifying information for one version can occur multiple times. Here there is just one. First we see the plugin moduleId and the list of dependencies that will be installed if not already present.
Now we see the list of repositories this plugin is expected to be available from. We normally include the local maven repository to make developing plugins easier.
Here we see the prototype for plugin customization. The config.xml
file has a section for each module or plugin it knows about and the contents of the config-xml-content in geronimo-plugin.xml
are copied into such an element in config.xml
. Note the use of substitution variables such as ${ServerHostname}.
Here we see the default values of the substitution variables. These are copied into the config-substitutions.properties
file; you are expected to modify these by hand as necessary.
Missing from this example is the <artifact-alias> element which can be used to replace one plugin by another. For instance you can switch databases by deploying postgres-system-database and specifying <artifact-alias key="org.apache.geronimo.configs/system-database/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car">org.apache.geronimo.configs/postgres-system-database/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car</artifact-alias>
One of the more obvious parts of Geronimo is the repository which contains jars as well as plugins. However the plugins by themselves don't do anything; we need some information about which ones to start and how to customize them in order to get a functioning server. This kind of information is normally stored in configuration files in the var/config
directory such as config.xml
, config-substitutions.properties
and artifact_aliases.properties
. There are several "servers" you can start in a normal Geronimo installation, such as the "server", the app client container, the deployer, and the jsr88 tool. The plugin system abstracts this idea of a "server instance" with a ServerInstance gbean that specifies the attribute store (relating to the config.xml
and config-substitutions.xml
files) and artifact resolver (relating to the artifact_aliases.properties
file). So the plugin system requires that you set up ServerInstances for all the kinds of servers you expect to start in a Geronimo installation. For instance, the normal Geronimo setup includes these:
By default, plugins are installed into the default server instance. If you need to install into a different instance you can specify this in the config-xml-content, config-substitution, and artifact-alias elements. Here's an example from client-transaction, showing how it redirects any dependencies to the server transaction plugin to itself.
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Assemblies :: Boilerplate Minimal | org.apache.geronimo.assemblies/geronimo-boilerplate//car | Provides boilerplate files for all Geronimo Server assemblies. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: GShell Framework | org.apache.geronimo.framework/gshell-framework//car | Provides the GShell Framework used by the Geronimo Server. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: GShell Geronimo | org.apache.geronimo.framework/gshell-geronimo//car | Provides the GShell commands to operate on the Geronimo Server. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: GShell Remote | org.apache.geronimo.framework/gshell-remote//car | Provides the GShell commands to operate on a remote Geronimo Server. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: J2EE System | org.apache.geronimo.framework/j2ee-system//car | Provides base geronimo server that sets up the kernel. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: Client System | org.apache.geronimo.framework/client-system//car | Provides initial configuration for a demo Geronimo server. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: RMI Naming | org.apache.geronimo.framework/rmi-naming//car | Provides fundamental geronimo services including the plugin installer. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: Plugin Management | org.apache.geronimo.framework/plugin//car | Provides plugin functionality. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: J2EE Security | org.apache.geronimo.framework/j2ee-security//car | Provides basic Geronimo server security infrastructure. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: Server Security Configuration | org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config//car | Provides sample security configuration for a demo geronimo server. Not suitable for production use. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: Shutdown | org.apache.geronimo.framework/shutdown//car | Provides stop server functionality. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: JSR-88 CLI | org.apache.geronimo.framework/jsr88-cli//car | Provides command line implementation of JSR-88 specification. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, Clustering :: Farming | org.apache.geronimo.configs/farming//car | Provides basic farming support. |
Geronimo Plugins, Clustering :: WADI | org.apache.geronimo.configs/wadi-clustering//car | Provides Geronimo WADI integration. |
Geronimo Plugins, Tomcat :: Clustering Builder for WADI | org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb-clustering-builder-wadi//car | Provides openejb and WADI integration. |
