Uses of Class

Packages that use NNTPReply

Uses of NNTPReply in org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.nntp

Fields in org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.nntp declared as NNTPReply
protected  NNTPReply NNTPConnection.lastServerResponse

Methods in org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.nntp that return NNTPReply
 NNTPReply NNTPConnection.getReply()
          Get a reply line for an NNTP command.
 NNTPReply NNTPConnection.selectGroup(String name)
          Tell the server to switch to a named group.
 NNTPReply NNTPConnection.sendAuthCommand(String data)
          Send a command to the server, returning the first response line back as a reply.
 NNTPReply NNTPConnection.sendCommand(String data)
          Send a command to the server, returning the first response line back as a reply.
 NNTPReply NNTPConnection.sendCommand(String command, int success)
          Issue a command and retrieve the response.

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