Home > Documentation > Developing > Development environment > Configuring your development environment > Configuring Geronimo Eclipse Plugin to publish Maven Dependencies as Shared Library |
In order to configure GEP to publish Maven dependencies as shared library, you will need to install Maven Integration for Eclipse. To install m2eclipse plugin, follow the instructions at given at http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/. The configuration steps are illustrated using a web application and adding a dependency on commons-dbcp library.
Make sure org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverConnectionFactory class is resolved with no type not resolved errors.
In Source tab, a dependency on geronimo/sharedlib//car would be added as below:
This is due to a current bug in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editors. Change <sys:groupId> from geronimo to org.apache.geronimo.configs and press Ctrl + S to save the changes.
Use the steps below to verify that maven dependency is indeed added as a shared library:
is created under <geronimo_home>/var/shared/lib
file in HelloWorld.eclipse.jar contains the following:
The file path used in the manifest Class-Path may differ based on the location of your maven2 repository.
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