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Remote Deployer protocol innerworkings.

The Remote Deployer protocol is the protocol the remote deploy servlet/RemoteDeployUtil use. It starts with a version byte in order to preserve backward compatibility.

RemoteDeployer data stream format:

  1. an int, the version of this datastream format - REMOTE_DEPLOY_REQUEST_VER
  2. an int, the number of files being uploaded
  3. for each file:
    1. a UTF String, the filename of the file being uploaded
    2. a long, the length of the file in bytes
    3. byte[], byte count equal to the number above for the file

RemoteDeployer response stream format (it returns a serialized stream containing):

  1. an int, the version of this datastream format - REMOTE_DEPLOY_RESPONSE_VER
  2. a UTF string, the status (should be "OK")
  3. an int, the number of files received
  4. for each file:
    1. a UTF String, the path to the file as saved to the server's filesystem