HomeIndex > Java EE 5.0 App Development on Geronimo simplified using Eclipse

This is a session that will be presented in the upcoming ApacheCon US 2007: http://us.apachecon.com/us2007/program/talk/2003

This session will show how to use Eclipse IDE with WTP 2.0 & Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in v2.0 for developing, deploying, testing and debugging Java EE 5 applications on Geronimo 2.0. The following topics are covered in this session:
1) Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Java EE App Development on Geronimo, including starting/stopping of Geronimo server from within Eclipse.
2) Developing a simple Java EE application (consisting of a few JSPs, Servlet, Session & JPA Entities) from scratch, and deploying & testing it on the Geronimo server, and
3) Debugging the Java EE application using Eclipse Debugger.

Session material can be downloaded from here: