HomeDocumentation > Geronimo Release Process > Geronimo 3.0.x Release Process

Geronimo 3.0.x Release Process

Reference http://www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html

Have 3.0.1 release as an example.

Release Checklist

1. Better to use a non-Windows system to create the release candidate

2. mvn verify

3. Manually update some files:

  • Updates all pom.xml files to search "SNAPSHOT" to ensure there is no snapshot dependencies
  • Updates plugin-list url in $SRC\framework\configs\plugin\pom.xml
  • Updates ##VERSION## in README.txt and RELEASE_NOTES.txt in source code root folder and $SRC\framework\configs\karaf-framework
  • Updates JIRAs in RELEASE_NOTES.txt (bugs, improvement, new features, known issues, and limitations)
  • Updates the copyright year number in NOTICE files
  • Updates some un-released modules' versions to 3.0.1. Refer to this ant scripts to update the versions in batch.

    <target name="manualupdate-versions">
        <echo>Updating un-released modules' versions manually</echo>
        <replace dir="${user.dir}" token="version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT" value="version>3.0.1" summary="yes">
            <include name="assemblies/geronimo-jetty8-javaee6/pom.xml" />
            <include name="assemblies/geronimo-jetty8-javaee6-web/pom.xml" />
            <include name="assemblies/geronimo-jetty8-minimal/pom.xml" />
            <include name="framework/modules/geronimo-config-groovy-transformer/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugingroups/clustering-jetty/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugingroups/clustering-tomcat/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugingroups/webservices-cxf/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/activemq/activemq-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/activemq/activemq-webconsole/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/activemq/activemq-webconsole-jetty/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/activemq/activemq-webconsole-tomcat/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/axis/axis-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/ca-helper/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/ca-helper/ca-helper-jetty/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/ca-helper/ca-helper-tomcat/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/ca-helper/geronimo-ca-helper/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/clustering/clustering-it/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/clustering/clustering-it/clustering-test/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/clustering/clustering-it/customer-jetty/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/clustering/clustering-it/plugin-farm-it/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/clustering/clustering-it/sample-datasource/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/connector-1_6/geronimo-connector-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/console/console-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/console/console-tomcat-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/corba/corba-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/cxf/cxf-jaxws-tools/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/cxf/cxf-tools/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/cxf/geronimo-cxf-tools/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/jetty8/jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/monitoring/mconsole-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/monitoring/mconsole-jetty-server/mconsole-itest-simple/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/openejb/geronimo-openejb-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/uddi/uddi-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/wab/web-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/wab/web-tomcat-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/welcome/welcome-jetty-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/welcome/welcome-tomcat-server/pom.xml" />
            <include name="plugins/wink/wink-tomcat-server/pom.xml" />
  • Commit them

4. mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true -Pall-subprojects

5. Release Prepare

  • Before doing release prepare, clean up you local repository to avoid the bad staging release artifacts to be included in the geronimo release. see reference.
  • This will update the versions in branch 3.0 and create the release tag
    • Manually remove all *.log files in the source code root folder, otherwise those might be packed into the source code zip files.
    • mvn release:clean -Pall-subprojects
    • mvn release:prepare -Pall-subprojects
      • you need "mvn clean install -Dstage=bootstrap" in midway

6. Release Perform

7. Vote

  • Vote in mailing list, meanwhile wait TCK results. Sample release vote email as following:
[VOTE] Release Geronimo 3.0.0
Hi Devs,

With correction of legal files, here we have a new release candidate for vote. Please help vote at your earliest convenient time.

The server code up for vote is:

The binary code up for vote is:
Java EE 6 Full Profile Tomcat Assemblies:

Java EE 6 Web Profile Tomcat Assemblies:

Little-G Tomcat Assemblies:

Staging repo is:

The tag has created at:

Java EE 6 TCKs all passed!

Vote will be at least open for 72 hours.
[ ] +1  approve
[ ] +0  no opinion
[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
  • Post "VOTE PASSxxx" in the subject, and summarize the vote status in the body when vote close.

8. Release artifacts

  • In Apache nexus, click "release"
    • the artifacts will be synchronized to maven central repository in some time.

9. Update geronimo-plugins.xml

10. Check-in artifacts into dist svnpubsub

11. Announce in Mailing list and Post news in homepage

12. Update the security advisory page

13. Manaually update files in the 3.0 branch after release

  • update 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT to ##VERSION## in README.txt and RELEASE_NOTES.txt
  • remove the JIRA list in RELEASE_NOTES.txt (bugs, improvement, new features, limitations)
  • search "3.0.0" and change them to "3.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  • Update artifact-alias, add version 3.0.0 in artifact-alias after 3.0.0 release
    • /framework/configs/pom.xml
    • /plugins/client/pom.xml
    • /plugins/corba/client-corba-yoko/pom.xml
    • /plugins/pom.xml
  • commit them


1. Use Genesis 2.0 as a parent pom

  • genesis-java5-flava-2.0.pom
    • genesis-default-flava-2.0.pom
      • genesis-2.0.pom
        • apache-6.pom

2. Use Maven 3.0.3

    <!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
      <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>
      <password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD --> </password>
    <!-- To publish a website of some part of Maven -->
      <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>
    <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->
      <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>
      <password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD --> </password>
    <!-- To stage a website of some part of Maven -->
      <id>stagingSite</id> <!-- must match hard-coded repository identifier in site:stage-deploy -->
      <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username>

It is highly recommended to use Maven's password encryption capabilities for your passwords.http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html

3. Setup PGP Keys (for the ones who be the release manager the first time)

  • Download gnupg2
  • Generate your PGP Key (refer: http://www.apache.org/dev/openpgp.html) so that maven-release-plugin can sign your built artifacts when do release:perform
    • How To Avoid SHA-1
    • How To Generate a Strong Key
  • Update Maven's settings.xml with following:

            <gpg.passphrase> <!-- YOUR KEY PASSPHRASE --> </gpg.passphrase>
  • Meanwhile, append your public key to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/KEYS and https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/geronimo/KEYS so that user can verify the artifacts you released.
    • gpg --gen-key
      • RSA and RSA (default), 4096
    • gpg --list-sigs "xxxxxx" && gpg --armor --export "xxxxxx" > xxxxxx.key
      • "cat" your public key to above KEYS file
