HomeDocumentation > Apache Geronimo Board Reports > Apache Geronimo Board Report - 2012-04 - April

Apache Geronimo Board Report

Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates the best open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system administrators.

The community has begun discussions for a Geronimo 3.0 and XBean release. The community released the following during the last 3 months: Geronimo Tomcat, Geronimo JSP specs, Geronimo samples & daytrader, and Geronimo Eclipse Plugin.

The Geronimo PMC voted to add Xiao Yi (John) as a new committer to the project.


The community released Geronimo Tomcat, Geronimo JSP spec, Geronimo samples/daytrader, and Geronimo Eclipse Plugin.

JUGs and Conferences


New PMC Members

New Committers

Xiao Yi (John) was voted in as a new commiter on the project.


The Geronimo Tomcat release was needed to pick up the Tomcat security fix in Tomcat 7.0.23.

Other Issues and News