Uses of Class

Packages that use Message

Uses of Message in javax.mail

Methods in javax.mail that return Message
abstract  Message[] Folder.expunge()
          Permanently delete all supplied messages that have the DELETED flag set from the Store.
 Message MessageContext.getMessage()
          Return the message that contains the content; if the Part is a Multipart then recurse up the chain until a Message is found.
abstract  Message Folder.getMessage(int index)
          Retrieve the message with the specified index in this Folder; messages indices start at 1 not zero.
 Message UIDFolder.getMessageByUID(long uid)
 Message[] Folder.getMessages()
          Retrieve all messages.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int[] ids)
          Retrieve messages with the specified indices.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int start, int end)
          Retrieve messages with index between start and end inclusive
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long[] ids)
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long start, long end)
abstract  Message Message.reply(boolean replyToAll)
          Create a new message suitable as a reply to this message with all headers set up appropriately.
 Message[] term)
          Search this folder for messages matching the supplied search criteria.
 Message[] term, Message[] messages)
          Search the supplied messages for those that match the supplied criteria; messages must belong to this folder.

Methods in javax.mail with parameters of type Message
abstract  void Folder.appendMessages(Message[] messages)
          Append the supplied messages to this folder.
 void Folder.copyMessages(Message[] messages, Folder folder)
          Copy the specified messages to another folder.
 void Folder.fetch(Message[] messages, FetchProfile profile)
          Hint to the store to prefetch information on the supplied messaged.
 long UIDFolder.getUID(Message message)
protected  void Folder.notifyMessageAddedListeners(Message[] messages)
protected  void Folder.notifyMessageChangedListeners(int type, Message message)
protected  void Folder.notifyMessageRemovedListeners(boolean removed, Message[] messages)
protected  void Transport.notifyTransportListeners(int type, Address[] validSent, Address[] validUnsent, Address[] invalid, Message message)
 Message[] term, Message[] messages)
          Search the supplied messages for those that match the supplied criteria; messages must belong to this folder.
static void Transport.send(Message message)
          Send a message to all recipient addresses it contains (as returned by getAllRecipients()) using message transports appropriate for each address.
static void Transport.send(Message message, Address[] addresses)
          Send a message to all addresses provided irrespective of any recipients contained in the message itself using message transports appropriate for each address.
abstract  void Transport.sendMessage(Message message, Address[] addresses)
          Send a message to the supplied addresses using this transport; if any of the addresses are invalid then a SendFailedException is thrown.
 void Folder.setFlags(Message[] messages, Flags flags, boolean value)
          Set flags on the messages to the supplied value; all messages must belong to this folder.

Uses of Message in javax.mail.event

Fields in javax.mail.event declared as Message
protected  Message MessageChangedEvent.msg
protected  Message TransportEvent.msg
          The message associated with this event.
protected  Message[] MessageCountEvent.msgs
          The affected messages.

Methods in javax.mail.event that return Message
 Message MessageChangedEvent.getMessage()
          Return the affected message.
 Message TransportEvent.getMessage()
 Message[] MessageCountEvent.getMessages()
          Return the affected messages.

Constructors in javax.mail.event with parameters of type Message
MessageChangedEvent(Object source, int type, Message message)
MessageCountEvent(Folder folder, int type, boolean removed, Message[] messages)
          Construct a new event.
TransportEvent(Transport transport, int type, Address[] validSent, Address[] validUnsent, Address[] invalid, Message message)
          Construct a new event,

Uses of Message in javax.mail.internet

Subclasses of Message in javax.mail.internet
 class MimeMessage

Methods in javax.mail.internet that return Message
 Message MimeMessage.reply(boolean replyToAll)

Uses of Message in

Methods in with parameters of type Message
 boolean AndTerm.match(Message message)
          Match by applying the terms, in order, to the Message and performing an AND operation to the result.
 boolean BodyTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean FlagTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean FromStringTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean FromTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean HeaderTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean MessageIDTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean MessageNumberTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean NotTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean OrTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean ReceivedDateTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean RecipientStringTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean RecipientTerm.match(Message message)
abstract  boolean SearchTerm.match(Message message)
          Checks a matching criteria defined by the concrete subclass of this Term.
 boolean SentDateTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean SizeTerm.match(Message message)
 boolean SubjectTerm.match(Message message)

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