Java Developer Kit (JDK)
You will need a JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or compatible JDK to build GShell. It is recommended you use SUN's implementation, or something compatible like Apples implementation. Other JDK vendors implementations may work, but use at your own risk.
Newer JDK versions (like for Java 6) may or may not work... use at your own risk 
Apache Maven 2
To execute the build process you need to have Apache Maven version 2.0.5
(or newer) installed.
To check if your installation is working and you have the required minimum version run:
And it should produce something like:
To fetch the source code for GShell, you will need to have a Subversion client version 1.2 (or newer, 1.4 is recommended) installed.
Checkout Sources