Apache Geronimo Committers
The people listed below have made significant contributions to Geronimo by working long and hard to make quality software for the rest of the world to use.
In addition to being commmitters, some of the following people are also members of the Project Management Committee (PMC). Refer to the How the ASF works for details on meritocracy.
If you would like to contribute to Geronimo, please check the Get Involved page to see how you can contribute.
Name | Organization | PMC Member |
Aaron Mulder | Chariot Solutions | |
Alan Cabrera | | 
Alexy Petrenko | | |
Anita Kulshreshtha | | 
Ashish Jain | IBM | |
Bruce Snyder | SpringSource | 
B.J. Reed | IBM | |
Christian Schneider | | |
Christopher J. Blythe | IBM | |
Christopher M. Cardona | IBM | |
Dain Sundstrom | | 
Dan Lu "Viola" | IBM | |
Darren Middleman | | |
Davanum Srinivas | IBM | 
David Blevins | IBM | 
David Jencks | IBM | 
Donald Woods (dwoods) | IBM | 
Erik B. Craig | IBM | |
Geir Magnusson Jr. | Intel | 
Gianny D'Amour | | 
Greg Wilkins | Mortbay | |
Guillaume Nodet | IONA | 
Hai Hong Xu "Ivan" | IBM | 
Hernan Cunico | | 
Hiram Chirino | IONA | 
Hong Fang Han "Janet" | IBM | |
Jacek Laskowski | | |
James Strachan | IONA | 
Jan Bartel | Mortbay | 
Jarek Gawor | IBM | 
Jason Dillon | | 
Jason van Zyl | | |
Jason Warner | IBM | |
Jay D. McHugh | | 
Jean-Louis Monteiro | | |
Jeff Genender | Savoir Technologies | 
Jeremy Boynes | | |
Joe Bohn | IBM | |
John D. Ament | |  |
John R. Sisson | | 
Jules Gosnell | | 
Jun Jie Cai "Jack" | IBM | |
Kevan Miller | | |
Ken Coar | IBM | 
Lars Kuhne | | |
Lei SO Wang "Rex" | IBM | 
Lin Quan Jiang "Shawn" | IBM | 
Lin Sun | IBM | 
Manu George | IBM | |
Mark DeLaFranier | | |
Matt R. Hogstrom | | |
Ming Xai "Forrest" | IBM | 
Paul McMahan | IBM | 
Prasad Kashyap | IBM | 
Rakesh Midha | | |
Rick McGuire | | |
Romain Manni-Bucau | | Chair |
Run Hua Chi "Jeff" | IBM | |
Sachin P. Patel | IBM | 
Shiva Kumar H R | IBM | 
Srinath Perera | | |
Ted Kirby | IBM | |
Tim McConnell | IBM | 
Vamsavardhana Reddy Chillakuru | IBM | 
Viet Nguyen | IBM | |
Xuan Dai "Delos" | IBM | 
Yun Feng Ma | IBM | |