Uses of Class

Packages that use KeystoreException   

Uses of KeystoreException in

Methods in that throw KeystoreException
protected  KeystoreInstance BaseCAHandler.createCAKeystoreInstance(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, String password)
          This methods creates CA's keystore using KeystoreManager.

Uses of KeystoreException in org.apache.geronimo.console.keystores

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.console.keystores that throw KeystoreException
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.createKeyPair(String alias, String keyPassword, String keyAlgorithm, int keySize, String signatureAlgorithm, int validity, String commonName, String orgUnit, String organization, String locality, String state, String country)
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.deleteEntry(String alias)
 String BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.generateCSR(String alias)
 Certificate BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.getCertificate(String alias)
 Map BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.getFingerprints()
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.importPKCS7Certificate(String alias, String pkcs7cert)
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.importTrustCert(String fileName, String alias)
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.lockUse()
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.unlockEdit(char[] password)
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.unlockPrivateKey(String alias, char[] keyPassword)
 void BaseKeystoreHandler.KeystoreData.unlockUse(char[] password)

Uses of KeystoreException in

Methods in that throw KeystoreException
 SSLSocketFactory SSLConfig.createSSLFactory(ClassLoader loader)
          Create an SSLServerSocketFactory instance for creating server-side SSL connections.
 SSLServerSocketFactory SSLConfig.createSSLServerFactory(ClassLoader loader)
          Create an SSLSocketFactory instance for creating client-side SSL connections.

Uses of KeystoreException in

Subclasses of KeystoreException in
 class KeyIsLocked
          Exception indicating that the private key you tried to do something with is locked.
 class KeyNotFoundException
          Exception indicating that the private key you tried to retrieve does not exist.
 class KeystoreIsLocked
          Exception indicating that the keystore you tried to do something with is locked.

Methods in that throw KeystoreException
 KeystoreInstance KeystoreManager.createKeystore(String name, char[] password)
          Creates a new, empty keystore.
 SSLContext KeystoreManager.createSSLContext(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
 SSLSocketFactory KeystoreManager.createSSLFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a SocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 SSLSocketFactory KeystoreManager.createSSLFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a SocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 SSLServerSocketFactory KeystoreManager.createSSLServerFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a ServerSocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 void KeystoreInstance.deleteEntry(String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Deletes a key from this Keystore.
 String KeystoreInstance.generateCSR(String alias, char[] storePassword)
 void KeystoreInstance.generateKeyPair(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] keyPassword, String keyAlgorithm, int keySize, String signatureAlgorithm, int validity, String commonName, String orgUnit, String organization, String locality, String state, String country)
          Generates a new private key and certificate pair in this keystore.
 Certificate KeystoreInstance.getCertificate(String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Gets a particular certificate from the keystore.
 String KeystoreInstance.getCertificateAlias(Certificate cert, char[] storePassword)
          Gets the alias corresponding to the given certificate.
 Certificate[] KeystoreInstance.getCertificateChain(String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Gets a particular certificate chain from the keystore.
 KeyManager[] KeystoreInstance.getKeyManager(String algorithm, String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Gets a KeyManager for a key in this Keystore.
 PrivateKey KeystoreInstance.getPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] keyPassword)
          Gets the private key with the specified alias.
 TrustManager[] KeystoreInstance.getTrustManager(String algorithm, char[] storePassword)
          Gets a TrustManager for this keystore.
 String[] KeystoreInstance.getUnlockedKeys(char[] storePassword)
          Gets the aliases for all the private keys that are currently unlocked.
 void KeystoreInstance.importPKCS7Certificate(String alias, String certbuf, char[] storePassword)
 void KeystoreInstance.importTrustCertificate(Certificate cert, String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Adds a certificate to this keystore as a trusted certificate.
 boolean KeystoreInstance.isTrustStore(char[] storePassword)
          Checks whether this keystore can be used as a trust store (e.g. has at least one trust certificate).
 String[] KeystoreInstance.listPrivateKeys(char[] storePassword)
          Gets the aliases of all private key entries in the keystore
 String[] KeystoreInstance.listTrustCertificates(char[] storePassword)
          Gets the aliases of all trusted certificate entries in the keystore.
 void KeystoreInstance.lockKeystore(char[] password)
          Clears any saved password, meaning this keystore cannot be used by other server components.
 void KeystoreInstance.lockPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Clears any saved password for the specified private key, meaning this key cannot be used for a socket factory by other server components.
 void KeystoreInstance.unlockKeystore(char[] password)
          Saves a password to access the keystore as a whole.
 void KeystoreInstance.unlockPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] keyPassword)
          Saves a password to access a private key.

Uses of KeystoreException in

Methods in that throw KeystoreException
 KeystoreInstance FileKeystoreManager.createKeystore(String name, char[] password)
 SSLContext FileKeystoreManager.createSSLContext(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a ServerSocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 SSLSocketFactory FileKeystoreManager.createSSLFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a SocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 SSLSocketFactory FileKeystoreManager.createSSLFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a SocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 SSLServerSocketFactory FileKeystoreManager.createSSLServerFactory(String provider, String protocol, String algorithm, String keyStore, String keyAlias, String trustStore, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a ServerSocketFactory using one Keystore to access the private key and another to provide the list of trusted certificate authorities.
 void FileKeystoreInstance.deleteEntry(String alias, char[] storePassword)
 String FileKeystoreInstance.generateCSR(String alias, char[] storePassword)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.generateKeyPair(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] keyPassword, String keyAlgorithm, int keySize, String signatureAlgorithm, int validity, String commonName, String orgUnit, String organization, String locality, String state, String country)
 Certificate FileKeystoreInstance.getCertificate(String alias, char[] storePassword)
          Gets a particular certificate from the keystore.
 String FileKeystoreInstance.getCertificateAlias(Certificate cert, char[] storePassword)
 Certificate[] FileKeystoreInstance.getCertificateChain(String alias, char[] storePassword)
 KeyManager[] FileKeystoreInstance.getKeyManager(String algorithm, String alias, char[] storePassword)
 PrivateKey FileKeystoreInstance.getPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] keyPassword)
          Gets the private key with the specified alias.
 TrustManager[] FileKeystoreInstance.getTrustManager(String algorithm, char[] storePassword)
 String[] FileKeystoreInstance.getUnlockedKeys(char[] storePassword)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.importPKCS7Certificate(String alias, String certbuf, char[] storePassword)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.importTrustCertificate(Certificate cert, String alias, char[] storePassword)
 boolean FileKeystoreInstance.isTrustStore(char[] storePassword)
 String[] FileKeystoreInstance.listPrivateKeys(char[] storePassword)
 String[] FileKeystoreInstance.listTrustCertificates(char[] storePassword)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.lockKeystore(char[] password)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.lockPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.unlockKeystore(char[] password)
 void FileKeystoreInstance.unlockPrivateKey(String alias, char[] storePassword, char[] password)

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