Uses of Class

Packages that use MessagingException

Uses of MessagingException in javax.mail

Subclasses of MessagingException in javax.mail
 class AuthenticationFailedException
 class FolderClosedException
 class FolderNotFoundException
 class IllegalWriteException
 class MessageRemovedException
 class MethodNotSupportedException
 class NoSuchProviderException
 class ReadOnlyFolderException
 class SendFailedException
 class StoreClosedException

Methods in javax.mail that throw MessagingException
 void Multipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Add a part to the end of the list.
 void Multipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part, int pos)
          Insert a part into the list at a designated point; all subsequent parts move down
abstract  void Message.addFrom(Address[] addresses)
          Add multiple addresses to the "From" header.
 void Part.addHeader(String name, String value)
 void Message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType type, Address address)
          Add a recipent of a specified type.
abstract  void Message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Add recipents of a specified type.
abstract  void Folder.appendMessages(Message[] messages)
          Append the supplied messages to this folder.
 void Service.close()
          Close this service and terminate its physical connection.
abstract  void Folder.close(boolean expunge)
          Close this folder; it must already be open.
 void Service.connect()
          A generic connect method that takes no parameters allowing subclasses to implement an appropriate authentication scheme.
 void Service.connect(String host, int port, String user, String password)
          Connect to the specified host at the specified port using a simple username/password authenticaion scheme.
 void Service.connect(String host, String user, String password)
          Connect to the specified host using a simple username/password authenticaion scheme and the default port.
 void Folder.copyMessages(Message[] messages, Folder folder)
          Copy the specified messages to another folder.
abstract  boolean Folder.create(int type)
          Create a new folder capable of containing subfoldera and/or messages as determined by the type parameter.
abstract  boolean Folder.delete(boolean recurse)
          Delete this folder and possibly any subfolders.
abstract  boolean Folder.exists()
          Check to see if this folder physically exists in the store.
abstract  Message[] Folder.expunge()
          Permanently delete all supplied messages that have the DELETED flag set from the Store.
 void Folder.fetch(Message[] messages, FetchProfile profile)
          Hint to the store to prefetch information on the supplied messaged.
 Enumeration Part.getAllHeaders()
 Address[] Message.getAllRecipients()
          Get all recipients of this message.
 BodyPart Multipart.getBodyPart(int index)
          Get the specified part; numbering starts at zero.
 BodyPart MultipartDataSource.getBodyPart(int index)
 Object Part.getContent()
 String Part.getContentType()
 int Multipart.getCount()
          Return the number of enclosed parts
 DataHandler Part.getDataHandler()
abstract  Folder Store.getDefaultFolder()
          Retutn a Folder object that represents the root of the namespace for the current user.
 int Folder.getDeletedMessageCount()
          Return the numbew of messages in this folder that have the Flag.DELETED flag set.
 String Part.getDescription()
 String Part.getDisposition()
 String Part.getFileName()
abstract  Flags Message.getFlags()
          Return a copy the flags associated with this message.
abstract  Folder Folder.getFolder(String name)
          Get the Folder determined by the supplied name; if the name is relative then it is interpreted relative to this folder.
abstract  Folder Store.getFolder(String name)
          Return the Folder corresponding to the given name.
 Folder Session.getFolder(URLName name)
          Return a closed folder for the supplied URLName, or null if it cannot be obtained.
abstract  Folder Store.getFolder(URLName name)
          Return the folder identified by the URLName; the URLName must refer to this Store.
abstract  Address[] Message.getFrom()
          Return the "From" header indicating the identity of the person who the message is from; in some circumstances this may be different to the actual sender.
 String[] Part.getHeader(String name)
 InputStream Part.getInputStream()
 int Part.getLineCount()
 Enumeration Part.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
abstract  Message Folder.getMessage(int index)
          Retrieve the message with the specified index in this Folder; messages indices start at 1 not zero.
 Message UIDFolder.getMessageByUID(long uid)
abstract  int Folder.getMessageCount()
          Return the number of messages this folder contains.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages()
          Retrieve all messages.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int[] ids)
          Retrieve messages with the specified indices.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int start, int end)
          Retrieve messages with index between start and end inclusive
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long[] ids)
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long start, long end)
 int Folder.getNewMessageCount()
          Return the numbew of messages in this folder that have the Flag.RECENT flag set.
 Enumeration Part.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
abstract  Folder Folder.getParent()
          Return the parent for this folder; if the folder is at the root of a heirarchy this returns null.
 Folder[] Store.getPersonalNamespaces()
          Return the root folders of the personal namespace belonging to the current user.
abstract  Date Message.getReceivedDate()
          Return the date this message was received.
abstract  Address[] Message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type)
          Get all recipients of the given type.
 Address[] Message.getReplyTo()
          Get the addresses to which replies should be directed.
abstract  Date Message.getSentDate()
          Return the date that this message was sent.
