Apache Geronimo v1.1.1 - Released September 18, 2006
Downloads are provided for both Windows and Unix (including Linux, Mac OS X) operating systems. Each Geronimo package includes one of two possible Web containers, Tomcat or Jetty. Please choose the download with your preferred Web container in the name. Both Tomcat and Jetty are fully supported in Geronimo. For more background on each, please see the Tomcat home page and the Jetty home page.
Apache Geronimo v1.1.1 Release Notes
J2EE 1.4 Certified Releases
Download Sample applications
This distribution of Apache Geronimo includes a Web container and a subset of other modules of Geronimo. This is not a Java EE 5 compliant server and is appealing for users that desire a smaller footprint with specific functionality. Both Tomcat and Jetty are fully supported in Little-G.
You can also retrieve the source files from our svn
repository by typing
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/tags/1.1.1/
Change log
Issues, Features and Improvements fixed in this release.
JIRA Issues Macro: The JIRA server returned a trusted apps error: USER_UNKNOWN; Unknown User: {0}; ["cxf-export-user"]