
Copy legal files for inclusion into generated jars.

Mojo Attributes :

  • Requires a Maven 2.0 project to execute.
  • Automatically executes within the lifecycle phase: validate

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
outputDirectory File Directory to copy legal files into.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description
ant AntHelper No description.
fileset DirectoryScanner The set of legal files to be copied. Default fileset includes: LICENSE[.txt], NOTICE[.txt] and DISCLAIMER[.txt].
strict boolean When set to true, fail the build when no legal files are found. Default value is false.

Parameter Details


No Description.

  • Type : org.codehaus.mojo.pluginsupport.ant.AntHelper
  • Required : No


The set of legal files to be copied. Default fileset includes: LICENSE[.txt], NOTICE[.txt] and DISCLAIMER[.txt].

  • Type : org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner
  • Required : No


Directory to copy legal files into.

  • Type :
  • Required : Yes
  • Expression : ${}/META-INF


When set to true, fail the build when no legal files are found.

  • Type : boolean
  • Required : No
  • Default : false