
Interface Summary
GeronimoCallerPrincipal This is a marker interface used to indicate that a particular principal should be returned from getCallerPrincipal().

Class Summary
CertificateChainLoginModule An example LoginModule that reads a list of credentials and group from a file on disk.
CertificatePropertiesFileLoginModule An example LoginModule that reads a list of credentials and group from a file on disk.
FileAuditLoginModule Writes audit records to a file for all authentication activity.
GeronimoGroupPrincipal A principal that represents a group for the login modules distributed with Geronimo.
GeronimoPasswordCredentialLoginModule GeronimoPasswordCredentialLoginModule stores the user name and password in a GeronimoPasswordCredential.
GeronimoPropertiesFileMappedPasswordCredentialLoginModule GeronimoPropertiesFileMappedPasswordCredentialLoginModule adds NamedUsernamePasswordCredentials to the Subject.
GeronimoUserPrincipal A principal that represents a user for the login modules distributed with Geronimo.
LDAPLoginModule LDAPLoginModule is a login module using ldap as an authentication store.
PropertiesFileLoginModule A LoginModule that reads a list of credentials and group from files on disk.
RepeatedFailureLockoutLoginModule Tracks the number of recent login failures for each user, and starts rejecting login attemps if the number of failures in a certain period for a particular user gets too high.
SQLLoginModule A login module that loads security information from a SQL database.

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