Geronimo Plugins, Tomcat :: Clustering over WADI | org.apache.geronimo.configs/tomcat6-clustering-builder-wadi//car | Provides deployment for WADI clustering on Tomcat 6. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, Corba :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb-corba-deployer//car | Provides the Geronimo deployer for corba security configurations for openejb. |
Geronimo Plugins, Corba :: Yoko ORB | org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-corba-yoko//car | Provides Yoko Orb server setup with naming service, protected orb, and unprotected orb. |
Geronimo Plugins, MEJB :: Config | org.apache.geronimo.configs/mejb//car | MEJB plugin. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, Corba :: Client Yoko | org.apache.geronimo.configs/client-corba-yoko//car | Provides Geronimo deployer for corba security configurations for openejb. |
Geronimo Plugins, Client :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/client-deployer//car | Provides Geronimo deployer for standard JEE artifacts. |
Geronimo Plugins, J2EE :: JSR-88 | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jsr88-jar-configurer//car | Provides a base server that lets you implement offline JSR-88 APIs. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, OpenJPA :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/persistence-jpa10-deployer//car | Provides Geronimo Persistence Unit deployer. |
Geronimo Plugins, OpenJPA :: OpenJPA | org.apache.geronimo.configs/openjpa//car | Provides OpenJPA plugin. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Assemblies :: Boilerplate | org.apache.geronimo.assemblies/geronimo-boilerplate//car | Provides boilerplate files for all Geronimo Server assemblies. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: CLI Upgrade | org.apache.geronimo.framework/upgrade-cli//car | Provides repository registration of a plugin.(obsolete) |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: Offline Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.framework/offline-deployer//car | Provides offline deployer. |
Geronimo Plugins, Hot Deploy :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/hot-deployer//car | Provides a substitute for using explicit deploy commands from maven, the command line, or the console. |
Geronimo Plugins, J2EE :: JSR-88 EAR Configurer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jsr88-ear-configurer//car | Provides ear implementation of JSR-88 specification. |
Geronimo Plugins, J2EE :: JSR-88 RAR Configurer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jsr88-rar-configurer//car | Provides rar implementation of JSR-88 specification. |
Geronimo Plugins, J2EE :: JSR-88 WAR Configurer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jsr88-war-configurer//car | Provides war implementation of JSR-88 specification. |
Geronimo Plugins, Remote Deploy :: Tomcat | org.apache.geronimo.configs/remote-deploy-tomcat//car | Provides a Geronimo remote deploy upload servlet (Tomcat). |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: GShell Geronimo | org.apache.geronimo.framework/gshell-geronimo//car | Provides the GShell commands to opperate on the Geronimo Server. |
Geronimo Framework, Configs :: GShell Remote | org.apache.geronimo.framework/gshell-remote//car | Provides the GShell commands to opperate on a remote Geronimo Server. |
Geronimo Plugins, Remote Deploy :: Tomcat | org.apache.geronimo.configs/tomcat6-deployer//car | Provides the Geronimo deployer for Tomcat web container. |
Geronimo Plugins, Jasper :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jasper-deployer//car | Provides the deployer for Jasper jsps. Installs injection support components. |
Geronimo Plugins, Shared Library | org.apache.geronimo.configs/sharedlib//car | Shared Library GBean. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, AXIS :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis-deployer//car | Provides the web Services Deployer for Geronimo Axis 1 integration. |
Geronimo Plugins, AXIS2 :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-deployer//car | Provides the web Services Deployer for Geronimo Axis 2 integration. |
Geronimo Plugins, AXIS2 :: EJB Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-ejb-deployer//car | Provides the Geronimo JAX-WS EJB deployer for Apache Axis2. |
Geronimo Plugins, JAXWS :: Tools | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jaxws-tools//car | Provides JAX-WS command line tools. |
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: Tools CLI | org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-tools//car | Provides CXF JAX-WS command line tools. |
Plugin name | ModuleId | description |
Geronimo Plugins, AXIS :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis-deployer//car | Provides web Services Deployer for Geronimo Axis 1 integration. |
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-deployer//car | Provides Geronimo JAX-WS deployer for Apache CXF. |
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: EJB Deployer | org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-ejb-deployer//car | Provides Geronimo JAX-WS EJB deployer for Apache CXF. |
Geronimo Plugins, JAXWS :: Tools | org.apache.geronimo.configs/jaxws-tools//car | Provides JAX-WS command line tools. |
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: Tools CLI | org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-tools//car | Provides CXF JAX-WS command line tools. |
Look into Administering plugins for how to manage a plugin.
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