Found a Bug?
If you think you've found a problem with Geronimo, there are several ways to proceed.
Security Vulnerabilities
For security related issues, like reporting undisclosed vulnerabilities, please visit the Security Reports page.
General User Questions and Bugs
You can begin by raising the issue on the Geronimo User mailing list (see Mailing Lists).
You can also search JIRA, our issue-tracking system, to see if the problem has already been noted. If the issue is not listed there, you can open a new JIRA issue describing it. Please include detailed steps to reproduce the problem and try to attach logs, cmdline output and sample code and/or deployment plans depending on the issue.
If you have a fix to contribute, you can generate a patch file to attach to a JIRA. You need to check out the current source code from Subversion (see Source Code), make the necessary changes, and then do a full build with all tests enabled and make sure the server still starts and runs as expected and of course, confirm that the problem is actually fixed. Then go to the base directory of your Geronimo checkout, and run a command like svn diff > fix-for-my-bug.patch
to generate a patch file.
Geronimo Server Activity
Issues Resolved Recently
JIRA Issues Macro: Unable to locate JIRA server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Issues Opened Recently
JIRA Issues Macro: Unable to locate JIRA server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.