Home > Documentation > Migrating to Apache Geronimo > Migrating from JBoss to Geronimo > Building J2G from source |
If you are interested in simply using J2G to migrate an application, this article may not be for you, as it is intended to serve as instruction for compiling J2G from sources. For information on downloading a binary copy of J2G, visit the Geronimo Development Tools page.
Downloading and building J2G from the latest source allows for modifications and additions to be made to the tool set, the prerequisites and instructions are as follows.
Once the prerequisites are installed, it is time to checkout the code from the repository. To do this, use the "svn co" command from the command line. Currently, the repository for j2g is https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/devtools/j2g
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/devtools/j2g/trunk j2g
From the root J2G directory:
mvn install assembly:assembly
To disable unit tests while building:
mvn install -Dtest=false assembly:assembly
Once the tool has been built you can deploy by using the following steps:
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