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If any errors is reported by Eclipse, you can see details about the error in Error Log view of Eclipse. When errors occur, only Eclipse Galileo will place this view in front of other views. In Eclipse Europa or Ganymede, you have to take these steps to find this view:
If you use both <sec:security> and <dep:gbean> elements in this deployment plan geronimo-application.xml
for your EAR, Eclipse 3.5 reports an error. This is because the XML editor in Eclipse 3.5 cannot recognize multiple aliases in the naming space. However, this application can be deployed on the server successfully even though Eclipse 3.5 reports an error in the plan. See Eclipse bug for more information about this problem.
To prevent Eclipse from reporting this type of errors, follow these steps:
This could happen if you have used @ManagedBean
annotation in your application, while according to JSF 2.0 specification, only those jar files which contains a faces-config.xml
in its /META-INF
folder will be scanned. You need to manually add a faces-config.xml
file in the /META-INF
of your application if there are jar files under /WEB-INF/lib/
directory which have @ManagedBean annotation definition in jar files.
By default, JPS&Servlet reloading is disabled for performance reasons. Refer to the following steps to enable JSP&Servlet reloading for Tomcat web container:
OpenEJB has lots of startup options as documented here. In Geronimo, you can use system variable GERONIMO_OPTS to pass through these options. For example, to configure local.copy
option in Geronimo, you can use the following command before the server is started.
On a Windows system: set GERONIMO_OPTS=-Dopenejb.localcopy=false
On a Unix-like system: export GERONIMO_OPTS=-Dopenejb.localcopy=false
You can override xml attributes in config.xml
by configuring defaultJspServlet parameters to enable development mode for JSP and servelets as followed in Tomcat assembly. You need to replicate the same Jasper configuration for jetty8-deployer if you are using Jetty assembly.
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