abstract  char Folder.getSeparator()
          Return the character used by this folder's Store to separate path components.
 Folder[] Store.getSharedNamespaces()
          Return the root folders of namespaces that are intended to be shared between users.
 int Part.getSize()
abstract  String Message.getSubject()
          Get the subject for this message.
abstract  int Folder.getType()
          Return the type of this folder, indicating whether it can contain subfolders, messages, or both.
 long UIDFolder.getUID(Message message)
 long UIDFolder.getUIDValidity()
 int Folder.getUnreadMessageCount()
          Return the numbew of messages in this folder that do not have the Flag.SEEN flag set.
 URLName Folder.getURLName()
          Return the URLName for this folder, which includes the location of the store.
 Folder[] Store.getUserNamespaces(String user)
          Return the root folders of the personal namespaces belonging to the supplied user.
abstract  boolean Folder.hasNewMessages()
          Check to see if this Folder conatins messages with the Flag.RECENT flag set.
 boolean Part.isMimeType(String mimeType)
 boolean Message.isSet(Flags.Flag flag)
          Check whether the supplied flag is set.
 Folder[] Folder.list()
          Convenience method that invokes Folder.list(String) with the pattern "%".
abstract  Folder[] Folder.list(String pattern)
          Return a list of folders from this Folder's namespace that match the supplied pattern.
 Folder[] Folder.listSubscribed()
          Convenience method that invokes Folder.listSubscribed(String) with the pattern "%".
 Folder[] Folder.listSubscribed(String pattern)
          Return a list of folders to which the user is subscribed and which match the supplied pattern.
 boolean Message.match(SearchTerm term)
          Apply the specified search criteria to this message
abstract  void mode)
          Open this folder; the folder must be able to contain messages and must currently be closed.
protected  boolean Service.protocolConnect(String host, int port, String user, String password)
          Attempt the protocol-specific connection; subclasses should override this to establish a connection in the appropriate manner.
 boolean Multipart.removeBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Remove the supplied part from the list.
 void Multipart.removeBodyPart(int index)
          Remove the specified part; all others move down one
 void Part.removeHeader(String name)
abstract  boolean Folder.renameTo(Folder newName)
          Rename this folder; the folder must be closed.
abstract  Message Message.reply(boolean replyToAll)
          Create a new message suitable as a reply to this message with all headers set up appropriately.
abstract  void Message.saveChanges()
          To ensure changes are saved to the store, this message should be invoked before its containing folder is closed.
 Message[] term)
          Search this folder for messages matching the supplied search criteria.
 Message[] term, Message[] messages)
          Search the supplied messages for those that match the supplied criteria; messages must belong to this folder.
static void Transport.send(Message message)
          Send a message to all recipient addresses it contains (as returned by Message.getAllRecipients()) using message transports appropriate for each address.
static void Transport.send(Message message, Address[] addresses)
          Send a message to all addresses provided irrespective of any recipients contained in the message itself using message transports appropriate for each address.
abstract  void Transport.sendMessage(Message message, Address[] addresses)
          Send a message to the supplied addresses using this transport; if any of the addresses are invalid then a SendFailedException is thrown.
 void Part.setContent(Multipart content)
 void Part.setContent(Object content, String type)
 void Part.setDataHandler(DataHandler handler)
 void Part.setDescription(String description)
 void Part.setDisposition(String disposition)
 void Part.setFileName(String name)
 void Message.setFlag(Flags.Flag flag, boolean set)
          Set a flag to the supplied value.
abstract  void Message.setFlags(Flags flags, boolean set)
          Set the flags specified to the supplied value; flags not included in the supplied Flags parameter are not affected.
 void Folder.setFlags(int[] ids, Flags flags, boolean value)
          Set flags on a set of messages to the supplied value.
 void Folder.setFlags(int start, int end, Flags flags, boolean value)
          Set flags on a range of messages to the supplied value.
 void Folder.setFlags(Message[] messages, Flags flags, boolean value)
          Set flags on the messages to the supplied value; all messages must belong to this folder.
abstract  void Message.setFrom()
          Set the "From" header for this message to the value of the "mail.user" property, of if that property is not set, to the value of the system property ""
abstract  void Message.setFrom(Address address)
          Set the "From" header to the supplied address.
 void Part.setHeader(String name, String value)
protected  void Multipart.setMultipartDataSource(MultipartDataSource mds)
          Initialize this multipart object from the supplied data source.
 void Message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType type, Address address)
          Set the list of recipients for the specified type to a single address.
abstract  void Message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Set the list of recipients for the specified type.
 void Message.setReplyTo(Address[] addresses)
          Set the addresses to which replies should be directed.
abstract  void Message.setSentDate(Date sent)
          Set the date this message was sent.
abstract  void Message.setSubject(String subject)
          Set the subject of this message
 void Folder.setSubscribed(boolean subscribed)
          Set the user's subscription to this folder.
 void Part.setText(String content)
abstract  void Multipart.writeTo(OutputStream out)
          Encode and write this multipart to the supplied OutputStream; the encoding used is determined by the implementation.
 void Part.writeTo(OutputStream out)

