Interface SessionManager

public interface SessionManager

Represents a local SessionManager.

A local SessionManager works collaboratively with remote SessionManagers to manage Session instances. A local SessionMananger along with its associated remote SessionManagers are a single space where Session instances live. In this space, each Session is ensured to have a unique sessionId. This contract is enforced during creation of a Session instance by a local SessionManager. A Session in this space is preemptively migrated from one local SessionManager to another. The interposition of a ClusteredInvocation between a Client and the Session he wants to access ensures that at any point in time a Session is uniquely instantiated once cluster wide. Clients can receive migration callbacks via the registration of SessionListener.

Method Summary
 Session createSession(String sessionId)
          Creates a Session having the specified sessionId.
 Node getNode()
          Gets the Node hosting this local SessionManager.
 void registerListener(SessionListener listener)
          Registers a migration listener.
 void unregisterListener(SessionListener listener)
          Unregisters a migration listener.

Method Detail


Session createSession(String sessionId)
                      throws SessionAlreadyExistException
Creates a Session having the specified sessionId.

sessionId - Unique identifier of the Session instance.
Session instance.
SessionAlreadyExistException - Thrown when the provided sessiondId already exists in the Session space of this local SessionManager and its associated remote SessionManagers.


void registerListener(SessionListener listener)
Registers a migration listener.


void unregisterListener(SessionListener listener)
Unregisters a migration listener.


Node getNode()
Gets the Node hosting this local SessionManager.

Hosting Node.

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