Uses of Class

Uses of SOAPException in javax.xml.soap

Methods in javax.xml.soap that throw SOAPException
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addAttribute(Name name, String value)
          Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPBody SOAPEnvelope.addBody()
          Creates a SOAPBody object and sets it as the SOAPBody object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
 SOAPBodyElement SOAPBody.addBodyElement(Name name)
          Creates a new SOAPBodyElement object with the specified name and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(Name name)
          Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(SOAPElement element)
          Add a SOAPElement as a child of this SOAPElement instance.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(String localName)
          Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given String object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(String localName, String prefix)
          Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the specified local name and prefix and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
          Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the specified local name, prefix, and URI and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object.
 Detail SOAPFault.addDetail()
          Creates a Detail object and sets it as the Detail object for this SOAPFault object.
 DetailEntry Detail.addDetailEntry(Name name)
          Creates a new DetailEntry object with the given name and adds it to this Detail object.
 SOAPBodyElement SOAPBody.addDocument(Document document)
          Adds the root node of the DOM Document to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPFault SOAPBody.addFault()
          Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPFault SOAPBody.addFault(Name faultCode, String faultString)
          Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPFault SOAPBody.addFault(Name faultCode, String faultString, Locale locale)
          Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPHeader SOAPEnvelope.addHeader()
          Creates a SOAPHeader object and sets it as the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
 SOAPHeaderElement SOAPHeader.addHeaderElement(Name name)
          Creates a new SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified name and adds it to this SOAPHeader object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(String prefix, String uri)
          Adds a namespace declaration with the specified prefix and URI to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addTextNode(String text)
          Creates a new Text object initialized with the given String and adds it to this SOAPElement object.
abstract  SOAPMessage request, Object endpoint)
          Sends the given message to the specified endpoint and blocks until it has returned the response.
abstract  void SOAPConnection.close()
          Closes this SOAPConnection object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElementFactory.create(Name name)
          Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(javax.xml.soap.Name) instead
 SOAPElement SOAPElementFactory.create(String localName)
          Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName) instead
 SOAPElement SOAPElementFactory.create(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
          Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName, String prefix, String uri) instead
abstract  SOAPConnection SOAPConnectionFactory.createConnection()
          Create a new SOAPConnection.
abstract  Detail SOAPFactory.createDetail()
          Creates a new Detail object which serves as a container for DetailEntry objects.
abstract  SOAPElement SOAPFactory.createElement(Name name)
          Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name object.
abstract  SOAPElement SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName)
          Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given local name.
abstract  SOAPElement SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
          Create a new SOAPElement object with the given local name, prefix and uri.
abstract  SOAPMessage MessageFactory.createMessage()
          Creates a new SOAPMessage object with the default SOAPPart, SOAPEnvelope, SOAPBody, and SOAPHeader objects.
abstract  SOAPMessage MessageFactory.createMessage(MimeHeaders mimeheaders, InputStream inputstream)
          Internalizes the contents of the given InputStream object into a new SOAPMessage object and returns the SOAPMessage object.
 Name SOAPEnvelope.createName(String localName)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name.
abstract  Name SOAPFactory.createName(String localName)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name.
 Name SOAPEnvelope.createName(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI.
abstract  Name SOAPFactory.createName(String localName, String prefix, String uri)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI.
 SOAPBody SOAPEnvelope.getBody()
          Returns the SOAPBody object associated with this SOAPEnvelope object.
abstract  Object AttachmentPart.getContent()
          Gets the content of this AttachmentPart object as a Java object.
abstract  Source SOAPPart.getContent()
          Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object.
abstract  DataHandler AttachmentPart.getDataHandler()
          Gets the DataHandler object for this AttachmentPart object.
abstract  SOAPEnvelope SOAPPart.getEnvelope()
          Gets the SOAPEnvelope object associated with this SOAPPart object.
 SOAPHeader SOAPEnvelope.getHeader()
          Returns the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
 Object SOAPMessage.getProperty(String property)
          Retrieves value of the specified property.
abstract  int AttachmentPart.getSize()
          Returns the number of bytes in this AttachmentPart object.
 SOAPBody SOAPMessage.getSOAPBody()
          Gets the SOAP Body contained in this SOAPMessage object.
 SOAPHeader SOAPMessage.getSOAPHeader()
          Gets the SOAP Header contained in this SOAPMessage object.
static MessageFactory MessageFactory.newInstance()
          Creates a new MessageFactory object that is an instance of the default implementation.
static SOAPConnectionFactory SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance()
          Creates an instance of the default SOAPConnectionFactory object.
static SOAPElementFactory SOAPElementFactory.newInstance()
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of SOAPElementFactory.
static SOAPFactory SOAPFactory.newInstance()
          Creates a new instance of SOAPFactory.
abstract  void SOAPMessage.saveChanges()
          Updates this SOAPMessage object with all the changes that have been made to it.
abstract  void SOAPPart.setContent(Source source)
          Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data from the given Source object.
 void SOAPElement.setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle)
          Sets the encoding style for this SOAPElement object to one specified.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultActor(String faultActor)
          Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault actor.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultCode(Name name)
          Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultCode(String faultCode)
          Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultString(String faultString)
          Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultString(String faultString, Locale locale)
          Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string and localized to the given locale.
 void Node.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
          Sets the parent of this Node object to the given SOAPElement object.
 void SOAPMessage.setProperty(String property, Object value)
          Associates the specified value with the specified property.
abstract  void SOAPMessage.writeTo(OutputStream out)
          Writes this SOAPMessage object to the given output stream.

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