Uses of MessagingException in javax.mail.internet

Subclasses of MessagingException in javax.mail.internet
 class AddressException
 class ParseException

Methods in javax.mail.internet that throw MessagingException
 void MimeMessage.addFrom(Address[] addresses)
          Add a set of addresses to the existing From header.
 void MimeBodyPart.addHeader(String name, String value)
 void MimeMessage.addHeader(String name, String value)
          Add a new value to an existing header.
 void MimeBodyPart.addHeaderLine(String line)
 void MimeMessage.addHeaderLine(String line)
 void MimePart.addHeaderLine(String line)
 void MimeMessage.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] address)
          Add a list of addresses to a target recipient list.
 void MimeMessage.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String address)
          Add an address to a target recipient list by string name.
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMessage.createInternetHeaders(InputStream in)
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMultipart.createInternetHeaders(InputStream in)
protected  MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.createMimeBodyPart(InputStream in)
protected  MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.createMimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] data)
static InputStream MimeUtility.decode(InputStream in, String encoding)
static OutputStream MimeUtility.encode(OutputStream out, String encoding)
          Wrap an encoder around a given output stream.
static OutputStream MimeUtility.encode(OutputStream out, String encoding, String filename)
          Wrap an encoder around a given output stream.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getAllHeaderLines()
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getAllHeaderLines()
 Enumeration MimePart.getAllHeaderLines()
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getAllHeaders()
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getAllHeaders()
          Retrieve the complete list of message headers, as an enumeration.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getAllRecipients()
          Retrieve all of the recipients defined for this message.
 BodyPart MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(int part)
 BodyPart MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(String cid)
 Object MimeBodyPart.getContent()
 Object MimeMessage.getContent()
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentID()
          Retrieve the value of the "Content-ID" header.
 String MimeMessage.getContentID()
          Retrieve the value of the "Content-ID" header.
 String MimePart.getContentID()
 String[] MimeBodyPart.getContentLanguage()
 String[] MimeMessage.getContentLanguage()
 String[] MimePart.getContentLanguage()
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentMD5()
 String MimeMessage.getContentMD5()
 String MimePart.getContentMD5()
protected  InputStream MimeBodyPart.getContentStream()
protected  InputStream MimeMessage.getContentStream()
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentType()
 String MimeMessage.getContentType()
          Returns the current content type (defined in the "Content-Type" header.
 int MimeMultipart.getCount()
 DataHandler MimeBodyPart.getDataHandler()
 DataHandler MimeMessage.getDataHandler()
 String MimeBodyPart.getDescription()
 String MimeMessage.getDescription()
 String MimeBodyPart.getDisposition()
          Retrieve the message "Content-Disposition" header field.
 String MimeMessage.getDisposition()
          Retrieve the message "Content-Disposition" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getEncoding()
          Retrieves the current value of the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header.
 String MimeMessage.getEncoding()
          Decode the Content-Transfer-Encoding header to determine the transfer encoding type.
 String MimePart.getEncoding()
 String MimeBodyPart.getFileName()
 String MimeMessage.getFileName()
 Flags MimeMessage.getFlags()
 Address[] MimeMessage.getFrom()
          Get the message "From" addresses.
 String[] MimeBodyPart.getHeader(String name)
 String[] MimeMessage.getHeader(String name)
          Retrieve all headers that match a given name.
 String MimeBodyPart.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
 String MimeMessage.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get all headers that match a particular name, as a single string.
 String MimePart.getHeader(String header, String delimiter)
 InputStream MimeBodyPart.getInputStream()
 InputStream MimeMessage.getInputStream()
 int MimeBodyPart.getLineCount()
 int MimeMessage.getLineCount()
          Retrieve the line count for the current message.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimePart.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getMatchingHeaders(String[] name)
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
 String MimeMessage.getMessageID()
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimePart.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] name)
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
 InputStream MimeBodyPart.getRawInputStream()
 InputStream MimeMessage.getRawInputStream()
 Date MimeMessage.getReceivedDate()
          Get the message received date.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type)
          Gets the recipients by type.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getReplyTo()
          Get the ReplyTo address information.
 Address MimeMessage.getSender()
          Return the "Sender" header as an address.
 Date MimeMessage.getSentDate()
