Uses of Class

Packages that use NoSuchProviderException

Uses of NoSuchProviderException in javax.mail

Methods in javax.mail that throw NoSuchProviderException
 Provider Session.getProvider(String protocol)
          Return the provider for a specific protocol.
 Store Session.getStore()
          Return a Store for the default protocol defined by the property.
 Store Session.getStore(Provider provider)
          Return the Store specified by the given provider.
 Store Session.getStore(String protocol)
          Return a Store for the specified protocol.
 Store Session.getStore(URLName url)
          Return a Store for the protocol specified in the given URL
 Transport Session.getTransport()
          Return a Transport for the default protocol specified by the mail.transport.protocol property.
 Transport Session.getTransport(Address address)
          Return a transport for the protocol associated with the type of this address.
 Transport Session.getTransport(Provider provider)
          Return the Transport specified by a Provider
 Transport Session.getTransport(String protocol)
          Return a Transport for the specified protocol.
 Transport Session.getTransport(URLName name)
          Return a transport for the protocol specified in the URL.
 void Session.setProvider(Provider provider)
          Make the supplied Provider the default for its protocol.

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