Arthur implementation provides org.apache.geronimo.arthur.impl.nativeimage.ArthurNativeImageExecutor
which executes the extensions and run native-image
By itself implementation module will miss a class finder and a JSON serializer. You will likely want to add these dependencies to be able to use it in standalone mode - maven plugin does it for you:
Once you have that you can create a Jsonb
instance to serialize the model and an AnnotationFinder
to let Context#finder
be implemented:
try (final Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create(new JsonbConfig()
.setProperty("johnzon.cdi.activated", false)
.withPropertyOrderStrategy(PropertyOrderStrategy.LEXICOGRAPHICAL))) {
final AnnotationFinder finder = new AnnotationFinder(createScannedArchive());
// finder.link() if you want to use findImplementations()
new ArthurNativeImageExecutor(
.implementationFinder(p -> Collection.class.cast(finder.findImplementations(p)))
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} finally {
The implementation module also contains the building block to install GraalVM locally.
It is based on org.apache.geronimo.arthur.impl.nativeimage.installer.SdkmanGraalVMInstaller
The high level mecanism is to download it from an URL and cache it locally (archive + exploded folder).
For that it needs an "extractor" implementation which supports tar.gz
on linux and zip
on windows/cygwin.
You can use the provided Extractor
class but then you need to add commons-compress
Once done the usage is pretty straigh forward:
final Path cache = Paths.get("cached-graal.tar.gz");
final Path workdir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).resolve("graal_work_dir");
final SdkmanGraalVMInstallerConfiguration config = SdkmanGraalVMInstallerConfiguration.builder()
// use built-in commons-compress based extractor, alternative you can do an exec of tar command if preferred
.extractor(new Extractor()::unpack)
// hardcoded cache
.resolver(gav -> cache)
.installer((gav, file) -> Files.copy(file, cache))
final SdkmanGraalVMInstaller graalInstaller = new SdkmanGraalVMInstaller(config);
final Path graalHome = graalInstaller.install();
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