          Get the value of the "Date" header field.
 int MimeBodyPart.getSize()
          Return the content size of this message.
 int MimeMessage.getSize()
          Return the content size of this message.
 String MimeMessage.getSubject()
          Returns the value of the "Subject" header.
 boolean MimeBodyPart.isMimeType(String type)
          Tests to see if this message has a mime-type match with the given type name.
 boolean MimeMessage.isMimeType(String type)
          Tests to see if this message has a mime-type match with the given type name.
 boolean MimeMessage.isSet(Flags.Flag flag)
 void InternetHeaders.load(InputStream in)
          Read and parse the supplied stream and add all headers to the current set.
protected  void MimeMultipart.parse()
protected  void MimeMessage.parse(InputStream in)
          Parse the supplied stream and initialize MimeMessage.headers and MimeMessage.content appropriately.
 void MimeBodyPart.removeHeader(String name)
 void MimeMessage.removeHeader(String name)
          Remove a header with the given name.
 Message MimeMessage.reply(boolean replyToAll)
 void MimeMessage.saveChanges()
          Saves any changes on this message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContent(Multipart part)
 void MimeMessage.setContent(Multipart part)
 void MimeBodyPart.setContent(Object content, String type)
 void MimeMessage.setContent(Object content, String type)
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentID(String cid)
 void MimeMessage.setContentID(String cid)
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
 void MimeMessage.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
 void MimePart.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentMD5(String md5)
 void MimeMessage.setContentMD5(String md5)
 void MimePart.setContentMD5(String content)
 void MimeBodyPart.setDataHandler(DataHandler handler)
 void MimeMessage.setDataHandler(DataHandler handler)
 void MimeBodyPart.setDescription(String description)
 void MimeMessage.setDescription(String description)
 void MimeBodyPart.setDescription(String description, String charset)
 void MimeMessage.setDescription(String description, String charset)
 void MimeBodyPart.setDisposition(String disposition)
          Set a new dispostion value for the "Content-Disposition" field.
 void MimeMessage.setDisposition(String disposition)
          Set a new dispostion value for the "Content-Disposition" field.
 void MimeBodyPart.setFileName(String name)
 void MimeMessage.setFileName(String name)
 void MimeMessage.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set or clear a flag value.
 void MimeMessage.setFrom()
          Set the "From" header using the value returned by InternetAddress.getLocalAddress(javax.mail.Session).
 void MimeMessage.setFrom(Address address)
          Set the current message "From" recipient.
 void MimeBodyPart.setHeader(String name, String value)
 void MimeMessage.setHeader(String name, String value)
          Set a new value for a named header.
 void MimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Set a recipients list for a particular recipient type.
 void MimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String address)
          Set a recipient field to a string address (which may be a list or group type).
 void MimeMessage.setReplyTo(Address[] address)
          Set the Reply-To field to the provided list of addresses.
 void MimeMessage.setSender(Address address)
          Set the "Sender" header.
 void MimeMessage.setSentDate(Date sent)
          Set the message sent date.
 void MimeMessage.setSubject(String subject)
          Set the value for the "Subject" header.
 void MimeMessage.setSubject(String subject, String charset)
 void MimeMultipart.setSubType(String subtype)
 void MimeBodyPart.setText(String text)
 void MimeMessage.setText(String text)
 void MimePart.setText(String text)
 void MimeBodyPart.setText(String text, String charset)
 void MimeMessage.setText(String text, String charset)
 void MimePart.setText(String text, String charset)
protected  void MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders()
protected  void MimeMessage.updateHeaders()
          Update the internet headers so that they make sense.
protected  void MimeMultipart.updateHeaders()
 void MimeBodyPart.writeTo(OutputStream out)
 void MimeMessage.writeTo(OutputStream out)
          Write the message out to a stream in RFC 822 format.
 void MimeMultipart.writeTo(OutputStream out)
 void MimeMessage.writeTo(OutputStream out, String[] ignoreHeaders)
          Write the message out to a target output stream, excluding the specified message headers.

Constructors in javax.mail.internet that throw MessagingException
InternetHeaders(InputStream in)
          Create a new InternetHeaders initialized by reading headers from the stream.
MimeBodyPart(InputStream in)
MimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content)
MimeMessage(Folder folder, InputStream in, int number)
          Create a MimeMessage by reading an parsing the data from the supplied stream.
MimeMessage(Folder folder, InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content, int number)
          Create a MimeMessage with the supplied headers and content.
MimeMessage(MimeMessage message)
          Copy a MimeMessage.
MimeMessage(Session session, InputStream in)
          Create a MimeMessage by reading an parsing the data from the supplied stream.
MimeMultipart(DataSource dataSource)
          Create a MimeMultipart from the supplied DataSource.

Uses of MessagingException in

Subclasses of MessagingException in
 class SearchException

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